Julio Genao's Reviews> Eragon

Eragon by Christopher Paolini
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as if written by an enthusiastic but tragically over-encouraged teenager with insufferably supportive parents who somehow happen to be well-connected in the publishing indus—wait.


carry on, then.
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May 5, 2012 – Started Reading
May 5, 2012 – Finished Reading
October 29, 2012 – Shelved

Comments Showing 1-29 of 29 (29 new)

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message 1: by Camy (new) - rated it4stars

Camy Lol. Lovely.

message 2: by Julio (new) - rated it1star

Julio Genao :-P thx.

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies This was the best of the series. Trust me, it got way worse.

message 4: by Julio (new) - rated it1star

Julio Genao *defeated sigh*

...I know

message 5: by Tamara (last edited Mar 11, 2014 03:24AM) (new)

Tamara Did he 'borrow' a lot of ideas or did Hollywood fuck up that bad?
I remember a friend and me playing 'guess the book' from the scenes of that movie...

message 6: by Liz (new)

Liz Barnsley Don't most people rave about this one? I havent read it. Not my sort of thing.

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies Yeah but just because everyone loved something doesn't mean it's free from flaws. Look at Twilight.

message 8: by Liz (new)

Liz Barnsley Oh God yes. Twilight was DREADFUL. Although I have a fondness for the movies. No I don't know why,its obviously a fatal flaw in my psyche.

message 9: by Julio (new) - rated it1star

Julio Genao NannyOgg wrote: "Did he 'borrow' a lot of ideas or did Hollywood fuck up that bad?"

it was a dog's dinner of tropes.

terribly obvious and clumsy and... i mean, he was 16 when he wrote it.

talk about stage parents.

message 10: by Ayanna (new)

Ayanna *cough cough* Dragonriders of Pern *cough*

message 11: by Ayanna (new)

Ayanna Though I actually did like the series, before he decided he needed to needlessly extend the last book into two books, creating vast amounts of fillercrap.Though I still liked the way he resolved things with the main villain. The aftermath of that not so much. I thought the Nasuada thing was weird. And the Murtagh thing was weird. And also what the fuck kind of name is Murtagh?

Therese I agree with you short and to-the-point review:-). Maybe my expectations were just too high or maybe I was just too old to read it...or maybe I have just read too much fantasy and that's why this seemed like copy/paste at certain points. I don't know, but I bet I would have loved it when I was 16!

message 13: by Julio (last edited May 05, 2014 10:22PM) (new) - rated it1star

Julio Genao a lot of people did. we all use bits of other things when we create. collective subconscious and whatnot.

but that was just... bad. the hero was bonked on the head and conveniently lost consciousness at the end of fully half of all chapters in the first two books

without, you know, awakening as a concussed idiot at the start of the next chapter, bcuz MURRIKA

Therese july wrote: "a lot of people did. we all use bits of other things when we create. collective subconscious and whatnot.

but that was just... bad. someone the hero was bonked on the head and conveniently lost co... "

I only read the first one...:-) Usually, I always finish a series, but it was just impossible here (however, I must say I gave an extra star due to the age when he wrote this).

I suppose a good editor wouldn't have hurt either.

message 15: by Julio (new) - rated it1star

Julio Genao his parents, supposedly

message 16: by Graham (new) - rated it3stars

Graham Fox Well, that's a little harsh.

message 17: by Julio (new) - rated it1star

Julio Genao harsh? harsh would have been to slice this badboy up like a sunday ham and add gifs to illustrate each offense to my eyeballs.

alas, there were too many; i went for his parents, instead.

and you shouldn't feel sorry for bad writers with movie options. it's upsetting.

Xian Xian read half of the second one and then never went back ever again. It's terrible

message 19: by Julio (new) - rated it1star

Julio Genao so, so bad

message 20: by J.M. (new) - rated it4stars

J.M. Welker I liked the first but then there was a lag in the second. What did you not like about the first? It's been awhile since I've read it

message 21: by Jay (new)

Jay i now how you feel

message 22: by Jay (new)

Jay my name is jay not jon that is my dads name

message 23: by Jay (new)

Jay stupid glitch

message 24: by David (new) - rated it1star

David Brinkerhoff Excellent review. I agree.

message 25: by Sri (new) - rated it5stars

Sri Harsha my ass

message 26: by Mia (new) - added it

Mia You should try writing a better book then that doesn't copy another book.

message 27: by Mir (new)

Mir Mia wrote: "You should try writing a better book then that doesn't copy another book."

He has. BUT, Julio, you have not yet written a parody of Eragon, have you? It could only be better with humor and buttsex, right?