Mo's Reviews> Darkfever

Darkfever by Karen Marie Moning
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's review

it was amazing

4.5 Stunning Stars.

I went into this one with a bit of trepidation. Why? Well, for one, it is Paranormal which I do not really do. Two, it is set in Ireland and, being Irish, I can be super critical if it is not done right. But a few friends decided it was time to go for it and do a Buddy Read of it. I loved it. OK, the terminology was a bit too much to take in at times but the writing was excellent. The characters were intriguing. The sex was non-existent but what the heck, if the writing is good I usually don’t mind. But they better get it on some time soon.

I love books, by the way, way more than movies. Movies tell you what to think. A good book lets you choose a few thoughts for yourself. Movies show you the pink house. A good book tells you there's a pink house and lets you paint some of the finishing touches, maybe choose the roof style,park your own car out front. My imagination has always topped anything a movie could come up with. Case in point, those darned Harry Potter movies. That was so not what that part-Veela-chick, Fleur Delacour, looked like.”

“Assume' makes an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'me'.”

“Last night you said you wanted to know what to expect so you could better select your attire. I told you we were going to visit a vampire in a Goth-den tonight. Why, then, Ms. Lane, do you look like a perky rainbow?”

Was a bit wary as it was set in Ireland, in Dublin. Don’t really know Dublin that well as I am from the West of Ireland meself. But she knew her stuff. Only thing I found wrong was that she said Gardai car instead of Garda car – Gardai is plural. But that is just nit-picking from me.

Barrons laughed again. "And there, my dear Fio, you make one of Womankind's greatest mistakes: Falling in love with a man's potential. We so rarely share the same view of it, and even more rarely care to achieve it. Stop pining for the man you think I could be -- and take a good, long, hard look at the one I am.”

She talks about a Dolmen towards the end of the book – it was an ancient burial place. This one is literally up the road from the village I grew up in in County Clare. Poulnabrone Dolmen.

“Sometimes, Ms. Lane," he said, "one must break with one's past to embrace one's future. It is never an easy thing to do. It is one of the distinguishing characteristics between survivors and victims. Letting go of what was, to survive what is.”

“He raised a brow. 'Petunia, Ms. Lane?'
I scowled. "Ass, Barrons.”

Look forward to starting….

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Reading Progress

March 21, 2013 – Shelved
November 7, 2013 – Started Reading
November 7, 2013 –
5.0% "An Garda Síochána - OK kudos for getting the Irish words spelled correctly, with the accents etc. Bonus for me."
November 7, 2013 –
7.0% "Guys who wear black from head to toe fall into two categories, they want to be trouble, or they are trouble..

November 8, 2013 –
47.0% "I told you before, cusswords don't come easily to me....

Yep, I am the same Mac! "
November 8, 2013 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 95 (95 new)

message 1: by Susie (new) - rated it5stars

Susie Wow, I am really surprised you have not read this series... you are in for a great treat. It's one of my fav series:-)))

message 2: by Jill (new) - rated it5stars

Jill I agree, amazing series, hope you like it.

message 3: by Mo (new) - rated it5stars

Mo Jill wrote: "I agree, amazing series, hope you like it."

Susie wrote: "Wow, I am really surprised you have not read this series... you are in for a great treat. It's one of my fav series:-)))"

HOw I am every going to get around to reading half the books I want to read is beyond me....

message 4: by Jennifer (new) - added it

Jennifer So I'm reading this series and thinking...Surely Mo has read this because the whole series takes place in Ireland...Dude!!! Get on the train! I'm on the second book, and it's awesome. I know there's a million books to read, but just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you:)

message 5: by Mo (new) - rated it5stars

Mo Jennifer, I should check it out....

Heather K (dentist in my spare time) Keep reading... AMAZING series!!

message 7: by Debra (new) - rated it4stars

Debra Great review, Mo! I need to start this series soon!:-)

message 8: by Mo (new) - rated it5stars

Mo Heather K (dentist in my spare time) wrote: "Keep reading... AMAZING series!!"

Will do, Heather.

message 9: by Mo (new) - rated it5stars

Mo Debra wrote: "Great review, Mo! I need to start this series soon!:-)"

Thanks Debra.

message 10: by CeCe (new) - rated it3stars

CeCe MO, Loved the review. I have this, but just have not read it yet. I will move this up my TBR list now.:)

message 11: by .Lili. (new)

.Lili. Rosie (not Rosa) and Shannon love these. I'm not big on PNR so I've been scared to read them. You're review is really pushing me to read them. Great review, Mo!:) x

Crystal~BIG book addict~ Great review Mo!!

message 13: by Ingie (new) - added it

Ingie Lovely review, Mo! Glad you read an PNR and really enjoyed it this time.:)

Ⓐlleskelle - That ranting lady ッ Great review Mo!
I am totally taken by KMM writing, the mystery around Jericho Barrons...
I am not done with this series!

message 15: by Mo (new) - rated it5stars

Mo Christine wrote: "MO, Loved the review. I have this, but just have not read it yet. I will move this up my TBR list now.:)"

yes, you should Christine.

message 16: by Mo (new) - rated it5stars

Mo Lili wrote: "Rosie (not Rosa) and Shannon love these. I'm not big on PNR so I've been scared to read them. You're review is really pushing me to read them. Great review, Mo!:) x"

Lili, I am so NOT PNR but this was great.

message 17: by Mo (new) - rated it5stars

Mo Crystal~just another book addict~ wrote: "Great review Mo!!"

Thanks Crystal.

message 18: by Christy (new)

Christy Wonderful review, Mo!:D

message 19: by Mo (new) - rated it5stars

Mo Ingela wrote: "Lovely review, Mo! Glad you read an PNR and really enjoyed it this time.:)"

Yes, Ingela, I might be converted.

message 20: by Mo (new) - rated it5stars

Mo Christy wrote: "Wonderful review, Mo!:D"

Thanks Christy, Hugs to you xx

message 21: by .Lili. (new)

.Lili. Mo wrote: "Lili wrote:" Rosie (not Rosa) and Shannon love these. I'm not big on PNR so I've been scared to read them. You're review is really pushing me to read them. Great review, Mo!:) x "

Lili, I am so N... "

You give me hope old friend!:)))

message 22: by Mo (new) - rated it5stars

Mo Less of the "old" there now....

message 23: by Karen (new) - rated it5stars

Karen WoooHOOOoooo!!! Great review!!!! Love your Barrons!!! *wink* I'm so glad you liked the book... they get better and better... but beware... if you are not into paranormal... these are hardcore! And fabulously so!!!

message 24: by Mo (new) - rated it5stars

Mo Karen wrote: "WoooHOOOoooo!!! Great review!!!! Love your Barrons!!! *wink* I'm so glad you liked the book... they get better and better... but beware... if you are not into paranormal... these are hardcore!..."

Yes, Karen, "my" Barrons is great. I hope I don't get turned off if it gets too paranormally!!

message 25: by Karen (new) - rated it5stars

Karen It's highly creative and extremely well written. I think you can handle it!!! I absolutely LOVED this series. I think you will too!

message 26: by Karen (new) - rated it5stars

Karen The sexual tension is absolutely NUCLEAR!!!

message 27: by Mo (new) - rated it5stars

Mo Karen wrote: "The sexual tension is absolutely NUCLEAR!!!"

Karen, they better start getting it on soon!!! Just saying! Not that I am a sex addict or anything....

message 28: by Rica (new) - rated it5stars

Rica Yey Mo, you liked it! I love your have the best gifs!! I loved Barrons without visuals...I love him even more now with yours!

message 29: by Mo (new) - rated it5stars

Mo Rica wrote: "Yey Mo, you liked it! I love your have the best gifs!! I loved Barrons without visuals...I love him even more now with yours!"

Thanks Rica.

Carol (StarAngel's Reviews) Allen Another winning review Mo!!:-)

message 31: by Mo (new) - rated it5stars

Mo Carol wrote: "Another winning review Mo!!:-)"

Thanks Carol, they are hard bloody work!!

message 33: by Karen (new) - rated it5stars

Karen Mo wrote:
Karen, they better start getting it on soon!!! Just saying! Not that I am a sex addict or anything.... "

Oh well, you will have to be patient, but remember good things come to those who wait. Their encounter is....well EPIC!!! And you must, must, must follow the series. You will not be disappointed, the books are amazing!!!!

message 34: by Mo (new) - rated it5stars

Mo Karen wrote: "Mo wrote:
Karen, they better start getting it on soon!!! Just saying! Not that I am a sex addict or anything.... "

Oh well, you will have to be patient, but remember good things come to those who... "

Thanks Karen, I guess I will be waiting a while.

message 35: by Andbme (new) - rated it5stars

Andbme Great review Mo, so glad ur enjoying this series:)

message 36: by Mo (new) - rated it5stars

Mo Andrea **the ChaPPy CHiCKeN** wrote: "Great review Mo, so glad ur enjoying this series:)"

It is great, thanks, Andrea.

~IreneOust~ Stellar review, Mo! I am glad you enjoyed it. The story only gets better and better and I agree - KMM's writing is exquisite!

message 38: by Mo (new) - rated it5stars

Mo ~ Irene ♥s ~ Søren ~ Ben O'Callahan ~ Joe Callahan ~ Javier ~ Manuel ~ wrote: "Stellar review, Mo! I am glad you enjoyed it. The story only gets better and better and I agree - KMM's writing is exquisite!"

Irene, it is so good. So glad to have met all you guys on here recommending such great reads to me.

~IreneOust~ DITTO, Mo! Otherwise I would still be reading Amazon's crappy suggestions based on my previous purchases! LOL!

message 40: by Mo (new) - rated it5stars

Mo ~ Irene ♥s ~ Søren ~ Ben O'Callahan ~ Joe Callahan ~ Javier ~ Manuel ~ wrote: "DITTO, Mo! Otherwise I would still be reading Amazon's crappy suggestions based on my previous purchases! LOL!"

Yeah, me took, sappy Harlequins or Mills and Boons.

message 41: by Jennifer (new) - added it

Jennifer Yay!!!! You used my Barrons!!!:):):) Perfect review! Loved your POV of Ireland. Can't wait to see what you think going forward.

message 42: by Mo (new) - rated it5stars

Mo Next one is good so far. Showed a map of my home County Clare.... they will be going there, hopefully.

message 43: by Jeanne (new) - rated it4stars

Jeanne your review Mo! and I'm excited you enjoyed it because that's next on deck for me:)) I have tons of friends who love this series:))

message 44: by Mo (new) - rated it5stars

Mo Lisa wrote: "Awesome review, Mo! I love this series!"

Thanks Lisa.

message 45: by Mo (last edited Nov 09, 2013 08:03AM) (new) - rated it5stars

Mo Jeanne wrote: " your review Mo! and I'm excited you enjoyed it because that's next on deck for me:)) I have tons of friends who love this series:))"

Jeanne, hurry up and join the Buddyread.

message 46: by Jeanne (new) - rated it4stars

Jeanne Thanks Mo, I might just do that, and while I'm at it I think I should print a copy of your Jericho and tape it to my kindle so I can look at it some more.

Jx PinkLady Reviews ♡ Fabulous review, Mo. It's a PNR??? And you loved it!! Yay!!! I'm so glad. Enjoy the rest of the series... I've not read this one but I've seen few good reviews for it xxx

Jennifer Kyle What a great review Mo!!!

message 49: by Mo (new) - rated it5stars

Mo Jxxx ♥ Pink Lady ♥ wrote: "Fabulous review, Mo. It's a PNR??? And you loved it!! Yay!!! I'm so glad. Enjoy the rest of the series... I've not read this one but I've seen few good reviews for it xxx"

Thanks Jxxx. Have a good day.

message 50: by Mo (new) - rated it5stars

Mo Jennifer wrote: "What a great review Mo!!!"

Thanks Jennifer.

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