Laura Wolford's Reviews> Tell the Wolves I'm Home

Tell the Wolves I'm Home by Carol Rifka Brunt
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did not like it

This is one of those times when I am completely out of sync with the majority. Here are some of the the things about this book that didn't work for me. I didn't get the sisters relationship at all; Greta's jealousy was completely unbelievable to me and unrealistic. It would have made more sense if Greta had secretly wanted something bad to happen to June so she could have Finn to herself than the other way around. Sibling rivalry I can understand, sibling obsession is foreign. June being "in love" with her gay uncle in a romantic way was disturbing and weird. I thought Toby, the partner of Uncle Finn, was kind of a bum and was turned off by all the cigarette smoking and volcano drinking and sneaking around behind the parents backs with their minor child. I don't think even Uncle Finn would have approved of some of their outings and activities (giving June cigarettes and alcohol). The dad seemed okay when he was around but the mom had some major issues. She definitely didn't seem to know and accept her children for who they were (or her brother). I did think Finn was a cool uncle until the writer confuses us by giving Toby the credit for Finn's benevolence. Apparently it is all about who buys the cookies. At first I could sympathize with the main character June and her losing someone special in her life but as the book dragged on I began to dislike her. I found her to be dishonest, insecure, full of herself and her own particular flavor of teenage angst. I thought that it was weird that she wanted to hang out with Toby when she could have been playing D&D (seemed like something she would like) with Ben (who was into fantasy too). Ben seemed like a decent, caring, mature sort of person. Too bad he didn't play a larger role in the story. Also, can I just say, the hang out retreat space in the storage cage in the basement was plain creepy. So while everyone else loved this book, I could not understand or relate to any of these characters (except of course the rarely mentioned dad and Ben). The author had some pretty ways of putting things but the lack of character development made me wish I had picked a different book. I guess the key to having a massively popular book has mostly to do with having a killer title which this book did.

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Comments Showing 1-11 of 11 (11 new)

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message 1: by Jewly (new) - rated it2stars

Jewly Dubrovskaya You took the words out straight out of my mouth! I'm almost a bit confused as to how many people are raving about this book, did we read the same version as them??

message 2: by Leah (new) - rated it2stars

Leah boykin Yes!! Thank you! I don't get why everyone is so ~moved~ by this book. Your review is so accurate.

message 3: by Amanda (new) - rated it1star

Amanda I felt the same way!! Fetching tile. Disappointing book.

message 4: by Daria (new) - added it

Daria Just couldn't get myself to like this book. I don't have a sister so maybe that's why I didn't understand the odd sister relationship. I thought all the characters were oddballs. Writing was fine but story line boring. Certainly did not pull at my heartstrings.

message 5: by Lucia (new) - rated it5stars

Lucia Hassen I loved the book, but reading Laura's review I clearly see how/why some would not. I think I was swept up by the writing and evocative descriptions. It was clear from the get go all of the characters were flawed. I guess I found their idiosyncrasies and bad decisions and behavior interesting - and refreshingly different from other coming of age novels I've read.

message 6: by Shelby (new) - rated it1star

Shelby I’m glad I’m not the only one who did not care for this book. I was starting to feel like a crazy person seeing all of these 5 star reviews!

Melissa Mulick Thank you for stating my feelings! I’m halfway through, hating it, and wondering where in the hell all these rave reviews came from!! Debating whether to push through to the end...

message 8: by Gary (new) - rated it3stars

Gary Sun Maybe because I’m a teacher? But when I read about Toby planting a secret kiss on June, I was very disturbed. Toby’s behaviour is practically grooming, and can damage a child’s perception of healthy relationships.

Arielle Danielle Anne Cando Totally agree with everything u said. I think I wasted my time with this book. It's something I'm ok not ever reading. Lol

message 10: by Connie (new) - rated it4stars

Connie It was 1987 and the world was a different place back then. I found it to be accurate to the times.

message 11: by Lucy (new) - rated it2stars

Lucy Arnold AGREED

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