J.Elle's Reviews> Eragon

Eragon by Christopher Paolini
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did not like it

I cannot adequately express my complete and utter loathing for this book. I was working at a library during the time that this book was being published and had access to a galley of the novel. I did finish it, but only so I could know (entirely how much) Christopher Paolini (the supposed 16-year-old author-genius) had plagiarized J.R.R. Tolkien's "Lord of The Rings" trilogy. If you are not familiar with the Inheritance books, allow me to inform you:

Lord of the Rings: Trilogy
Eragon: Trilogy
Lord of the Rings: a main character Aragorn
Eragon: main charactor Eragon
Lord of the Rings: Aragorn's love interest is Arwen (the daughter of an elf king)
Eragon: Eragon's love interest is Arya (the daughter of an elf king)
Lord of the Rings: bad flying things are Ringwraiths
Eragon: bad flying things are Ra'zac
Lord of the Rings: there is a big fight in the troll dungeons
Eragon: there is a big fight in the troll dungeons

I could continue...suffice it to say, after reading "Eragon" I classified it as "Lord of the Rings" with a dragon. This is definitely not worth anyone's time, unless you want to amuse yourself by noting how many similarities there are between the trilogies.

Addendum: WOW! Thanks for all the comments. This is, by far, my most popular review. I'm glad to know others share my feelings for this pitiful excuse of an imaginative novel.

Addendum 2: If you, like so many others in the comments, find fault with my apparent ignorance and wish to correct me regarding the fact that this series is not a trilogy, please see comment #53.

Addendum 3: I can't even. I just can't. Do you know how many people have commented on the fact that this isn't a trilogy since I added Addendum 2 SPECIFICALLY addressing that? I don't even know how many because I've lost count. What does this teach us? It teaches us that people don't read. Let that sink in.
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message 851: by Laura (new) - rated it4stars

Laura it's been sixteen goddamn years and the same comments are still coming through 0-o