Harry Potterdiscussion

Games > So funny if they got married...

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message 1: by Sarah (last edited Sep 08, 2012 11:16PM) (new)

Sarah Petrowich Okay, in this game you think of someone who it would be hilarious if they married the person above you, then it keeps going (can be creatures too), example:
Umbridge (if she married)
Hagrid (If he married)
and so forth. Lets keep it HP related! You can also just list a couple by yourself, it's just supposed to be fun! Let's start with

message 2: by Candycloud (new)

Candycloud | 143 comments This sounds fun!


message 3: by ɐzzıɹʞ (new)

ɐzzıɹʞ Bellatrix!

message 4: by Rintu (new)

Rintu (rintuam) | 57 comments Stan shunpike... Now that would be one rocking couple:P

message 5: by Brianna (new)

Brianna | 45 comments Lol that is hilarious.:).

message 6: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Petrowich Hah, yus, ummmm… stan shunpike, how about, Fleur XD

ℂᖺαᖇᒪἷ℮ ⊰1017 &Tardis⊱ (charlie_awesome) | 57 comments Fleur...hehe Quirrell

message 8: by Rintu (new)

Rintu (rintuam) | 57 comments I will make Quirell couple with Madame Maxim:)

ℂᖺαᖇᒪἷ℮ ⊰1017 &Tardis⊱ (charlie_awesome) | 57 comments Who would go great with Olivander

message 10: by Rintu (new)

Rintu (rintuam) | 57 comments Ollivander would be better off with Mrs. Longbottom (Grandmother)

message 11: by Brianna (new)

Brianna | 45 comments Or Umbridge with Voldemort.

message 12: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Petrowich XD Slughorn with Narcissa

message 13: by Candycloud (new)

Candycloud | 143 comments ^ Lol

Dudley and Lavender

message 14: by Ciara (new)

Ciara  | 109 comments Snape and McGonagall:D

message 15: by Shamma8 (new)

Shamma8 (s-the-cat) | 14 comments Brianna wrote: "Or Umbridge with Voldemort."

He'll probably kill her before exchanging rings

Grawp and hermione

message 16: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Petrowich ^ aww!!! Dean with Prof. Sprout!

message 17: by Julia (new)

Julia | 275 comments Sirius with Umbridge

message 18: by l (new)

l | 144 comments Molly Weasley and Lucius Malfoy xD

message 19: by Shamma8 (new)

Shamma8 (s-the-cat) | 14 comments LOL!

Mcgonogall and Ron weasley XD

message 20: by l (new)

l | 144 comments Trelawney and Voldemort o.O

message 21: by Islam Ahmed (new)

Islam Ahmed (islamahmed0904) | 31 comments Umbrige and Kreature

message 22: by l (new)

l | 144 comments Dobby and....Hedwig.

message 23: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Petrowich ^ one of the cutest B )

But, dobby and winky:)

message 24: by Candycloud (new)

Candycloud | 143 comments Harry and Pansy XD

message 25: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Petrowich Oooooh, madame maxime with flit wick hahahhahahahh he'll have to levitate himself up to kiss her

message 26: by [deleted user] (new)

Good one!:) How about Percy with Umbridge?

message 27: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Petrowich Oh, hahaha, Ginny with Cedric!

message 28: by Cristina (new)

Cristina (lotsofbooksandotherthings) | 70 comments I'd like to see Draco with Ginny

message 29: by Pamela (new)

Pamela (waterspout) | 27 comments @Brianna omg Umbridge and Voldemort that is so crazy-ly funny insane!

What about Hermione and Fred:>

message 30: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Petrowich Aww, George with Cho

message 31: by Heyme (new)

Heyme (heyme_u) | 6 comments Abe Dumbledore and Madam Rosmerta:D

message 32: by Rebecca (new)

Rebecca May | 376 comments Madam Rosmerta and Colin Creevey:D

message 33: by H (new)

H Norah (dumbledoresarmy) | 2 comments Draco and Luna Lovegood:)

message 34: by Julia (new)

Julia | 275 comments Luna and Ron.

message 35: by Smileysp (new)

Smileysp (readingwriting4eva) | 30 comments Viktor Krum and Luna Lovegood:-D

message 36: by Smileysp (new)

Smileysp (readingwriting4eva) | 30 comments Ron and Trelawney:-D

message 37: by Ciara (new)

Ciara  | 109 comments Ron and Umbridge (I have actually heard of this fanfic.:O)

message 38: by Brianna (new)

Brianna | 45 comments Omg. That's just scary

message 39: by Sarah (last edited Nov 26, 2012 10:13AM) (new)

Sarah Petrowich Oh no, *shakes head* Um, Hagrid with McGonagall, lest just picture this folks XD

message 40: by Cindy (new)

Cindy  | 3 comments Draco with McGonagall.

message 41: by My Little Forest (new)

My Little Forest (dianadawn) McGonagall with Ojolocco Moody? Mmm... no way, no way!

message 42: by l (new)

l | 144 comments Lily and Hagrid.

message 43: by My Little Forest (new)

My Little Forest (dianadawn) Neville with Bellatrix

message 44: by Rebecca (new)

Rebecca May | 376 comments Bellatrix and Dobby... come on, admit it, that would be beyond weird.:D

۪H۫۰۪a۫۰۪l۫۰۪e۫۰۪y۫۰ | 37 comments Dobby and Umbridge!

And Bellatrix and Dobby is super weird!!

message 46: by Fardia (new)

Fardia | 15 comments Harry and Bellatrix.

message 47: by Shamma8 (new)

Shamma8 (s-the-cat) | 14 comments Draco Malfoy and Voldemort *flashback to last battle scene when Voldy awkwardly hugs Draco XD*
That would be just super funny and awkward, guess who's the woman in the relationship XD

message 48: by Rebecca (new)

Rebecca May | 376 comments S-The-Great wrote: "Draco Malfoy and Voldemort *flashback to last battle scene when Voldy awkwardly hugs Draco XD*
That would be just super funny and awkward, guess who's the woman in the relationship XD "

OK, that one I just DO NOT want to think about....

message 49: by Jasmine (new)

Jasmine J | 24 comments Lily potter

message 50: by Shamma8 (new)

Shamma8 (s-the-cat) | 14 comments Petunia and Hagrid ahahaha

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