Jennifer Kyle's Reviews> Darkfever

Darkfever by Karen Marie Moning
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bookshelves: para-dystopian-sci-fi-fantasy

”Accept Alina’s death? Never.”


MacKayla is living the life in Georgia basking in the sun, bartending in the evenings when tragedy strikes her sister who is studying abroad in Dublin, Ireland. Mac wants justice. Armed with a message that leaves so many questions she embarks on her mission…

”Everything has gone so wrong…I thought I was in love…he’s one of them…we’ve got to find the Sinsar Dubh, everything depends on it…we can’t let them have it…he’s been lying to me all along. "

Mac finds that Dublin has more to offer than the nightlife. She encounters monsters of all kinds and one mysterious book shop owner who is very interested in her new found talents. They strike a bargain…

”We have information to exchange. You want to know what it is. I want to know what you know about it.”

"If he was winter, I was summer. If I was sunshine, he was night. A dark and stormy one.

Mac finds that she has powers and Jericho uses her abilities to his benefit while providing protection for our Georgia Peach. I have a feeling that I have currently fallen for the wrong love interest but V’lane was HOT!!!


Overall, this was a good start to a paranormal series that I’m assuming will get better with each installment. I’m looking forward to Mac growing into her dark hair and her new found self.

”What do you want to be, Ms. Lane? Survivor or victim?”

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Reading Progress

June 14, 2012 – Shelved
September 6, 2014 – Started Reading
September 8, 2014 –
September 8, 2014 – Finished Reading
October 10, 2014 – Shelved as: para-dystopian-sci-fi-fantasy

Comments Showing 1-46 of 46 (46 new)

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Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog How is this one Babes???

Jennifer Kyle Patty❤️❤️Belongs To❤️Kellan Kyle❤️AND❤️Jesse Ward❤️❤️ wrote: "How is this one Babes???"

Didn't get far but good - I saw series has new one coming January figured I would be ready xx

Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog Enjoy.
I want to get to this some time.;)

Jennifer Kyle Patty❤️❤️Belongs To❤️Kellan Kyle❤️AND❤️Jesse Ward❤️❤️ wrote: "Enjoy.
I want to get to this some time.;) "

I'm not far if you want to join me:D New book January it appears:D

Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog There are as many books as BDB!!
Have fun babes!! LOL

Brandi Awesome review, Jen! xo:)

Raquel Awesome review Jennifer! Love this series!

message 9: by [deleted user] (new)

Wonderful review, Jennifer!!

Jennifer Kyle Brandi wrote: "Awesome review, Jen! xo:)"

Thanks so much B!!! <3

Jennifer Kyle Raquel wrote: "Awesome review Jennifer! Love this series!"

Thanks so much Raquel!! I'll definitely be continuing xx

Jennifer Kyle ~♥~Cathy~♥~ wrote: "Wonderful review, Jennifer!!"

Thanks Cathy!!:DDD

message 13: by Jasmine (new) - added it

Jasmine Lovely review as always Jen!! ♥♥ Am intrigued by this PRN read, glad you enjoyed!:)

Jennifer Kyle Jasmine wrote: "Lovely review as always Jen!! ♥♥ Am intrigued by this PRN read, glad you enjoyed!:)"

Thanks Jasmine! I figured I would try looks like a new book comes this January:D

*J* Too Many Books Too Little Time Terrific review Jenn-babe!

Veronika Gorgeous review, Jennifer! I loved this series and Barrons of course.:)

message 17: by Jill (new) - rated it4stars

Jill I can't express how amazing this series is. One of my top 5 favorites. And Barrons is one of my top 3 bbf. Looking forward to reading the rest of your reviews.

message 18: by Marina (new) - rated it5stars

Marina can't wait for your reviews this is my number one series to be reread! So excited for January!

Lady Vigilante (Feifei) Amazing review Jennifer!! <33

Carol (StarAngel's Reviews) Allen Love your review Jennifer! I hope you enjoy the series... xo

Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  Awesome review Jennifer <33

Jennifer Kyle Marina wrote: "can't wait for your reviews this is my number one series to be reread! So excited for January!"

WOw no.1 series I will definitely keep going:DD Which is your fav? I'll do next book this week:D

Jennifer Kyle Lady Vigilante (Feifei) wrote: "Amazing review Jennifer!! <33"

Thanks Feifei!! xo

Jennifer Kyle Carol (StarAngel's Reviews) wrote: "Love your review Jennifer! I hope you enjoy the series... xo"

Thanks so much Carol! Excited to see what happens next:D

Jennifer Kyle Pavlina loves Dex ❤❤ wrote: "Awesome review Jennifer <33"

Thanks Palvina!! xo

message 26: by Didi (new) - rated it5stars

Didi Great review Jennifer! Yes! This series gets better and better!! One of my all time faves, just witness my moniker!;))

message 27: by Jeanne (new) - rated it4stars

Jeanne Great review, Jennifer! Love that pic of V'lane:)

message 28: by Saffron (new)

Saffron Awesome review Jen!:)

message 29: by Rachel (new) - rated it5stars

Rachel  L Amazing review Jennifer! I LOVE this series, it gets better with every book!

Jennifer Kyle Didi wrote: "Great review Jennifer! Yes! This series gets better and better!! One of my all time faves, just witness my moniker!;))"

Wow okay I promise I will continue!! Did you read The Fae Chronicles I like that series and has similar creatures lol

Jennifer Kyle Jeanne wrote: "Great review, Jennifer! Love that pic of V'lane:)"

Thanks Jeanne! I hope he gets some play- he's yum lol

Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog Fantastic review Babes!!
Love your art work!!
That last quote!! HOLY CRAP!! LOL

Jennifer Kyle Patty❤️❤️Belongs To❤️Kellan Kyle❤️AND❤️Jesse Ward❤️❤️ wrote: "Fantastic review Babes!!
Love your art work!!
That last quote!! HOLY CRAP!! LOL
xoxoxo "

Thanks Patty!! I can wait for you if you wanted to jump in and we can do next together lol:D xxoo

Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog I thought this was about vampires
Didn't realize it was about FAEs!!
I still can't grasp the concept that Faeries are hot!!

Mallory Love your review, Jennifer! This series is awesome.

message 36: by Marina (new) - rated it5stars

Marina Can't really think of a favorite..when I reread emotional I just go ahead and read them all! As the series goes on I love how Mac changes and grows to be the woman she is.

Jennifer Kyle Patty❤️❤️Belongs To❤️Kellan Kyle❤️AND❤️Jesse Ward❤️❤️ wrote: "I thought this was about vampires
Didn't realize it was about FAEs!!
I still can't grasp the concept that Faeries are hot!! "

Fae Chronicles taught me that Faeries are very hot so I'm all sorts of openminded hahah xx

Jennifer Kyle Mallory wrote: "Love your review, Jennifer! This series is awesome."

Thanks so much Mallory!!!:DD

Jennifer Kyle Marina wrote: "Can't really think of a favorite..when I reread emotional I just go ahead and read them all! As the series goes on I love how Mac changes and grows to be the woman she is."

Thanks Marina! I'm excited to see the changes in all the characters:DD

message 40: by Christy (new)

Christy Awesome review, Jen! Another series I really need to read soon! xo

message 41: by Kristen (new) - added it

Kristen I still have to read this series. I hear it's fabulous. xoxo

Jx PinkLady Reviews ♡ Fabulous review! xx

message 43: by Mysza (new) - added it

Mysza Terrific review Jennifer!

Christine Wallflower & Dark Romance Junkie Lovely review, Jennifer♥

destini FAB review, Jennifer!! xox

message 46: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer Ok gonna sound silly but what does your Jericho shelf mean? Lol I'm about to start this book I think and I noticed that shelf & I see it a lot:)

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