Faith's Reviews> Eragon

Eragon by Christopher Paolini
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it was amazing
bookshelves: alreadyread

I LOVE the Inheritance books. I had never heard of Christopher Paolini before, and was walking through Barnes and Noble when I saw this book on the end display. What caught my eye was the dragon on the front cover (I love dragons, and my "artistic eye" was captivated by the artwork). This is a great fiction/adventure/fantasy novel. Anyone who is a Lord of the Rings would truly have an appreciation for this book. I was hooked from the moment I picked up this book and began reading. The story begins with a young farm boy, named Eragon, from a small village. While hunting in the wilderness in search of food for their family, Eragon comes across a rare stone (which is later revealed to be a dragon egg). He takes it home with him and to his suprise the egg hatches and out comes Saphira. The two are instantly connected as a Dragon and Rider making them inseparable. Once Saphira is big enough to fly they set out to seek revenge for the death of Eragon's uncle who was murdered. This is just the begining of their journey throughout the land battling mysterious, evil forces. A very good book to cuddle up with on a cool fall day or during the winter when you need a good adventure to bring you out of being stuck in your house.

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Started Reading
March 1, 2004 – Finished Reading
September 4, 2007 – Shelved as: alreadyread
September 4, 2007 – Shelved

Comments Showing 51-71 of 71 (71 new)

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message 51: by Julian (new) - added it

Julian Whaley I agree with your review of this book. It is amazing. Many people say that there are many characteristics similar with Eragon and other famous works such as Lord of the Rings and Star Wars, and it is true. But is being similar to something great means that it is great. I love these books, and I love the way Paolini wrote it. The book is full of suspense and plot twists, making sure that the reader never gets bored of the story. It is a true masterpiece.

Emmanuel I liked Eragon. Though you said, "Lord of the Rings [fans] would truly have an appreciation for this book."

It's not true. Mpost of LOTR fans would talk shits about the plagiarism of the work. Yet, I am here, a LOTR fan who still appreciate the work, who saw the entire resemblance in them.

message 53: by Hannah (new) - rated it5stars

Hannah Sayuri wrote: "Katrina, before you say that adults shouldn't have read this book, you should remember that books were written to be read by everyone. Except for the books written for one to ten years........

... "

just really wanted to add this... how about the whole idea of the ancient language and spell casting? In addition to that, please... The Inheritance Cycle is so much deeper than Star wars its incredible! Don't get me wrong I am a huge Star Wars fan but Paolini clearly shows great his genius in these books. Pardon me, but I would guarantee you that the majority of the people who hated it and called it a play off of Tolkien are completely ignorant when it comes to literature not to mention Tolkien. You can find as much if not more of completely new ideas in Paolinis work compared to the amount of similarities with other works. But since no one on here apparently even understands tolkiens works in the least i would see how you would think that Paolinis books are terrible. My advice to you would be to read something and actually think about it and form an intelligent opinion, you can hate it and have an astute and apt reason for why you do so.

message 54: by [deleted user] (new)

I agree, I have actually read this book so much the 1st and 2nd books are starting to fall apart.

message 55: by Kerry (new) - rated it5stars

Kerry Your one of the only people on this site that likes this book. I congratulate you!

message 56: by Tavian (new) - rated it5stars

Tavian This is a great book, but everybody seems to hate it for no reason.

message 57: by Tavian (new) - rated it5stars

Tavian This is a great book, but everybody seems to hate it for no reason.

FlynnRulez finally! a non hater review.

message 59: by Mick (new) - rated it4stars

Mick Yes I would have to say I agree. With you it is a nice book to curl up with though I would need to agree with some of the other reviews with it being very similar to other stories that are out there. in example, starwars, Lord of the Rings and so on so forth. Although there are many different stories and movies that are similar to LOTR the star wars one is slightly harder to ignore, but nonetheless I have to agree. It is a very enjoyable book.

message 60: by Callum (new) - rated it4stars

Callum I'm so glad I've found a group of people who love it as much as I do. If he did copy (which I'm just not seeing) he still is an amazing author with an amazing book.

message 61: by Neleh (new) - rated it5stars

Neleh you are so right this book is the best

message 62: by Meow (new) - rated it5stars

Meow I love this book. I and my friend are huge LOTR fans, but we don't consider this cycle a "rip-off" of LOTR. I guess it really depends for each person.

message 63: by Daniel (new) - added it

Daniel Honestly it does get inspiration from Lotr but really only from characters and settings, while the plot is nothing like it. I personally like this book and no one can convince me otherwise

message 64: by Daniel (new) - added it

Daniel By character I mean like it has dragon dwarves elves and stuff like that not what this reviewer is saying

message 65: by Roni (new) - rated it5stars

Roni YES YES!!!! I agree!!!

message 66: by EMF11 (new) - rated it5stars

EMF11 Honestly the best four books i have ever read and very seriously doubt I'll read anything better. I've been looking at the comments and there are so many haters calling the book trash, but I think they're all just jealous of his writing lol I honestly can't begin to understand why anyone HATES it, not everyone has to like it, but they HATE it. So confused, glad you likes it too though!:D

message 67: by Sydney (new) - rated it5stars

Sydney Ditto!

Emali_redit Exactly. Couldn't have said it better myself

message 69: by Hafsah (new) - rated it5stars

Hafsah Elias So true these books are great and Paolini did say he took inspiration from Tolkien its not like Tolkien owns this sort of writing. I think it's brilliant

message 70: by Elena (new) - rated it4stars

Elena Seme

Swiftie13 I sooooo agree it is a great book

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