Ed on Prohibition's Reviews> The Screwfly Solution

The Screwfly Solution by Raccoona Sheldon
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** spoiler alert ** Screwfly Solution
It’s evident the person who’s written this has a few screws loose in her head. And that’s not
even a disparaging remark, I mean it in a good way, a way that emphasizes its weirdness. An
old work on the contrast between men and women. It’s evident the writer has a vendetta against
men, making them out to be lust monsters who only think of sex and killing women. But I feel
like the writer doesn’t let the women get off scot-free calling them weak, and basically
eluding to the fact they just take the abuse from men. I think the main takeaway is the message
this piece of art sends, as to put it simply this story is used as a mirror to reflect the correlation
between male aggression and male lust, and the fact that when male aggression gets provoked
the female population has to be on the receiving end. Then women have to come up with a
means of resolution, either by dressing up as men or not going out altogether. These acts are
very reminiscent of various societies in our society, past and present. As some cultures preach
that sometimes when a woman displays her femininity, she is responsible for the actions of the
men who see her. Which I believe should be somewhat fought against, presumably with laws, or
communication across the gender divide maybe even personally, holding yourself accountable,
or simply holding yourself to a standard that is appropriate. As long as alien interference doesn’t
mess with our brains, we can curtail male aggression, whilst doing so not having to restrict any
of women’s rights. Overall it was a great book, with a decent message. Though that wasn’t
what made the book stand out, it was a big part, but mainly it was thanks to the unthinkable
twists and turns, the image put into our heads of the scariness and the creepiness of everything.
The fact of how unique this was I’ve never seen a work of literature about men being monsters
so popularized but I guess there’s a first time for everything, the author is clearly talented but
maybe with some schizophrenia pills she’d be more mentally sound.

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September 19, 2023 – Shelved

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