Naphat Warongsinghara's Reviews> The Screwfly Solution

The Screwfly Solution by Raccoona Sheldon
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it was amazing

** spoiler alert **

The Screwfly Solution

Stories-9, Language-9, Ideas-9, Characters-7, Enjoyment-10, Overall-8.8

This review contains spoilers of the story.

This story took the idea of a hidden biological instinct in humans to the limit nobody could ever imagine. The natural instinct that has secretly been building up inside the human mind through evolution and natural selection for millennia was measly altered and played with, yet it led the delicately evolved human race to an end. By building merging the idea of sexual desires and violence, the story fully stood out amongst the story I have previously read. I give all the gloriousness of this idea to the writer of this story and her psychological background. Who would understand the workings of the human mind better than a person who have spent countless hours studying it? The fact that this idea is possible in the real life just by adding drops of violence into the horniness of the current generations is both thrilling and mesmerizing.

This story also introduced a new perspective to the self-proclaimed smartest species on Earth. What would happen if we were not the smartest? How would we be treated? This one is an example of the infinite ways we would be treated. Even with a fully working nervous system and conscious mind, humanity in the story were easily manipulated without even knowing. We were treated like the screw flies, something I personally would not even imagine ever happening. The story also chose the man to be doing the killing. This deeply reflects men’s supremacy during the time this story was written and gave the book a deeper meaning. I highly recommend it, just be ready for the thrills to come.

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Reading Progress

August 30, 2022 – Started Reading
August 30, 2022 – Finished Reading
August 31, 2022 – Shelved

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