Wild Things: YA Grown-Updiscussion

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Book Club Nominations > POLL IS OVER!!!!!!!!!!!

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message 1: by Allison (last edited Apr 29, 2009 03:52AM) (new)

Allison (inconceivably) Anne of Green Gables!:)

...most people have probably already read it, I'm just pressuring Fiona to read it sooner.

message 3: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie (sbez05) | 30 comments The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins

I've heard great things and am dying to read it!

message 4: by Becky (new)

Becky (beckyofthe19and9) *waves* Hi Steph! Thanks for joining!

I nominate Howl's Moving Castle, since I just bought it and want to read it!

message 5: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie (sbez05) | 30 comments Becky wrote: "*waves* Hi Steph! Thanks for joining!

I nominate Howl's Moving Castle, since I just bought it and want to read it! "

Hey Becky! Thanks for the welcome:) Oooh, I want to read that one too!

message 6: by Sara ♥ (new)

Sara ♥ (saranicole) | 719 comments Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr

(I just looked at the books I had left for the Spring Challenge and picked one...:) )

message 7: by Beth (new)

Beth Knight (zazaknittycat) | 390 comments The Secret Garden.This book has been on my TBR list for awhile and this morning I took the "Which Classic Book Are You" quiz on Facebook and it said, "The Secret Garden". I guess I NEED to read this book!

message 8: by Kristen (new)

Kristen Harvey | 1046 comments *looks at her shelf of library books that are YA* Do I really only have to pick one? *sighs* I nominate...

Bones of Faerie

message 9: by Catamorandi (new)

Catamorandi (wwwgoodreadscomprofilerandi) I nominate I Am a Messenger by Markus Zusak.

message 10: by Sara ♥ (new)

Sara ♥ (saranicole) | 719 comments Oooh... good one!

message 11: by Kandice (new)

Kandice The Book Thief The Book Thief by Markus Zusak Because I just bought it!

message 12: by Becky (new)

Becky (beckyofthe19and9) Kandice wrote: "The Book Thief Because I just bought it!"

YES!!! Have you read it yet? Oh my gosh, it's so gorgeous and lovely and moving and funny. And sad. And... please please start a thread!

message 13: by Allison (new)

Allison (inconceivably) ugh! I want to read (or have read and loved) every one of those.

message 14: by Laura (new)

Laura (apenandzen) Perpendicularandi wrote: "I nominate I Am a Messenger by Markus Zusak."

I think I love you!

message 15: by Laura (new)

Laura (apenandzen) :)

message 16: by Josie (new)

Josie (maid_marian) | 126 comments Ooh, can I addThe Thiefby Megan Whalen Turner? Otherwise Howl's Moving Castle looks good, I need to re-read it after watching the anime THREE times last week!:)

message 17: by Catamorandi (new)

Catamorandi (wwwgoodreadscomprofilerandi) Again, I don't mean to sound stupid, but what is an anime?

message 18: by Kristen (last edited Apr 29, 2009 08:02AM) (new)

Kristen Harvey | 1046 comments Anime is Japanese animated films.. they generally are geared towards young adults and adults and have more adult themes. They are definitely NOT little kid films.

message 19: by Catamorandi (new)

Catamorandi (wwwgoodreadscomprofilerandi) Thank you for clearing that one up for me as well, Kristen.

message 20: by Kristen (new)

Kristen Harvey | 1046 comments Always wanting to help! It's really a rather geeky thing to be into.. hehe.

message 22: by Kristen (new)

Kristen Harvey | 1046 comments Ooooo. One of my favorites Kathryn.

message 23: by Kate (new)

Kate (kathrynlouwca) | 120 comments Kristen wrote: "Ooooo. One of my favorites Kathryn."

I have started it but never finished it so I thought that I would nominate it... especially with the new one out!

message 24: by Kristen (new)

Kristen Harvey | 1046 comments They are fun books! I just read them all in the last 4 months.

message 25: by Lisa Julianna (new)

Lisa Julianna (lisajulianna) A Wrinkle In Timewould be fun...I'll wait till next month to nominate that one.:~)

message 26: by Sara ♥ (new)

Sara ♥ (saranicole) | 719 comments I've already done my nomination, but someone needs to nominate City of Bones!

message 27: by Mosca (new)

message 28: by Kandice (new)

Kandice I feel a little silly, but I had nominated the Book Thief, but know I will vote for Maus. Does that mean I need to take back my nomination?

message 29: by Becky (new)

Becky (beckyofthe19and9) Kandice wrote: "I feel a little silly, but I had nominated the Book Thief, but know I will vote for Maus. Does that mean I need to take back my nomination?"

NO! (Although I'll vote for Maus too, just so I have a rock-solid excuse to buy it.) *wink*

message 31: by Vicki (new)

Vicki Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbit.

message 32: by Leora (new)

Leora Can I second 2? Maus and I am Messenger, both have been cqlling to me but I haven't gotten aorund to either yet.

JG (Introverted Reader) I'll be brave and nominateThe Graveyard BookbyNeil Gaiman.

See there, Fiona? I never nominate books because I'm afraid people will hate them if they're chosen, but in the spirit of getting your group up and running, I just officially made my first nomination in any group ever. A historic moment.:-)

message 34: by Fiona (Titch) (new)

Fiona (Titch) Hunt (titch) JG, never read that, but do wanna read it.

Fi, can I nominateStormbreaker - Anthony Horowitz

message 35: by Allison (new)

Allison (inconceivably) Heather wrote: "There are so many great noms that I want to read that I think I'll just wait for the voting:)

JG, I can't believe this is the first nomination you've made!!!! Great choice, by the way. "

for real Heather! I would gladly read every thing nominated that I haven't already:P

message 36: by Allison (new)

Allison (inconceivably) Heather wrote: "Allison, I bet you've read most of the ones nominated so far, haven't you? You reading machine, you...."

nope! Only like 5 or 6 of them:P

message 37: by Fiona (Titch) (new)

Fiona (Titch) Hunt (titch) Allison wrote: "Anne of Green Gables!:)

...most people have probably already read it, I'm just pressuring Fiona to read it sooner. "

Never read it Allison neither.

message 38: by Jamie (new)

Jamie Heather wrote: "There are so many great noms that I want to read that I think I'll just wait for the voting"

I agree. I already know which one I'll be voting for, too!

message 39: by Allison (new)

Allison (inconceivably) I'll probably just change my vote towards the end anyway:P when it gets close and there are only a couple contenders.

message 40: by Jamie (new)

Jamie Allison wrote: "I'll probably just change my vote towards the end anyway:P when it gets close and there are only a couple contenders."

I do that, too. You never know how voting is going to go, but it's nice when your vote matters!

message 41: by [deleted user] (new)

Let's vote now!:)

message 42: by [deleted user] (new)

And just leave it open for a couple of days. That way we can start reading!!

message 43: by Allison (new)

Allison (inconceivably) yeah...we sure don't need any more noms, so I agree!

message 44: by Fiona (Titch) (new)

Fiona (Titch) Hunt (titch) Voting Voting Voting

message 45: by Allison (new)

Allison (inconceivably) Fiona wrote: "Okay then guyos. NOMINATING IS OVER!!! I'll put up the poll now, sit tight."

*sits tight*

message 46: by [deleted user] (new)

waiting excitedly....:)

message 47: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer (JenJen1221) | 623 comments yay...i was hoping it would be up today since it's already may 1st here, i think...i'm confused it's kind of late here.

message 48: by Fiona (Titch) (new)

Fiona (Titch) Hunt (titch) Voted xx

message 49: by Beth (new)

Beth Knight (zazaknittycat) | 390 comments Me too, but it was a hard to decide!

message 50: by Fiona (Titch) (new)

Fiona (Titch) Hunt (titch) I have read a couple, have a couple on my TBR shelf and wanna read a few lol.

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