aimee (aimeecanread)'s Reviews> Darkfever

Darkfever by Karen Marie Moning
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I went into this book expecting to possibly die of swoons, sexy times and badass battle scenes, butright now I kind of just want to push every character in this book off a cliff.And if I'm lucky, there will be a mob of angry Aimee clones there with pitchforks right at the bottom.

You're probably thinking,Hey, the characters can't bethatbad!Maybe they aren't. Okay, I'm kidding. They totally are. At least, they are in my book.

Ladies and gents, I present to you, MacKayla Lane:

No, I'mserious.I am fucking baffled as to why she keeps claiming not to be a Barbie (meaning your typical blondand very pinkidiot) when shehonestlyis one.This woman is a complete asshole who lacks any sort of common sense. I mean, she basically walkstowardsdanger. Who does that? She's also incredibly vain, shallow and ignorant, never forgetting to mention how pretty she is and how she can "never pull off ugly."

Then we have Jerricho Barons.He's basically Christian Grey... minus the excessive love for BDSM.This douchebag ismanipulative, abusive, and also has the same personality as a cardboard box.Okay, I lied. A cardboard box would have much more personality than him.

On the other side of the spectrum, we have V'lane, a Fae who basically kills people by making them want sex so bad it makes them go crazy. (Yes, even Mac. Surprise, surprise!) So,he's also abusive and talks like he owns the Earth and everyone in it.Not attractive. At all.

Also, every single guy Mac meets in this book is apparently hot/sexy/attractive/buff/cute/dresses nicely. Where are the regular people? Where are the unattractive ones?WHAT UNIVERSE DOES MACKAYLA LANE LIVE IN?!

Another little qualm of mine: How the heck is this book listed as aromancenovel? Where is the actual romance?!Someone please shove it in my face because I really,reallycan't see it.We only see hints of a blossoming "attraction" and basically no other swoony feelings whatsoever. I can't even say that Mac and Barrons arefriends,let alone anything more.

Rage-inducing things aside, this book definitely had a lot of potential.Moning definitely didn't shy away from writing graphic descriptions(and we all know I'm a huge fan of that) and creating such odd creatures. My eyes widened every time Mac encountered a creepy new Fae.

Oh but wait! I have another complaint! The ending managed to be predictable and random both at the same time. The actual "bam" moment turned out to be a "meh" one. As a bonus, we got Mac suddenly turning into a killing machine without any past training! Hooray.

BecauseI'm a masochistI've been told that this series gets better, however, I'm still going to read the sequels.Eventually.

Deadly Darlings|The Social Potato|The Book Geek|Twitter|Instagram

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Reading Progress

February 4, 2012 – Shelved
July 1, 2012 – Started Reading
May 6, 2013 – Shelved as: will-continue-next-time
March 30, 2014 – Shelved as: to-be-continued
July 12, 2015 –
0.0% "Starting this because my awesome co-bloggers atThe Book Geekrecommended it.;) "
July 15, 2015 – Shelved as: cliffhangers
July 15, 2015 – Shelved as: ending-sucked
July 15, 2015 – Shelved as: eye-roll
July 15, 2015 – Shelved as: not-funny
July 15, 2015 – Shelved as: piss-off
July 15, 2015 – Shelved as: predictable
July 15, 2015 – Shelved as: unpopular-opinion
July 15, 2015 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 51-53 of 53 (53 new)

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aimee (aimeecanread) I'm excited for this evolution, Wendy! Glad you liked this series.:)

message 52: by Kat (new)

Kat Dalton Totally agree. I detested MacKayla and the whole ‘I know I’m pretty’ attitude. I just couldn’t warm to her abrasive personality either

message 53: by Freeda (new) - rated it5stars

Freeda I read the book already and liked it, but I loved your review - but maybe it's done TOO well, because it made me run for the book and re-read it again:D

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