Romance Readers Reading Challengesdiscussion

2012 Challenge Archive > 2012 October Pick It For Me! Challenge

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message 1: by Vi (last edited Sep 29, 2012 01:17AM) (new)

Vi | 2551 comments SIGN-UPS ARE CLOSED!

What is the Pick-It-For-Me Challenge?

The Pick-It-For-Me Challenge (PIFM) is a reading challenge where each participant gives and receives book recommendations based on a given set of rules. The assignment method and book selection rules change each month so it’s always new and different. Please make sure you read this information before you sign up.

After the signup period expires, I'll put your names along the extra info I requested into the super secret PIFM randomizer and select someone for you to choose for. The person for whom you are to 'pick' will be posted at the same time as the rules for the month.

While you are doing your picks, someone else is picking for you. Once you receive your picks, you select a book off the list and get reading. To complete the challenge, you only have to read1 (one)book, but many of us end up reading more because we just can't resist a list of books to read.

You need to either HAVE YOUR PROFILE SET TO PUBLIC (preferable), or make the person who will be giving you recommendations your friend. On top of that, I strongly recommend keeping your bookshelves updated; you may otherwise end up with a recommendation for a book that you have already read.

If you are new, please read thechallenge specific FAQ.If you have any questions that are not addressed there, please feel free to ask!


1. Check the publishing date of the book before recommending it.
To check the publishing date, from your pickee's to-read or similar shelf, choose shelf settings and from the drop down, select "date pub" and save your shelf setting

2. Check pickee's exclusive shelves - could be very helpful in recommending something they want to read.An Exclusive shelf is one that a member has labeled themselves, for example, 'to read next', 'can't wait to read', 'favorites'.

3. Look at your pickee's 'read' shelf and see what genres they have recently read the most. That might help in choosing something they are interested in reading right now.

4. Please make sure the books you choose for your pickee are not on their 'read' shelf.
Just because it isn't rated doesn't mean it wasn't read. Sometimes the reader may choose not to rate a book.

5. Although Buddy Reads are no longer going to be offered as a category, if there is a recommendation that you give your pickee that you would like to read with them, please feel free to suggest a Buddy Read with them. You can PM each other and discuss it.

6. If your pickee reads lots of books in a genre you are not familiar with (erotic romance, GLBT, YA, etc.), feel free to contact either Fran, Dee, Jane or the month's organizer and they can try to point you in the right direction for recommendations.

7. If possible, try to include a shorter book, a longer book, a new addition to their 'to-read' shelf, and and older book from their 'to-read' shelf.
This gives them a variety of options to choose from. You can sort the shelves by many features - ratings, date read, date added, date published, #of pages and many other items from the shelf settings as described in Tip #1. And they can be sorted by ascending or descending order as well.

8. Please try to keep the choices to one per category but it's not mandatory.If you have more than one choice that you really want to recommend then you can do so.

Please sign up in this thread with the following information in your signup post:

What is your favorite season: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter or Rainy?

Sept 28th(10(am)US PDT): Sign up closes, matchups are made, picking rules are posted
Oct 2nd (23:59(pm)US PDT): Deadline for recommendations; remixes are assigned
October 31st: Deadline for reading your pick and giving some feedback

message 3: by Vi (last edited Oct 02, 2012 07:48PM) (new)

Vi | 2551 comments PIFM Pairings!!

Each person will be picking for the person below them in their group. The last person in the group will be picking for the person on top of the group. For example, Isabella in Spring group will be picking for Gea whereas Misskim who is at the last will be picking for Isabella who is at the top.

✓ - Picks Made
Rena Reads Romance
Jane (PS)

Amy J
Sallie (Shuga)
Jackie M

Susan (Susayq)
Ruth Ann
Dawn (Kat n Hat)
Yz the Whyz
Diane ~Firefly~
Kristi (Passion for the Page)
Lady Allison

Megan L
Erin B
Cathy C

message 4: by Vi (last edited Sep 29, 2012 01:29AM) (new)

Vi | 2551 comments PIFM Rules:

This PIFM challenge we will be celebrating the different seasons. Please make sure that at least 4 books are from your pickee's TBR.

1. Spring Cleaning:Recommend a book from a series that they have already started or a book that has been longest in from your pickee's TBR.
2. Season of Rebirth:Recommend an author/genre that they don't regularly read.

3. Summer flings:Recommend a book from your pickee's TBR that caught you eye.
4. Beach Reads:Recommend a light, fluffy book that can be read in a beach.

5. Sports Season:Read a book with sports premise or a very popular book.
6. TV Seasons:Fall is the start of new seasons of TV shows. Recommend a series that is new to your pickee or a long book.

7. Cozy Winter:Recommend a book that you read and loved; a book that is a comfort read on a wintery night.
8. Pass It On:Pass on a book you loved that was recommended to you by a friend or from another PIFM challenge.

message 5: by Vi (new)

Vi | 2551 comments Reserved - Just in Case

message 6: by Lala (new)

Lala  | 169 comments Spring:)

message 7: by Ty (last edited Sep 20, 2012 11:03PM) (new)

Ty  | 1943 comments Autumn!
I got too excited. I really meant WINTER

message 8: by Dee (new)

Dee (austhokie) | 7316 comments Autumn because its when all the trees turn the virginia tech colors;)

message 9: by ~KarenH~,Moderator (last edited Sep 20, 2012 11:04PM) (new)

~KarenH~ | 10701 comments Hmmmm, around here the rainy season is pretty much all year, but we do get some of our nicest weather inAutumn.

message 10: by Skandia (new)

Skandia (sfgirl) | 972 comments Summer:)

message 11: by Vi (new)

Vi | 2551 comments I've lived primarily in tropical countries. So it's either rainy season or dry season. I much prefer Rainy season since I just love rain.

message 12: by Fran,Moderator (new)

Fran | 12094 comments Autumnfor me:)

message 13: by Irina (last edited Sep 20, 2012 11:51PM) (new)

Irina (reetu_416) | 504 comments Rainyseason all the way!!! love the sound of rain and the smell of rain on fresh grass..:D

message 14: by Jojo (new)

Jojo | 1010 comments Winter - I love putting the heating on, drawing the curtains and curling up with the TV or a book.

message 15: by MountainKat,Moderator (new)

MountainKat | 28727 comments I'm completely torn between winter and autumn! But this year, I think I am looking forward to fall more than winter so I am going to go withautumn!

message 16: by Kristina Simon (new)

Kristina Simon (kristinasimon) Hmmm... autumn, winter, and spring are all really nice in Florida. But I think I'm going to go withautumnsince it's the most notable change. The heat of summer finally breaks and the thunderstorms chill out (although the possibility of a hurricane still exists) and we can finally do all things outside comfortably again.;-)

message 17: by Rishika (new)

Rishika | 136 comments I am in I will go for Autumn

Jim son of Jim (formerly PhotoJim) (jim_formerly_photojim) | 5294 comments Fall! I'm all about the fall.

message 19: by Carrie (new)

Carrie  (icanhasbooks) | 939 comments I'm torn.

I love the magical feeling of winter. The lights twinkling while the snowy gently falls, warm coco, cozy blanket curled up with a good book.

I love the smells of fall, the colors and crispness in the air. Walking and crunching the leaves. Halloween and turkey time, getting ready for the man in red.

I'm going to go withFall

message 20: by SandyC (new)

SandyC (sandyc88) | 1287 comments I'm in. I love Autumn!

message 21: by Katie (new)

Katie | 2083 comments I'm in -- Autumn!

message 22: by Kami (last edited Sep 21, 2012 03:06AM) (new)

Kami (aidansmama) | 973 comments I secondSpring.

message 23: by ~Leslie~ (new)

~Leslie~ (akareadingmachine) | 1934 comments I love Autumn!!

message 24: by Breann (new)

Breann | 373 comments Me please! Autumn is my favorite time of the year!

message 25: by Daffodil (last edited Sep 21, 2012 04:57AM) (new)

Daffodil (daffodil--ripcranberry) | 1058 comments Autumn of course.

October is just wonderful... if you ignore all the people trying to kill me by burning leaves outside. Love the smell, hate the way my allergies react. The temperature is usually just about perfect for me, crisp but not freezing. Then at the end of the month I get to watch all the old b&w horror movie marathons on TCM and AMC.

message 26: by Dawn (new)

Dawn (dawn_e) | 157 comments Spring

message 27: by Alexis (new)

Alexis (LexaReads) | 375 comments I love Autumn... I look forward to the colors and scents all year!

message 28: by Mimmy (new)

Mimmy  (roxym) | 208 comments I'm in for Summer: best season for fruits and veggies and longer lazy days.

message 29: by Jane (PS),Moderator (new)

Jane (PS) | 23300 comments We are in Spring at the moment, and the weather is just beautiful - days of about 27 c; nights about 15 c. I'd love it to rain, but we can't have everything (evidently)... So I'll stick with the current season since I can't pick otherwise:)

message 30: by Amy J. (last edited Sep 21, 2012 09:46AM) (new)

Amy J. | 349 comments I love Summer. As long as it's a dry heat, it can't get too hot form me.

message 31: by ~Melissa~ (new)

~Melissa~ | 2054 comments I love all the changing colors, scents, crisp air of Autumn!

message 32: by Nancy H (new)

Nancy H | 1066 comments It's very hard to decide, because I love every season. I think I will go with Summer.

message 33: by Penney (new)

Penney (pschoener) | 3553 comments The coziness of Autumn *sigh*

message 34: by Melissa (new)

Melissa | 1245 comments I'm in and I much prefer Autumn weather.

message 35: by Jodi (new)

Jodi (jojolyn) | 445 comments I love Winter! Give me some chili, a crackling fire and a good book and I am set for the day.

message 36: by Gea (new)

Gea (gea89) | 545 comments I like Spring when everything becomes green again

message 37: by Bror (Abrar) (new)

Bror (Abrar)  (ab2y) | 152 comments I'm in, Autumn.

message 38: by Lacy (new)

Lacy (lacy_stewart) | 1948 comments I miss you guys, so I'm taking a break from my challenge break and joining you people this month!

I am torn between winter and summer. I love the winter holidays, but I love the dry heat and the break we get from homeschooling....Decisions, decisions!

I'm gonna let my daughter pick!

I'm in, winter.

message 39: by Vi (new)

Vi | 2551 comments Andrew, you just have to answer this question:What is your favorite season: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter or Rainy?

Andrew wrote: "I am soooooooooooooooooooo in!!!1 Here is my list:





Rainy: "

message 40: by Vi (new)

Vi | 2551 comments LOL, It's a good time to take a break, Lacy. Welcome back!

message 41: by Lacy (new)

Lacy (lacy_stewart) | 1948 comments Thank you, Vi!

message 42: by Sue (new)

Sue (knitwitsl) | 226 comments I'm in and I prefer Autumn. I love the colors and the weather - and football!!

message 43: by Ruth Ann (new)

Ruth Ann (ruthannsantiago) | 172 comments I prefer Autumn.

message 44: by [deleted user] (new)

Oh the decision! I'm going with Spring

message 45: by [deleted user] (last edited Sep 24, 2012 05:48PM) (new)

I'm in for Spring

message 46: by Nichole (new)

Nichole | 1010 comments I love Autumn, when it finally arrives that is.

message 47: by Susan (susayq ~) (new)

Susan (susayq ~) (susayq) | 741 comments I wasn't going to do PIFM this month, but I just can't stay away LOL Put me down for Autumn

message 48: by Renee (new)

Renee Nicole | 175 comments This seems like fun, so I'll give it a go! (My first RRRC challenge - go team!)

SPRING is my favorite season down here in FL.

message 49: by Nikki (new)

Nikki (nikkit23) | 121 comments I'm in! Winter for me

message 50: by Gigi (new)

Gigi | 1149 comments Autumn, I'm in!

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