Luís's Reviews> My Childhood

My Childhood by Maxim Gorky
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bookshelves: recommendations, 2021-readings, e-4, english-editions, russian-literature, biography, maxim-gorky

That's the first volume of a trilogy recounting the author's childhood and youthful memories. Fatherless, abandoned by his mother, he tells about his miserable childhood with his grandparents. His grandfather is a brutal, tyrannical, often drunk man who terrorizes those around him even if we feel he loves his grandson. Her grandmother is a good but weak woman, passive, fatalistic, bigoted, of great tenderness, of immense love for her little Alyosha. The daily life of all these poor people is made up of misery, misfortune, and violence. They suffer so much that each new casualty is a "distraction"! Alyosha grows up and becomes resourceful, naughty, and cheerful, but there is deep sadness in his heart. When his mother dies, he has to earn a living as a rag picker, which he tells in "By winning my bread."
Lenin and Stalin made Gorky the favorite writer of the new regime while not appreciating his work, for several reasons, in my opinion. First of all, there is undoubtedly a misguided bourgeois. Still, the popular class is far from being idealized as among the Communists (and Christians, too, for that matter); the misery which overwhelms them develops common passions (savagery, avarice.) It also drives away from the "positive proletarian." Then, Gorky has faith in man but believes more in progress due to an internal struggle, culture, and ideology. If he collaborated with the Soviet regime in the cultural field, the Communists had a dual attitude toward culture.
On the one hand, they disseminated it and tried to liberate the people. Still, they were also wary of it because, according to them, they were associating with the bourgeoisie. Finally, its novels are Russian, bathed in religiosity; they refer to "Eternal Russia," far from building a new world, and "from the past, let's make a clean sweep."

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Reading Progress

November 25, 2020 – Shelved as: to-read
November 25, 2020 – Shelved
November 25, 2020 – Shelved as: recommendations
March 16, 2021 – Started Reading
March 16, 2021 –
page 24
10.26% "I stood outside in the yard, which was just as unpleasant: all around it hung huge wet rags, and it was full of tubs containing oily-looking water, all different colours. Pieces of cloth were being dipped into them. In one corner, under a ramshackle lean-to, wood burnt fiercely in a stove. (...)"
March 16, 2021 –
page 59
25.21% "Grandmother had flattened herself against the floor and was pinching Ivan's face, his head and his chest, breathing into his eyes and rubbing his hands. All the candles were knocked over. (...)"
March 17, 2021 –
page 90
38.46% "After she had kissed me and left me, I left unbearably miserable. I jumped out of the wide, soft, warm bed and went to the window. As I gazed down into the empty street, I suddenly felt numb and helpless with hopeless despair."
March 17, 2021 –
page 131
55.98% "Just out of malice, I broke a spoon and was duly punished.
And this was the end of my first friendship with one of that innumerable company of people who are foreigners in their own country, but who are in reality its finest sons... "
March 17, 2021 –
page 172
73.5% "The meal, as usual on Sundays, was interminable and heavy, and my grandparents and mother didn't seem the same people who half an hour before had been shouting at each other, were at each other's throats and were all tears and sobbing. And I couldn't believe any longer that all this was in earnest and that tears came hard to them. (...)"
March 17, 2021 –
page 217
92.74% "Life is always surprising us - not by its rich, seething layer of bestial refuse - but by the bright, healthy and creative human powers of goodness that are forever forcing their way up through it. It is those powers that awaken our indestructible hope that a brighter, better and more humane life will once again be reborn."
March 18, 2021 – Finished Reading
March 20, 2021 – Shelved as: 2021-readings
December 24, 2021 – Shelved as: e-4
March 6, 2022 – Shelved as: english-editions
September 1, 2023 – Shelved as: russian-literature
September 1, 2023 – Shelved as: biography
April 17, 2024 – Shelved as: maxim-gorky

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