Brent's Reviews> Eragon

Eragon by Christopher Paolini
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's review

it was amazing

i learned that this book kicks butt i mean common ppl you see this explosion in a forest gather up the guts to go see what it was and its a hue piece of saphire (or is it?) well then eragon goes around trying to sell it because his family is poor but know one wants it because it came out of the spine! (for those that dont know what te spine is its a collection of mountians only the brave go in but only the lucky come out) i seen the movie and i literally wanted to send a P.O. email to him i swear he didnt get one thing right. first of all its not a burn with a spiraling dragon its a scale on his palm.. seocndly the dragon took moths togrow so instead of making this newborn fly into the sky and then amazingly come down all grown up yeaa what a piece of crap the movie was.. but third thing is about how brom says that rajak is tough and both movie and book and it takes forever for them to kill the rajak in the book but brom and eragon goes and takes them out within 10 minutes after saying that.. totally contradicting thierself.. and the director cut so many places out of it he didnt even introduse the witch.. who was a big character in second book... i mean did the director even read the book i want a god foresaken remake of the move its nothing like the book i hated the movie loved the book... god will thier ever be a smart director or do you consist of bringing idiots to hollywood grrrr.


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Comments Showing 1-20 of 20 (20 new)

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message 1: by Dave (last edited Aug 26, 2016 04:27AM) (new) - rated it2stars

Dave How did the Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope similiarities get past your review?

message 2: by Lexi (new) - added it

Lexi N i tottaly agree with you the movie cut somuch out that athe movie cant even compete with it

message 3: by Kim (new) - rated it5stars

Kim So true! If they actually decide to make a movie out of Eldest, I don't want to see if it's going to be like Eragon. I wonder how Christopher Paolini responded when he saw how they mutilated his story...

Nicole yeah I wonder how they're gonna do the second movie when they haven't introduced the witch yet...she can't just show up without having played a part before.
I agree with you--I haven't seen the movie, but some of my friends who loved the book have seen it and they each spent a couple hours venting to me about how the movies were absolutely ruined.

Taylor I agree.The movie was a piece of crap.First of all,I don't remember that in the book there were any soldiers in Carvahal.Second of all,it was Eragon who chose Saphira's name,not her.And third of all,Durza never had a beast.

message 6: by Taylor (last edited May 30, 2009 02:24AM) (new) - rated it5stars

Taylor Well,in,this girl named Hali,asked a similar question,and Christopher Paolini answered'The movie is an adaptation of my book by the folks at Fox. How they depict the characters is their interpretation of my work.'

Nicole Yes, I agree, the characters in the movie are by their nature interpretations made by the producers from the depictions in the book, but they still must follow certain guidelines laid out by the book. From what I hear about the movie, it doesn't even do that. In that regard, Christopher Paolini is right in his remark, but he has fallen extremely short of the purpose of turning a book into a movie.

message 8: by katani (new)

katani martinez yeah the book is great to some people and that might include me!

Taylor Ummmmmmmmm,Katani,you can't neven talk about the book because your christian,so why did you put that.You don't neven know what the book is about,well,only a little bit of it.

message 10: by Harle (new) - rated it5stars

Harle Paolini didn't direct the movie, obviously. I'm sure that a lot of things would have been changed if he did, but you can't blame him for the mistakes a director made.

message 11: by [deleted user] (new)

What was with the space ships, the hobbits, the villain with asthma, and all that other crap? Oh wait! I'm talking about the wrong films...or am I?!

Larissa Okay, first I have to say... What the HELL does being Christian have to do with not being able to read Eragon? I'm a proud Christian and I own, yes OWN all four books! So there is NO reason why a Christian (Unless underage with very strict parents) should not be able to do anything that you're allowed to do.

So, um, yeah. (:

Anyway, back on topic... I can't believe Christopher Paolini agreed to let the producers make a movie! The movie absolutely BUTCHERED the book's reputation. I'm extremely upset that there are rumors out that yet ANOTHER Eragon movie for the book Eldest is coming out this year. (Hopefully won't.)
What ticked me off about the movie was the inaccuracy. Example: The book says Arya has black hair. Fox makes her a blonde. *shakes fist* CURSE YOU FOX!

Anyways, I've vented enough. xD

Kay, bye.

message 13: by Kris (new) - rated it5stars

Kris i agree with 100% the bitch ass mo fo that directed and made the movie totoally ruined any chance of the sequals being made. making arya a human killing the razac and other such mistakes. if i ever win the lottery or come by millions some how i will invest on a remake of the movie franchise

message 14: by Cleanova (new) - added it

Cleanova  Førever The movie made me barf my ass off

message 15: by Phil (new)

Phil Smith This book appears to be appropriate for your level of literary comprehension.

message 16: by Ben (new) - rated it1star

Ben Whiting If you are going to wright a lengthy review of this rubbish, please learn to wright first.

message 17: by Carly (new) - rated it5stars

Carly this is the greatest review of all time

message 18: by Ali (new)

Ali 1. please use ACTUAL english
2. Eragon isn't poor. HE HAS HIS OWN ROOM! Most "poor families" only had one or two rooms.
3. Eragon lacks any emotion. What would you do if you heard an explosion in the middle of the woods?
You would probably run for help or investigate, right? But the only thing Eragon cares about are his deer. Dangit stupid magical explosion, scaring of the deer! I am SO glad he didn't make a Brick 5.

Stephen Jirasek Movie was a POS and Books were Amazing.

message 20: by Jacoby (new) - rated it5stars

Jacoby Coutant Do you even english

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