The Next Best Book Clubdiscussion

Questions About The Group > Does anyone know where to find more book challenges?

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Sarah (Mood Reader) (bookworm1887) I am interested in finding new book challenges for myself. I know that I have yet to fill out my summer group challenge but I love looking at challenges because they give me ideas for books!

message 2: by Jen B (new)

Jen B (jennybee618) I stumbled across this blog awhile back that has links to hundreds of different challenges:

Some of these look like they could be a lot of fun

Sarah (Mood Reader) (bookworm1887) Thank you both so much!

message 4: by Lori,Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10416 comments Mod
Sarah, if you are interested in the ABC hit show LOST, I run a group called Flight 815-ers Unite and we have an ongoing Lost List Challenge, where we read the books linked through the show.

The books are listed in the first post linked above!

message 5: by rebecca j (new)

rebecca j (technophobe) | 6029 comments If you like paranormal romance the group has monthly challenges.

message 6: by Kathy (new)

Kathy  (hnybee411) There's also a romance reading challenges group if you like romance in general.

message 7: by Nadia (new)

Nadia A (bagambo) I'm doing three challenges - Everything Austen Challenge, Team Ulysses and The Random Reading Challenge. I found all three on book blogs.

message 8: by Amanda (new)

Amanda (amandaroby) Jen B wrote: "I stumbled across this blog awhile back that has links to hundreds of different challenges:

Some of these look like they could be a lot of fun "


Thank you so much for this link! I'm having so much fun tonight! I'm glad I stumbled on this thread now.

Amanda R. in Louisville

Sarah (Mood Reader) (bookworm1887) It's weird, I went around looking for so many book challenges and now I can barely keep up with the one I am involved in.

Yes, you read it right I'm only involved in one and find it hard to keep up with that one.

message 10: by Sharon (new)

Sharon Ellis | 176 comments HI, there is Up And Coming Authors Group - which has a group read every two weeks! Please join!
enjoy! Sharon

message 11: by Emilly R (new)

Emilly R (rosario0829e) | 198 comments Hi,has anyone in this club read THE MONTAUK PROJECT i need some imputs

message 12: by Lori,Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10416 comments Mod
Emily, you wont find very many replies to your post in here. THis thread is for book challenges. Perhaps if you posted it in a more appropriate folder?

message 13: by Emilly R (new)

Emilly R (rosario0829e) | 198 comments thanks lori

message 14: by [deleted user] (new)

Thanks for the links guys! I'm very excited to do some of the challenges here.


message 15: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer (pearlady) | 45 comments Holy moly, a bookworm has little excuse to be bored with all these challenges!:D

message 16: by Angie (new)

Angie  (angelitabonita) | 71 comments Sarah wrote: "It's weird, I went around looking for so many book challenges and now I can barely keep up with the one I am involved in.

Yes, you read it right I'm only involved in one and find it hard to keep... "

haha me too sarah. Life just seems to always get in the way

message 18: by Marla (new)

Marla Schwartz (marlalynns) Sarah (Mood Reader) wrote: "I am interested in finding new book challenges for myself. I know that I have yet to fill out my summer group challenge but I love looking at challenges because they give me ideas for books!"

There is actually a group on goodreads called "Nothing but reading challenges". They really have some awesome challenges. I am not too sure how to leave a comment with a link to the group but I am sure if you just search groups you will find it.

message 19: by Gemma (new)

Gemma I don't know how much of a challenge you want but I'm about to start the 1001 read challenge, there's a group for it called 1001 books to read before you die (:

message 20: by Dee (new)

Dee (austhokie) | 618 comments there is also the seasonal reading challenge - which re-starts every 3 months - it was originally part of this group and then expanded into its own -

message 21: by Nawar (new)

Nawar (nawaralq) | 199 comments Book Riot has a Read Harder Challenge which is kind of cool!
I think I might try to tackle this one as well at some point

message 22: by Sally (new)

Sally taylor (sallyjanet) | 29 comments There is a group on good reads called Wacky Reading Challenges, there is a ton on there (Monthly, quarterly, Yearly and ongoing)

message 23: by Chris (new)

Chris I belong to Christian Fiction Devourers here on Goodreads -and there are lots of challenges on its shelves- don't have to just read Christian books -
Plus there's the Reese Witherspoon Book club that I have found to have a lot of good reads on it.

message 24: by Jodi (new)

Jodi Kauble The RW Boookclub on goodreads has monthly and quarterly challenges. Also check out Reading Rivalry on Facebook.

message 25: by ✨ A ✨ (new)

✨ A ✨  (az_youread) im also doing the popsugar reading challenge and its been so fun!!

message 26: by Pixie (new)

Pixie Rose (princesspixierose) It'd not TECHNICALLY a reading challenge, but me and some friends are doing all of Boxall's 1001 books you must read before you die (which is actually more like 1300 at this point through all published editions).

I like to challenge myself to read those books by finding how they fit into other reading challenges. It's a good time.

message 27: by Karen (new)

Karen (readerkaren) Very impressive goal to read all those books. I've thought about doing that but I always get distracted by books that aren't on the list. Good luck!

message 28: by Jasmine (new)

Jasmine Davis | 3 comments Gemma wrote: "I don't know how much of a challenge you want but I'm about to start the 1001 read challenge, there's a group for it called 1001 books to read before you die (:"

I just joined this group too. At least you will always have something to read in this group since it seems to be a never-ending list lol

message 29: by Jasmine (new)

Jasmine Davis | 3 comments I am doing this reading challenge for the first time. I am following the Booklist Queen. She is awesome. It's a 52 week challenge so it will hopefully last you the whole year depending on how fast you read. I'm on my second book "Where The Forest Meets the Stars" by Glendy Vanderah. Its my book for the 2020 Bestseller Prompt

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