Pass's Reviews> The Screwfly Solution

The Screwfly Solution by Raccoona Sheldon
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The book introduces a very interesting concept regarding the human condition as something that can be manipulated to an extreme that makes human doesn’t seem like human's but an animal. Though the story is written in a very complex way that makes it really hard for newcomers who are getting into books to read and actually understand the story. Even for me I was confused if some of the parts were even connected to each other since the story would cut off quite quickly after an event was mentioned and I would realize it later in discussions about the book. This book would probably make someone never go back to reading again though or it might make them more interested because in the book it does dive into concepts that you think you know well enough about and twist it around. The ending at the end where there was a mention of a “Real estate agent” seemed to be more like the author’s word rather than the character though but this quote right here just describes how insignificant we humans really are in the grand scheme of things in the universe and how we can easily be eradicated just like how the main characters in the story eradicated the screw fly simply out of annoyance rather than having any deep hatred for them. Tough this story might not be suitable for someone who’s very sensitive to gore especially kids so if you ever want them to read it just wait until they become teens first since it would mess with their reality and understanding of the world probably. I would give story around a 4 because the concept is pretty interesting and how much it dives into society though the writing is abit too convoluted for me to understand through first time reading it.

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August 31, 2022 – Shelved

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Mr. Adam The narrative structure in this one is a bit challenging.

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