Goran Lowie's Reviews> The Telling

The Telling by Ursula K. Le Guin
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THE TELLING eluded me for years. For a long time it's been the only Hainish novel I haven't been able to get my hands on. Finally, with the Library of America collection of Hainish stories, I've been able to get a proper paper copy of it. It took some time off in the winter and me deciding to read the books I truly want to read, and now I've finally finished this book.

It's so interesting to read a Hainish story so late in Le Guin's career. It's so different from the other Hainish stories- it feels less narrative-driven and more "I've got something to say" than usual. Many of Le Guin's core themes and passions are featured here-- the importance of narrative, revolution, the obliteration of one culture by another... all so quietly, gently brought. A magnificent read.

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Reading Progress

December 25, 2023 – Started Reading
December 25, 2023 – Shelved
December 25, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-3 of 3 (3 new)

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DivaDiane SM This is possibly my favorite Hainish novel. It is definitely, the easiest read, which isn’t to say it is superficial. Not at all. It’s just it reads easily, like the vocal music written by a composer who knows the voice is easy to sing (sorry, I’m a singer).

message 2: by Goran (new) - rated it4stars

Goran Lowie I can definitely see that! It's an easy read but contains multitudes. Le Guin always has such beautiful ways of translating complex thoughts and ideas into quite simple stories.

message 3: by BJ (new)

BJ I think this is the only Hainish novel I haven't read too! Perhaps this is the year I need to rectify that... Somehow I got it into my head that it would be less fun than the others, but I don't know where on earth that idea could have come from!

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