Mike (the Paladin)'s Reviews> The Far Side Gallery

The Far Side Gallery by Gary Larson
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it was amazing

The odd and twisted world of Gary Larson, I miss his work. These stay on my shelves along with Charles Schultz work. These are two comics creators who's work stands up well to rereading. Schultz for humor and wisdom, Larson for humor and....that odd perspective on life he gives us.

I have a couple of other cartoon books in my library, they tend to make me laugh and lighten my mood at times, but I think Larson and Schultz will be around as long as there is thought and introspection along with humor (and that is dying as I write this, but there are still a few).

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Finished Reading
November 24, 2009 – Shelved

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Ronyell Gary Larson's works are awesome!!!

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