Layla's Reviews> A Vow So Bold and Deadly

A Vow So Bold and Deadly by Brigid Kemmerer
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bookshelves: fairytale-retellings, fantasy

~ 3 stars ~

This was pretty disappointing and definitely not the ending I wanted, and from what I gather from talking with other people, not the ending many people wanted.

I loved how it was setting up. I thought the plot was interesting and much better developed than the first two. It had more of a purpose and the pov's were more evenly balanced. Though that initial satisfaction didn't last too long I quite enjoyed it overall, same with the writing. It was a fast read, and I sped through it. But unfortunately it was not as good as the first two overall, and was just a let down. It could have done so much, it could have chosen so many different paths, but it chose the one that made the least sense.

The climax and downfall, and the entire ending in general was underhwlemig and unsatisfactory on many levels. Lot's of filler content, and it should have taken less time with the unnecessary and more time building the intensity for the fall of the villian. It should have focused a bit more on the conflict, so that when the climax happens it feels like it. I didn't mind the buildup at first, but it got tiering after a while. And once the climaxdidhappen, it happened too fast, and before I knew it, the book was over.

This is not a terrible book, but quite mediocre. And I do not think it is redeemable, no matter if there is some sort of spin off or novella, though if there was one, I would read it. I wish this could have been a great finale to an overall solid series, but it was not.

Reviews for the first two books:

A Curse So Dark and Lonely

A Heart So Fierce and Broken


I've literaly been waiting for a copy to be available at the library for over a month because one of my 2021 goals is to not buy anymore books until I read at least half of my unread ones, and now it FINALLY is ready!

I'm both really excited and scared to start, just looking at all the mixed reviews I've seen.
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Reading Progress

January 29, 2021 – Shelved
January 29, 2021 – Shelved as: to-read
March 14, 2021 – Started Reading
March 14, 2021 –
page 0
0.0% "I just had to Google translate the dedication. Well, that's kind of embarrassing."
March 15, 2021 –
page 68
16.67% "Thoughts:
• I love Grey, but I don't think he should be King. There, I said it. I have a solution to this dilemma though, but it involves death, so I'll refrain from sharing.
• The angst between Harper and Rhen is real.
• I'm more interested in reading about those two. We litterly spent a whole book not knowing what was happening on their side and the aftermath. I miss them.
• Lilith is a pain in the ass. "
March 16, 2021 –
page 260
63.73% "I know I said before that Lilith is a pain in the ass, but she's really pushing it. Yet I think that's to the advantage of the plot, which I think is setting up better than the first two. But things could go downhill from here, so I'm not holding my breathe."
March 16, 2021 – Finished Reading
March 19, 2021 – Shelved as: fairytale-retellings
January 19, 2023 – Shelved as: fantasy

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