Judah's Reviews> A Warrior's Choice

A Warrior's Choice by Erin Hunter
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Blackfoot's Reckoning was my favorite of the three, as it offered the most new material and character insight. I enjoyed getting some insight to a cat who had done some genuinely horrible things! I think the format of the novella was really great, as well; it worked a lot better than if they had, eg, had 9 disconnected snippets of his life and ended with his leader ceremony.

Daisy's Kin was sweet, as I like Daisy and appreciated the chance to learn more about her. I don't have much else to say about it!

Spotfur's Rebellion was the weakest of the bunch imo, which is sad because she is my favorite of these three characters. It was basically the story we already knew from TBC, but told from a different viewpoint without adding much new information. I liked the first few chapters most, because they were about a period in her life we hadn't seen yet (her apprenticeship), and I actually felt like they included some really cute characterization moments.

I liked it more than some other warriors books I've read lately [coughtbc5cough], but still only 3 stars because even the best warriors book is only of middling quality compared to the other stuff I read, lol.

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Reading Progress

May 1, 2021 – Started Reading
May 3, 2021 – Shelved
May 3, 2021 – Finished Reading

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