Rat's Reviews> The Third Man & The Fallen Idol

The Third Man & The Fallen Idol by Graham Greene
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really liked it

A gem tucked in the back of my edition of The Third Man.

In many respects, The Fallen Idol is a "better" work than The Third Man- the fact that it WAS intended as a piece of literature is incredibly apparent, this one had more of a "point" and was surprisingly poignant, and is incredibly cohesive, making an acknowledgable mark in just four chapters. However, it just didn't hold as much intrigue for me and I cared less for the setting. I do really like this novella though, i just have a slight feeling that the contents wouldn't be hurt if condensed into an essay.

Looking forward to wathing Carol Reed's (The Third Man) film adaptation which I'm informed by the introduction to the story is practically alien to the book.

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message 1: by Rat (new) - rated it4stars

Rat This seems like an incredibly negative 4 star review but i must stress: i did really like this novella.

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