The Inheritance Cycle Series

5 primary works • 35 total works
Series also known as:
- Il Ciclo dell'Eredità [Italian]
- Dediščina [Slovenian]
Spin-off:Tales from Alagaësia Series

Book 1

·1799446Ratings·28939Reviews·published 2002·108 editions
An alternate cover edition for ISBN 9780375826696…
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Book 2

·451710Ratings·12241Reviews·published 2005·279 editions
Darkness falls…despair abounds…evil reigns…Eragon…
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Book 3

·380642Ratings·11075Reviews·published 2008·248 editions
Oaths sworn... loyalties tested... forces collide.…
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Book 4

·281506Ratings·12287Reviews·published 2011·193 editions
It began withEragon... It ends withInheritance.

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Book 4.5

The Fork, the Witch, and the Worm: Eragon
·30329Ratings·2792Reviews·published 2018·67 editions
It's been a year since Eragon departed Alagaësia i…
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Book 5

·25307Ratings·3310Reviews·published 2023·1 edition
Master storyteller and internationally bestselling…
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Book 1-2

Eragon & Eldest
·25936Ratings·351Reviews·published 2005·27 editions
In the #1 "New York Times" bestselling novels "Era…
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Book 1-3

Eragon, Eldest & Brisingr
·36119Ratings·723Reviews·published 2008·30 editions
WITH THE HIGHLY anticipated publication of Book Th…
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Book 1-4

The Inheritance Cycle
·12686Ratings·398Reviews·published 2011·21 editions
The much-anticipated worldwide bestselling Inherit…
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Book 1 part 1 of 2

ERAGON - Cậu Bé Cưỡi Rồng 1
Tình cờ trong một lần đi săn, Eragon nhặt được một…
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Book 1 part 2 of 2

ERAGON - Cậu Bé Cưỡi Rồng 2
Tình cờ trong một lần đi săn, Eragon nhặt được một…
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Book 1 part 1 of 3

エラゴン : 遺志を継ぐ者 1
Sâm で kiến つけた thanh く huy く thạch. それは, vân thuyết の phi を khai くものだった. Khoa り cao い thư long サフィラと thiếu niên エラゴンのファン…
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Book 1 part 2 of 3

エラゴン 遺志を継ぐ者
Japanese edition of "Eragon (Inheritance, Book 1),…
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Book 1 part 3 of 3

エラゴン 遺志を継ぐ者
Japanese edition of "Eragon (Inheritance, Book 1),…
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Book 2 part 1 of 2

·638Ratings·22Reviews·published 2005·9 editions
Perfect for fans of Lord of the Rings, theNew Yor…
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Book 2 part 2 of 2

·279Ratings·10Reviews·published 2005·8 editions
Darkness falls…despair abounds…evil reigns…

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Book 2 part 1 of 4

エルデスト 宿命の赤き翼
Japanese edition of "Eldest - (Inheritance, Book 2…
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Book 2 part 2 of 4

エルデスト 宿命の赤き翼
Japanese edition of "Eldest - (Inheritance, Book 2…
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Book 2 part 3 of 4

エルデスト 宿命の赤き翼
Japanese edition of "Eldest - (Inheritance, Book 2…
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Book 2 part 4 of 4

エルデスト 宿命の赤き翼
Japanese edition of "Eldest - (Inheritance, Book 2…
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Book 3 part 1 of 2

بریسینگر جلد اول سه گانه میراث کتاب سوم
Eder aflægges…

Alliancer sættes på en prøve…

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Book 3 part 2 of 2

بریسینگر جلد دوم سه گانه میراث کتاب سوم
کتاب سوم: بریسینگر جلد دوم از سه گانه میراث
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Book 3 part 1 of 4

Japanese edition of the great fantasy adventure "B…
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Book 3 part 2 of 4

Japanese edition of the great fantasy adventure "B…
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Book 3 part 3 of 4

Japanese edition of the great fantasy adventure "B…
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Book 3 part 4 of 4

Japanese edition of the great fantasy adventure "B…
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Book 4, part 1 of 2

Dziedzictwo tom I
·276Ratings·15Reviews·published 2011·7 editions
Jeszcze niedawno Eragon Cieniobójca, Smoczy Jeździ…
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Book 4, part 2 of 2

Dziedzictwo tom II
·286Ratings·17Reviews·published 2012·7 editions
'Do niedawna, Eragon, Smoczy jezdziec, byl biednym…
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Book 4 part 1 of 4

ドラゴンライダー12 インヘリタンス 果てなき旅
アラゲイジアの tồn vong を đổ けた chiến いの hỏa cái が, thiết って lạc とされた! せまりくる cự đại な hắc ドラゴン, シュルーカン.…
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Book 4 part 2 of 4

ドラゴンライダー13 インヘリタンス 果てなき旅
ガルバトリックスの thư い thông りなのか, địch の nha thành へたぐり ký せられるエラゴンたち. そんな trung, ナスアダに nguy cơ が…
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Book 4 part 3 of 4

ドラゴンライダー14 インヘリタンス 果てなき旅
あきらかになる〈13 nhân の lí thiết り giả 〉の khủng ろしい chân thật とガルバトリックスの quá khứ の ám. Địch の thủ に lạc ち, lãnh khốc な khảo…
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Book 4 part 4 of 4

ドラゴンライダー15 インヘリタンス 果てなき旅
ガルバトリックスの nha thành を tiền にもう hậu lệ りはできない. エルフ, ドワーフ, ma thuật sư, ローランたちの tử đấu, いよ…
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Book summary of Eragon

A Summary of Eragon
In a hurry? Save time on the go with this compact…
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A Brief History of Alagaësia
Apple’s iTunes Music Store has recently released a…
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Book guide

Eragon's Guide to Alagaësia
·3515Ratings·141Reviews·published 2009·17 editions
From the creators of the bestselling books Dragono…
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