Mimi's Reviews> Keeping Her

Keeping Her by Cora Carmack
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Cute. Short. Bridging. Honestly, I was just happy to see that half of it was in Garrick's point of view x) <3

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March 6, 2014 – Shelved
March 6, 2014 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-4 of 4 (4 new)

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message 1: by Kaylee (new)

Kaylee Magic Hehe gotta love novellas and dual POVs and shit's stuff!;)<3

message 2: by Mimi (new) - rated it3stars

Mimi Shit's stuff? LOL! Boy oh boy, Kay, if you loved Garrick in the first book, you'll love him here too;)

message 3: by Kaylee (new)

Kaylee Magic Love? Love does not compute. Love is certainly not enough to describe how I feel about Garrick. (Despite the fact that I totally thought his name was Garrett at first LOL....)

message 4: by Mimi (new) - rated it3stars

Mimi LOL yes, love is definitely mistaking someone's name(view spoiler)x)

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