Rel's Reviews> Harvest of Gold

Harvest of Gold by Tessa Afshar
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it was amazing

Tessa Afshar has taken my breath away with the beauty and depth of her latest novel, Harvest of Gold. Continuing the story of Sarah and Darius, whose marriage got off to such a rocky beginning in Harvest of Rubies, Tessa parallels their marriage journey with the rebuilding of Jerusalem under the direction of Sarah’s cousin, Nehemiah. Tessa peels back the layers of Biblical history to provide a fascinating account of the fate of Jerusalem and her people as they struggle to take back what they lost following the destruction of their city. As fear and strife interfere with Nehemiah’s progress, Darius and Sarah experience the same damaging effects in their own marriage. While Darius has come to value his Jewish wife he cannot return her deep love and devotion, which wears on Sarah and leads to unspeakable heartache for them both. Tessa exposes the frailty of Darius’ heart, an otherwise courageous, honourable, and compassionate man, penning some tender and evocative scenes between husband and wife. This is a gripping story of loss, love, and forgiveness with many an arresting moment that caused me to think deeply about my own marriage as well as my devotion to God. Despite the serious subject matter, Tessa infuses the tale with tender romance and light-hearted humour. Minor characters, Lysander and Roxanna, stole many of their scenes and would suit a story of their own! Harvest of Gold is simply captivating and I recommend it not only for the beautiful storytelling but also for the incisive lessons to be learned. Tessa has cemented her place as one of my most favourite authors.

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Started Reading
July 15, 2013 – Finished Reading
July 18, 2013 – Shelved

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message 1: by Maria (new) - rated it5stars

Maria What a beautiful review! You really summed up my thoughts exactly!

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