Riley's Reviews> The Stolen Throne

The Stolen Throne by David Gaider
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~slight spoilers(?)~

I still hate Loghain - no, scratch that, I hate him way more then before - and I feel sad for Marric. Marric is a stupid but he did not deserve this. Also Rowan deserved better writing for her character, she was severely underwritten and her ending is just as tragic but without the pathos that it deserved. All in all, it was a decent prequel to the series, and im interested to see where they take the next books, but I'm not looking forward to reading more about suckky boi Loghain the treacherous leech.
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Comments Showing 1-2 of 2 (2 new)

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message 1: by Alexandra (new) - added it

Alexandra YES. Rowan’s ending still makes me mad. She deserved so much more than what she got, both how she was written and just her storyline in general. 100% should have been the main character of this story because comparatively the other two were hopeless 😂

message 2: by Riley (new) - rated it3stars

Riley YES. 1000% agree!

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