Faith's Reviews> Eragon

Eragon by Christopher Paolini
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it was amazing
bookshelves: alreadyread

I LOVE the Inheritance books. I had never heard of Christopher Paolini before, and was walking through Barnes and Noble when I saw this book on the end display. What caught my eye was the dragon on the front cover (I love dragons, and my "artistic eye" was captivated by the artwork). This is a great fiction/adventure/fantasy novel. Anyone who is a Lord of the Rings would truly have an appreciation for this book. I was hooked from the moment I picked up this book and began reading. The story begins with a young farm boy, named Eragon, from a small village. While hunting in the wilderness in search of food for their family, Eragon comes across a rare stone (which is later revealed to be a dragon egg). He takes it home with him and to his suprise the egg hatches and out comes Saphira. The two are instantly connected as a Dragon and Rider making them inseparable. Once Saphira is big enough to fly they set out to seek revenge for the death of Eragon's uncle who was murdered. This is just the begining of their journey throughout the land battling mysterious, evil forces. A very good book to cuddle up with on a cool fall day or during the winter when you need a good adventure to bring you out of being stuck in your house.

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March 1, 2004 – Finished Reading
September 4, 2007 – Shelved as: alreadyread
September 4, 2007 – Shelved

Comments Showing 1-50 of 71 (71 new)

Rachel Yes, this is a great book. It catches you in, and has great description, and if you have great imagination (which some people don't) the images forms in your mind perfectly. I like how the book turns and twists, and you get more into the book as more of the plot is revealed. It is definitely one of the best books of all time!

message 2: by Mark (new) - rated it1star

Mark On the contrary, I believe anyone who has read any of Tolkien's masterpieces will see the utter plagiarist trash that is spouted from Paolini's typing fingers. Let's hope they drop off.

message 3: by Luis (last edited Nov 19, 2009 05:15AM) (new) - rated it4stars

Luis Vazquez I also agree that the book was great. Although I have never read any of Tolkien's work I can't help but wonder why you would even dare to give this book such a low rating. The author is a great writer. He provides details that can paint imagery into your mind and he hooks you into the story. The story is enticing and unpredictable which makes it a must read book.

message 4: by Daria (new) - rated it5stars

Daria [image error][image error]

message 5: by [deleted user] (new)


Kazoo528 Finally some sane people everyone else thinks the books suck but I love them 

message 7: by Daria (new) - rated it5stars

Daria Mark wrote: "On the contrary, I believe anyone who has read any of Tolkien's masterpieces will see the utter plagiarist trash that is spouted from Paolini's typing fingers. Let's hope they drop off."

Why is it that every time there is a book with elves, dwarfs and magic, people label it as a LOTR rip-off? It's not like Tolkein INVENTED those things....

message 8: by Curtis (new)

Curtis Δяʏα wrote: "Why is it that every time there is a book with elves, dwarfs and magic, people label it as a LOTR rip-off? It's not like Tolkein INVENTED those things"

I can see the similarities but there are very clear differences the biggest two being the plot and the writing style. Tolkien was a master of the English language (and a few others).

Paolini also openly admits his influences which do include Tolkien and several other fantastic authors (and Dr Who in the 3rd book). So maybe we should also say that he plagiarised from them.

Comparisons to the names used between the two authors are also unfair unless were to accuse Tolkien of plagiarism as well. Any of you that have read his letters should know that many of the names (and even some of the legends and quality's of characters were taken from other books).

Maddie Thank you so much, had to go through so many haters to find your comment.

Iskreads This book is an amazing book but i havent read Lord of The Rings so, all i know is that i should probably read them right now!!! (walks away silently to the library)
Rasmus L.

message 11: by Leon (new) - rated it1star

Leon Aldrich Really? I could list you a handful of fantasy novels that would change your mind.

Adrienne Thank you. i found a person who agrees that the inheritance books are AWESOME and thank you. if i could, i would soooo go and give the haters a piece of my mind. but, haters will be haters, and lovers will be lovers. Peace

message 13: by Love (new) - rated it5stars

Love Peace Yes, I agree that the inheritance series is awesome. You all who disagree should go find a hobby that doesn't include fantasy.:)

message 14: by Joel (new) - rated it5stars

Joel Nelson The individuals who rip paolini for stealing "Tolkien's" ideas greatly show their ignorance. Tolkien is a great writer and I love his work but very little of his ideas are original with him. And if one cannot see the brilliance of Paolini and how he has continually grow in his skill for writing... well id seriously doubt their grasp on literature

message 15: by Alex (new) - rated it1star

Alex Gillespie First of all, the idea that this book is bad because Tolkein's books are good is complete nonsense. Second of all, this book just isn't very good. Read A Game Of Thrones or The Lord Of The Rings if you want to read some fantasy. Not this stale and clumsily plotted paperweight.

message 16: by Leon (new) - rated it1star

Leon Aldrich Poorly plotted. Unimaginative. Struggling characterization. Story telling that screams "See Spot run!"

Try: 1) Black Prism, 2) Warded Man, 3) Warbreaker, 4) Name of the Wind, 5) Magician Apprentice, 6) Song of the Beast, 7) Daughter of the Blood, 8) the Helm, 9) Replay, 10) Jumper

message 17: by Aliza (new) - rated it2stars

Aliza LOTR fans would appreciate this? Actually, I think most of us are insulted by Paolini's lack of creativity. All he did was take most of Tolkiens ideas.

message 18: by Elain (new) - rated it5stars

Elain I like lotr but I love the eragon series they are amazing

message 19: by Shady (new) - rated it1star

Shady LOTR fans are the last people who would like this. How can you even compare the two? Paolini's work is a like a cheap fanfic of LOTR, at most.

message 20: by Ashley (new) - rated it5stars

Ashley I think the eragon series is amazing!!!!! I really wish most of you people would too! o and stop trash talking Paolini

Manisha eragon is one of the best books ever and i dont know why so many people dont like it!

message 22: by Gozo (new) - rated it4stars

Gozo Bo exactly! I got it as a birthday present, and I was literally IMMERSED in it. This is one of those books where you can lose yourself in it for a day and forget about everything else.

message 23: by Sayuri (new) - rated it3stars

Sayuri Really?? it's a plagiarized work. have you ever heard of star wars??

message 24: by Leon (new) - rated it1star

Leon Aldrich Sayuri wrote: "Really?? it's a plagiarized work. have you ever heard of star wars??"

Don't forget: "Dragonriders of Pern" and "Earthsea Trilogy."

message 25: by Kate (new) - rated it5stars

Kate Evans I love the eragon books and the author is very descriptive and liked that but really you either love it or hate it with these books

Manisha Kate12345 wrote: "I love the eragon books and the author is very descriptive and liked that but really you either love it or hate it with these books"

yeah, i'm seeing a lot of that with this book. you either love it or you hate it:/

message 27: by JJ (new) - rated it4stars

JJ I happened to like the books as well. I can't stand it when people judge them because Christopher Paolini was 15 when he wrote them.

message 28: by JJ (new) - rated it4stars

JJ Also, I HATED Lord of The Rings, but found these books quite wonderful.

Katrina THANK YOU! everyone on this website hates it! WHY!? there bashing this book like its year old meatloaf

message 30: by JJ (new) - rated it4stars

JJ Katrina wrote: "THANK YOU! everyone on this website hates it! WHY!? there bashing this book like its year old meatloaf"

Ahaa!! know!! I thought it was pretty good.
Annd, year old meatloaf? XD Lmao!!

Katrina no joke this girl said math was better then eragon im in a huge fight with her know this book was just amazing to me and everyone just like spitting on it like its garbage and i try my best to be funny:D

message 32: by JJ (new) - rated it4stars

JJ Lol, I know it actually was a good book. I don't know why people are haitng on it D:

And trying to be funny, it's working xD

Katrina i think i know why every one hated most the people on here are adults eragon is a teen books gosh adults if you didnt like it you shouldnt have have read a teen book *facepalm* i mean cmon on its in the name TEEN book not people who just want to dis teen books

message 34: by Kayla (new) - rated it5stars

Kayla Bowen Thank you for this! I am a huge fan of the books and am happy to see a review that doesn't talk about the whole LOTR plagiarism crap!

message 35: by Awesomeness (new)

Awesomeness Person Thank you for saying that!!

message 36: by Awesomeness (new)

Awesomeness Person I am a big LOTR fan. Tolkien is good and awesome. I have read LOTR twice and this book is awesome. Open your eyes LOTR Tolkien didn't invent elves, dwarves, or dragons he WROTE about them just like Paolini.

message 37: by Sayuri (new) - rated it3stars

Sayuri Katrina, before you say that adults shouldn't have read this book, you should remember that books were written to be read by everyone. Except for the books written for one to ten years........

While Eragon in some aspects is good I wish the author had elaborated a little more on who Angela is( other than the herbalist part). I also wish that Eragon had gotten better in magic and in sword fighting because he tried.

I do have favourite parts, I am not going to deny that but somehow it just falls flat of my expectations now. In a way it is not original at all but well if you guys like it.... nothing can be done about it.

Here is a review from Amazon....

****Keep in mind that it is not EXACT, but that many circumstances are similar. For instance, another character is the son of a bad guy, but the "son of the bad guy" is still in this story. Also keep in mind that this list was created as I read, so several revelations happen in the order they occurred.

1. 1st scene: Female elf magically transports a dragon egg, hiding it from evil doers. (Princess Leia sends a droid to an escape pod, hiding it from evil doers.)

2. Eragon lives on farm with uncle. (Luke lives on farm with aunt and uncle.)

3. Eragon's parentage unknown. (Luke's parentage unknown.)

4. Riders possess magical powers and were wiped out by Galbatorix. (Jedi possess magical powers and were wiped out by Vader and the Emperor.)

5. Galbatorix is a former Rider who enlisted another to destroy Riders. (Vader is a former Jedi who was enlisted to destroy the Jedi.)

6. The Empire rules all and it threatened by a small, mysterious band (Vardens) who "constantly raided and attacked the Empire." (The Empire rules all and is threatened by a small, mysterious band, the Rebel Alliance.)

7. Galbatorix learned "dark secrets" from a Shade. (Vader and Palpatine learned the dark side from their mentors.)

8. Vrael defeated Galbatorix but "hesitated with the final blow." (Obi-Wan defeated Vader but did not kill him.)

9. Eragon stumbles upon the egg. (Luke stumbles upon the droid.)

10. The dragon hatches, releasing powers Eragon didn't know he had. (The droid runs away, leading Luke on a journey that releases powers he didn't know he had.)

11. Evil men looking for the egg burn Eragon's farm, killing his uncle. (Evil men looking for the droid burn Luke's farm, killing his aunt and uncle.

12. Eragon goes out for revenge and old, gray Brom goes, too. (Luke goes out to return the droid and old, gray Obi-Wan goes, too.)

13. Brom speaks to dragons. (Obi-Wan has powers, too.)

14. Brom presents a sword to Eragon. (Obi-Wan presents a lightsaber to Luke.)

15. Brom secures horses for transport. (Obi-Wan secures the Falcon for transport).

16. Eragon is the first in a new line of Riders. (Luke is the first in a new line of Jedi.)

17. On the journey, Brom teaches Eragon to fight. (On the journey, Obi-Wan teaches Luke to fight.)

18. They come across a destroyed village, all inhabitants dead. (They come across a destroyed planet, all inhabitants dead.)

19. Brom asks Eragon to levitate a rock. (Luke's training included levitating rocks.(

20. The egg was supposed to be sent to Brom. (The droid was supposed to be sent to Obi-Wan.)

21. Brom lived incognito in Carvahall to look after Eragon. (Obi-Wan lived incognito on Tatooine to look after Luke.)

22. Brom reveals himself to have been a Dragon Rider. (Obi-Wan reveals himself to be a Jedi.)

23. Brom and Eragon cross paths with Murtagh, slightly older than Eragon, who does not "owe allegiance to anyone but" himself. (Obi-Wan and Luke cross paths with Han Solo, slightly older than Luke who only looks after himself.)

24. Brom sacrifices himself to the Ra'zac to save Eragon. (Obi-Wan sacrifices himself to save Luke.)

25. Brom was friends with Morzan, a Rider who turned to evil. (Obi-Wan was friends with Anakin Skywalker, a Jedi who turned to evil.)

26. Brom took Morzan's sword after he defeated him in battle and gave it to Eragon. (Obi-Wan took Anakin's lightsaber after he defeated him in battle and gave it to Luke.)

27. Eragon wants to find a beautiful, mysterious woman who is being held prisoner. (Luke wants to find a beautiful, mysterious woman who is being held prisoner.)

28. Eragon and Murtagh rescue an elf woman from prison. (Luke and Han rescue Princess Leia from prison.)

29. Arya holds information vital to the success of the Varden. (Leia holds information vital to the success of the Rebels.)

30. Arya was ruthlessly tortured to reveal the location of the Varden. (Leia is ruthlessly tortured to reveal the location of the Rebel base.)

31. Attempting to return Arya to the Varden, Eragon and Murtagh are pursued all the way to the secret base, which takes them in. (Attempting to return Leia to the Rebels, Luke and Han are pursued all the way to the secret base, which takes them in.

32. It turns out that Arya was the one who sent the egg to the Spine. (Leia was the one who sent R2-D2 to Tatooine.

33. Murtagh reveals that he is the secret son of Morzan, Galbatorix's most faithful follower. (Darth Vader, the Emperor's most faithful follower, reveals himself to be Luke's father.)

34. Urgals advance on Tronjheim. (The Death Star advances on Yavin.)

35. Eragon destroys the Shade. (Luke destroys the Death Star.)

This doesn't mean it's not an entertaining story. Of course it is! Star Wars is entertaining, isn't it? I'm just so surprised that Paolini's editors didn't see that almost every element of this story has been borrowed from other sources, like Tolkien, McAffrey and others. Very little is original. Cutting and pasting from different books and screenplays does not make an original story.

So please see that we aren't joking about the fact that it was taken from other books and is not his original story

message 38: by London (new) - rated it5stars

London THANK YOU!!! Finally, someone who appreciates Paolini's work for what it is, and not ripping it apart to find every similarity to every other book out there. Great review. Thanks.

message 39: by Samantha (new)

Samantha Egley To be honest, I read the book myself so long ago I don't remember much from it. But reciently my sister has been listening to the audiobook and since I was around, I caught some of the writing. The concepts are pretty fun but the writing seems to be a little lacking. I took a creative writing class in college and one of the things I learned was that conversations should be two seperate minds, with seperate modivations coming together. However in Eragon, the conversations feel too planned and one-minded. Actually the plot bits i listened too all felt too planned.
I'm only 20 (just a year older than when he published it) and Ive been working on my books since I was 12. there was nothing wrong with Paolini writing at 15 but I'm dissapointed that he didn't wait a bit before publishing it. The maturity of the product of ones mind depends on the maturity of the mind from which it comes.

message 40: by Maebh (new) - rated it5stars

Maebh Mcmanus Thank you! My thoughts exactly! This book is absolutely brilliant!

Flyinghoovessoccerstar11 I don't know why anyone can say it is TRASH.I mean seriously!!!!!!Even though the Tolkien books are better, Eragon is amazing!!!!!!!!

message 42: by Michael (new) - rated it1star

Michael Dow I share your love of fantasy and adventure, and I'm glad you enjoyed this book (even though I did not.) As you read more and varied works by other authors, I think you may find that Eragon et al do not hold up as well as they might. Try Guy Gavriel Kay's Sailing To Sarantium.

message 43: by Dallas (new) - rated it5stars

Dallas Agreeable, thankfully. Haven't read Lord of the Rings and don't really understand the similarities between these books but I LOVE the Inheritance series. Awesome!!!!:]

message 44: by Sanne (new) - rated it3stars

Sanne Shadowhunter There are a lot of people who hate the book,but I really like it:)

Srsmith I was stunned by how many people don't like this book. I love it. I'm reading The Lord of the Rings and I really can't see many similarities. They are completely different worlds. Yes, they both have elves, dwarves, and dragons. As well as a villain, but a lot of books do.

message 46: by Ali (new)

Ali I can't believe how you can think this is good. You cannot justify this by saying "Well, every book ripped off something at one time or another" But C.P has ripped off the ENTIRE story of Star Wars and threw in some barely modified names from Lotr. Eragon? Aragorn? really? They should rename this crap Star Wars: With Dragons! Because this is what this piece of garbage is, once you get past all the nonsensical descriptions and boring sideplots and tangents.

message 47: by Hannah (new) - rated it5stars

Hannah Ugh finally some one intelligent enough to appreciate this series!!!

message 48: by Jamie (new) - rated it5stars

Jamie Christopher Paolini is from Montana.

Chad & Neely Silverman i rated the first book all five stars

message 50: by Mara (new) - rated it5stars

Mara Thank You! Finally a good review. I loved this book too, unlike the first few commenters. I think they probably couldn't see past the sheer size to get to the amazing character development in just the first book! My favorite character was Brom, I love the crotchety old man! I also think It was amazing how Paolini has created a whole world and introduced several completely made up languages.

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