Danielle The Book Huntress 's Reviews> Darkfever

Darkfever by Karen Marie Moning
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Darkfever took me on a very dark ride, but I enjoyed myself immensely. Ms. Moning delivers with her concept of the Fae, and with this story of the inception of a young woman's crusade to find out who murdered her sister and why. Along with Mac, I was thrown to the wolves, exposed to the cruel, ruthless, and extremely scary nature of the Fae. I am very interested in stories that show Faeries not as the cute, glittery sprites that dance around flowers and giggle in high-pitched voices, but the otherworldly type, who view humans as objects to be used and discarded, when they aren't ignored as beneath their notice. Call me weird, I guess. If I am, then Ms. Moning and I am on the same wavelength here.

Mac was a very interesting character. She seemed shallow and immature, but she wasn't. I saw her evolve very quickly as a person, and show that underneath the pink nails, perfect blonde hair, and always coordinated fashions, there was a strong woman who could hold her own. I am very close to my sister, and this book hit home with me. I can't imagine how Mac would have felt, and I don't want to. Having your sister be alive and then the next, horribly murdered. That is an awful place to be in. And to find out about your hidden heritage as a sidhe-seer, and that the Fae are ruthless, cruel and dangerous beings, and you might be one of the few who can stand against them if they decide to take over the world. Wow! Just wow! I'd say she stood up great under all that pressure.

And Barrons. I had heard about the guy. He was even better than I expected. Erudite, cultured, dangerously intelligent, powerful, good-looking, and with a hidden agenda and nature that kept me intrigued. He's manipulative and cuttingly sarcastic, but he saves Mac's life and gives her shelter, and even better, helps her to find the means to survive in a world that doesn't make a bit of sense, and to come into her destiny as a power sidhe-seer. Oh, and he owns a bookstore, a really nice one. That's another plus. I was thinking he was like Giles from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, with a little bad boy thrown in for flavor. But my mother nailed it, as she often does! He's actually like Wesley, well Bad Wesley (after he betrays Angel and gets his throat cut). She is so right, and I loved the comparison, since I adore Wesley (good/nerdy and Bad/dangerous Wesley both). Anyway, Barrons....Loved him! I thought that there was a great dynamic between Barrons and Mac, sort of a sensei/student, sidekick, antagonistic partner/frenemies, and could be something more (with the tons of sexual chemistry between them).

I've been a fan of Ms. Moning for years, since I've read most of her Highlander books, but I have to say that this book really cements my admiration for her. She writes the Fae very, very well (beautiful/ugly, otherworldly, and very dangerous), and she managed to write a story that engaged me on many levels. There were the dark elements, the humor, the appeal of an ancient, foreign city that was so exquisitely described in the narrative, a likeable heroine who had depths, and I was able to see evolve in a good way over the course of the book, a fantastic antihero, bad boy like Barrons calling my name, and very scary, intense adversaries. This book was primo. I have definitely gotten the Fever, and I want more!

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Quotes Danielle The Book Huntress Liked

Karen Marie Moning
“I love books, by the way, way more than movies. Movies tell you what to think. A good book lets you choose a few thoughts for yourself. Movies show you the pink house. A good book tells you there's a pink house and lets you paint some of the finishing touches, maybe choose the roof style,park your own car out front. My imagination has always topped anything a movie could come up with. Case in point, those darned Harry Potter movies. That was so not what that part-Veela-chick, Fleur Delacour, looked like.”
Karen Marie Moning, Darkfever

Karen Marie Moning
“Last night you said you wanted to know what to expect so you could better select your attire. I told you we were going to visit a vampire in a Goth-den tonight. Why, then, Ms. Lane, do you look like a perky rainbow?”
Karen Marie Moning, Darkfever

Karen Marie Moning
“Barrons laughed again." And there, my dear Fio, you make one of Womankind's greatest mistakes: Falling in love with a man's potential. We so rarely share the same view of it, and even more rarely care to achieve it. Stop pining for the man you think I could be -- and take a good, long, hard look at the one I am.”
Karen Marie Moning, Darkfever

Reading Progress

December 19, 2008 – Shelved
December 30, 2009 – Shelved as: faerie
December 30, 2009 – Shelved as: part-of-a-series
December 30, 2009 – Shelved as: urban-fantasy
November 27, 2010 – Started Reading
November 29, 2010 –
page 154
44.38% "I am a sick woman, because I love Barrons, even though he's kind of an a-hole.:)"
November 30, 2010 –
page 221
November 30, 2010 – Shelved as: favorite-or-autobuy-author
November 30, 2010 – Shelved as: favorites
November 30, 2010 – Shelved as: kickbutt-heroine
November 30, 2010 – Shelved as: fashionista
November 30, 2010 – Shelved as: scary-sexy-cool-dangerous-hero
November 30, 2010 – Shelved as: hero-to-die-for
November 30, 2010 – Shelved as: very-dark-read
November 30, 2010 – Shelved as: set-in-ireland
November 30, 2010 – Finished Reading
December 1, 2010 – Shelved as: antihero
December 1, 2010 – Shelved as: heroine-i-adore
March 9, 2011 – Shelved as: owned-copy

Comments Showing 1-50 of 68 (68 new)

message 1: by Anne (new) - rated it4stars

Anne I lovelovelove this series, Danielle!

 Danielle The Book Huntress Love it so far!

message 3: by Anne (new) - rated it4stars

Anne Yay!

message 4: by Meow (new) - rated it4stars

Meow These books are wallbangers!

 Danielle The Book Huntress But in a good way, huh?:)

Michelle  novelsontherun OOO Barrons!!! Karen wrote the most brilliant series here. Fever series will keep you guessing. I get all my friends to read this series as..wow!! it is top of my adult list. Look for the teeniest one sentence hints and note them. Book one if you look you will find clues or hints, but oh so subtle. I have my list after book 4 of theories.

Enjoy!! I know you will:D

Yaseena Ooo isn't this a good read? I started this series earlier this year and got hooked. I have to say Mac really irritated me in the first series and she's still has her annoying moments in the rest but the story is so well written and executed that I push forward for love of the plot and of course - Barrons! interested to know what you think!

 Danielle The Book Huntress I'm already sucked in. Me likey Barrons, although he's a jerk.:)

message 9: by Brylit (new)

Brylit Ladies I fell in love with this series, and cannot wait for the last and concluding work.
I waited nearly two years for DREAMFEVER, because it is driving me nuts, figuring out whether Jericho Barrons is an angel or the Devil. Lost in love and can't wait to find out.:) Brylit

 Danielle The Book Huntress Barrons is pretty darn intriguing, Brylit!

message 11: by Gemma (new) - rated it4stars

Gemma I think most of us feel the same!!!

message 12: by Aly (new) - rated it5stars

Aly You'll see Danielle, Barrons will become more and more intriguing and more and more sexy:)

message 13: by Cheryl (new) - rated it4stars

Cheryl I love Barrons too!

message 14: by Anne (new) - rated it4stars

Anne Barrons. Barrons, Barrons, Barrons, Barrons. Whew! Why do I feel warm all of a sudden?

 Danielle The Book Huntress I think you got the Fever!!!! So do I!:)

message 16: by Anne (new) - rated it4stars

Anne *snort* lol!

vale pao LMAO, if you liked book 1 this much you'll be lost with the rest because they are definitely better.

message 18: by Ally72 (new) - rated it5stars

Ally72 Awesome review...I knew you would love it!!!

message 19: by Beanbag (new) - added it

Beanbag Love Great review, Lady D! I think you'll really like Bloodfever, too.

Didn't you think the first encounter with the Grey Man (french fry scene) was one of the creepiest things ever? I read it late at night and I stayed up to read another chapter rather than go to bed with that on my mind!

message 20: by Laura (new) - rated it4stars

Laura lmao, Beanbag!:;shudder::

Lady Danielle, great review, and I'm glad you loved it-you're going to fall into the Moning Maniac group!! Wait til Faefever!

message 21: by AH (new) - rated it5stars

AH Great review, Danielle. I love this series! I can't wait for Shadowfever to come out.

Carolyn G. Oh yeah, I love Barrons too. He is so hot! This is one of my favorite series. Just wait until you read the next books. It gets even better. You are lucky that you waited to read them until now....I've been dying for months waiting until January for the last book to be released.

message 23: by Danielle The Book Huntress (last edited Dec 02, 2010 11:10AM) (new) - rated it5stars

 Danielle The Book Huntress Thanks, Girls!

Bean, that was soooo creepy. I love how well-written it was. I thought KMM was talented when I read her Highlander books; but I am so impressed with the way she wrote this book.

Ally, you know me well. Laurie, I am in the group. I was invited before I read the books. Glad I can truly call myself a member now.:) Carolyn, Barrons is utterly droolworthy! AH, my mother is a big fan and she is so psyched about the new book coming out.

message 24: by Jackie (new) - added it

Jackie I read a few of this series, not in any particular order, and I really enjoy them. I don't usually go in for romance but Moning made me swoon over her hot male characters. All I know is, I'm looking to read them all, LOL

message 25: by Laura (new) - rated it4stars

Laura Lady Danielle "The Book Huntress" wrote: "Thanks, Girls!

Bean, that was soooo creepy. I love how well-written it was. I thought KMM was talented when I read her Highlander books; but I am so impressed with the way she wrote this book.... "

that's soo awesome that your mom likes the FEVER books! My mom would like her Highlanders, but she'd never like the Fever series.

 Danielle The Book Huntress Jackie, I like that this series is a mix of genres. I loved the dark elements in this book, and the sense of risk. I love romance, but I am fine with a good story that keeps my interest and is not a straightforward romance.

Laurie, My mother and I read a lot of the same books. It's pretty cool, once I got past the part of her knowing I was reading some pretty steamy stuff.:)

message 27: by Ally72 (last edited Dec 03, 2010 07:46AM) (new) - rated it5stars

Ally72 Danielle...Isn't that funny that we feel that way about our mothers knowing what we like to read? I know we are the same age and I guess I will never get over that feeling a little bit. I don't think my Mom would like the Fever series as she is more into authors like Jan Karon and Kate Morton.

message 28: by Laura (new) - rated it4stars

Laura Lady D- when I was about 13, my parents took us on the dreaded camping trip that we took every break from school. Luckily the campsite had just gotten a huge donation of Harlequins! So I grabbed a few. My mom told me she had to read them first, but she couldn't keep up with me:D
So I think it's funny that my mom and I both like romances, but I think any pnr or UF wouldn't be her taste

 Danielle The Book Huntress My mother got me reading fairy tales and mythology growing up, so I blame her for my bizarre taste in supernatural stuff. She likes urban fantasy quite a bit. She likes horror as well. It's my mother's fault I read romances b/c I picked up one of her Johanna Lindsey books when I was twelve and it got me started.

Ally, it was weird at first. But, my mom will read more erotic stuff than I do, so I guess it's all good. I gave up on Anita Blake and she still read it past when I stopped, although she gave up after Incubus Dreams too.

Heather I loved your review, especially given your mention of Bad Wesley from Angel. I loved bad Wesley, though I'm not sure I could love anyone as much as Angel. All the same, your mother did nail it:)

 Danielle The Book Huntress Thanks, Heather. I am glad to find another Wesley fan! I was watching Angel last night and musing over my Wesley love. Although Angel is a cool character too.:)

Heather Haha, I just started rewatching all the buffy seasons, then its on on to rewatching angel.

 Danielle The Book Huntress They started showing Buffy on Chiller, and my mother has been supplementing on Netflix, so it spurred me into watching the last few eps of Angel, which I have been afraid to watch b/c of what happens to Wesley.:(

Heather Oh I can't think about it. I tear up at the way he says "I love you" to Ilyria/Fred.

 Danielle The Book Huntress I got spoiled about it, so I'm kind of glad, but I put off watching it for years!

Heather I understand. I was shocked when I saw it for the first time. Whedon has no problem offing characters or leaving viewers with vague endings. I kinda love that about him, but I also hate it too.

Fani *loves angst* Great review Danielle! I only discovered this series myself two months ago and I was shocked to see how good these books were. Glad to see you enjoy them too!

 Danielle The Book Huntress Heather, I watched the last episode of Angel last night. I was seriously underwhelmed. I don't like how Wesley's character ended up. Wesley could have taken that chump! It was pretty anticlimactic and I think Whedon could have done better, personally. Although I didn't like some aspects of the Buffy finale, I thought it was much better done.

Thanks, Fani. I am very pleasantly surprised how much I enjoyed it too.

Heather I can understand your feelings. I thought the ending was fitting. Wesley didn't want to live without Fred, imo, and I think he made a stupid choice to ensure that he didn't. At least he went out a champion. As for the ending of the show, when I first saw it, I thought to myself, "What! That's it?! An abrupt ending?" But the more I thought about it, the more perfect I thought it was. Angel was never going to be able to atone for all that he has done, but he keeps trying anyway. That's what his whole journey has been about. His life work is redemption through fighting evil, so when he went out with that last line "Let's get to work" even when a horde was facing them that would surely overtake them, I thought it rocked.

 Danielle The Book Huntress I like your reasonings, and I can see your point on some of it.

message 41: by Quinn (new) - rated it3stars

Quinn Great review, Danielle. KMM does do an awesome job of describing the Fae. I think Mac irritated me more than you, but I was so happy (and relieved, LOL) to see her growth.

 Danielle The Book Huntress Thanks, Quinn. At first, I wasn't sure about Mac. I think her fashionista air is a facade to keep her sane. Did you like Barrons?:)

message 43: by Quinn (new) - rated it3stars

Quinn Oh yes, Danielle, I did like Barrons. A very intriguing (and dare I say, appealing) character. I'm looking forward to learning more about him.

message 45: by AH (new) - rated it5stars

AH I actually liked Mac in the first book. I like how her character develops. She really isn't a dumb blonde.

Barrons is very intriguing. I've read the first 4 books and still haven't figured him out. Love his character.

Carolyn F. I love this series Danielle. Great review!

 Danielle The Book Huntress Thanks, Carolyn. I can see why it's such a favorite!

Kristen "Kirby" ahhh! You have me so excited to read this now! Next book coming up!:)

 Danielle The Book Huntress Hope you like it, Kristen!

message 50: by Dina (new) - rated it3stars

Dina Fantastic review, Danielle. I'm waiting for the last book to know if there's a HEA in there. If there isn't, I'm afraid I won't be reading this series. I need my HEA!

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