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message 1: by ⚜️XAR (last edited Nov 27, 2015 06:17AM) (new)

⚜️XAR the Bookwyrm (xar-the-bookwyrm) ⚜Foreman Trea’s Celebrating Cotton Candy, Pearl Harbor Day, and Yule


For people of nearly any religious background, the time of the winter solstice is a time when we gather with family and loved ones. Most folks know about Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa. For Pagans and Wiccans, such as my husband, it's often celebrated as Yule, but there are literally dozens of ways you can enjoy the season. However, December also celebrates a favorite treat from childhood as well as reminds the citizens of the United States of the tragedy that heralded our entrance into World War II.

December 1st to December 31st, 2015

How To’s:
Read one book per task, do a spell out for any of the words listed below, or Mix and Match from both options
You can choose to find the word or words of each task in the title or text of the book or follow the specified criteria for the task
Re-reads are allowed and there are no page minimums unless noted!

Spell Out Option:
Cotton Candy, Pearl Harbor, Yule, December, Holidays, Childhood, Treat, Tragedy, Remember, Cycle of Life

National Cotton Candy Day is December 7th. Cotton candy is known by several names: Cotton Candy in the U.S., India, Canada, candy floss in the UK, Pakistan, Ireland, New Zealand, India, South Africa, Canada, tooth floss in South Africa, and Fairy Floss in Australia.:Read a sweet book, a book about fairies, a book set in one of the above named countries, or one with the words Cotton, Candy, Fairy, floss, or Sweet in the title.
Machine-spun cotton candy was invented in 1897 by the dentist William Morrison and confectioner John C. Wharton and first introduced to a wide audience at the 1904 World's Fair:Read a book set at the turn of a century or set at a World’s Fair.
December 7th is known as Pearl Harbor Day in the US. It marks the day when Japan attacked the shipyard at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii and forced the United States into World War II.:Read a book set in Japan, Hawaii, or during World War II.
December 7th is also National Civil Aviation Day:Read a book where one of the MCs is a pilot or where one of the MCs takes a plane ride (can have just returned from a plane ride).
Yule is celebrated on December 21st:Read a book set anytime in December, a book that is the 1st, 2nd, or 21st in a series, or has the words December or twenty-one (in words or numbers) in the title.
As a festival of the Sun, the most important part of any Yule celebration is light -- candles, bonfires, and more:Read a book with the sun, a candle, or a fire on the cover.
Yule can symbolize the Death and Rebirth portion of the Cycle of Life: Birth, Death, and Rebirth:Read a book where someone dies, the word death is in the title, or where someone is pregnant or gives birth.

message 2: by ⚜️XAR (last edited Dec 31, 2015 05:33AM) (new)

⚜️XAR the Bookwyrm (xar-the-bookwyrm) ⚜Foreman Trea’s Celebrating Cotton Candy, Pearl Harbor Day, and Yule Challenge
Duration: December 1st to December 31st, 2015
Read: 7/7

National Cotton Candy Day is December 7th. Cotton candy is known by several names: Cotton Candy in the U.S., India, Canada, candy floss in the UK, Pakistan, Ireland, New Zealand, India, South Africa, Canada, tooth floss in South Africa, and Fairy Floss in Australia.:Read a sweet book, a book about fairies, a book set in one of the above named countries, or one with the words Cotton, Candy, Fairy, floss, or Sweet in the title:Fatal Destinyby Marie Force-12/2/15
Machine-spun cotton candy was invented in 1897 by the dentist William Morrison and confectioner John C. Wharton and first introduced to a wide audience at the 1904 World's Fair:Read a book set at the turn of a century or set at a World’s Fair.:It Happened at the Fairby Deeanne Gist-12/30/15
December 7th is known as Pearl Harbor Day in the US. It marks the day when Japan attacked the shipyard at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii and forced the United States into World War II.:Read a book set in Japan, Hawaii, or during World War II.:Dark Side Of The Sunby Rachel Druten-12/23/15
December 7th is also National Civil Aviation Day:Read a book where one of the MCs is a pilot or where one of the MCs takes a plane ride (can have just returned from a plane ride):Fatal Flawby Marie Force-12/10/15
Yule is celebrated on December 21st:Read a book set anytime in December, a book that is the 1st, 2nd, or 21st in a series, or has the words December or twenty-one (in words or numbers) in the title.:Cold Feet at Christmasby Debbie Johnson-12/4/15
As a festival of the Sun, the most important part of any Yule celebration is light -- candles, bonfires, and more:Read a book with the sun, a candle, or a fire on the cover.:The Toymakerby Kay Springsteen-12/20/15
Yule can symbolize the Death and Rebirth portion of the Cycle of Life: Birth, Death, and Rebirth:Read a book where someone dies, the word death is in the title, or where someone is pregnant or gives birth.:On a Pale Horseby Piers Anthony-12/18/15

message 3: by BarbaraAnn (last edited Dec 23, 2015 08:57PM) (new)

BarbaraAnn | 327 comments ⚜Foreman Trea’s Celebrating Cotton Candy, Pearl Harbor Day, and Yule
Duration: December 1st to December 31st, 2015
Read: 7/8

Spell Out Option
H On a Barbarian World ****12/20
O Owl and the Japanese Circus *** 12/12
L The River Leith ***** 12/6
I Ice **** 12/22
DDance with the Devil
A The Aeronaut's Windlass *****12/5
Y Yours to Keep *** 12/23
S Hot Head ****12/20

message 4: by ❀~Amy~❀ (last edited Dec 27, 2015 03:47AM) (new)

❀~Amy~❀ (ajpayne75) Foreman Trea’s Celebrating Cotton Candy, Pearl Harbor Day, and Yule

16 read

Spell Out Option:
Cotton Candy,Pearl Harbor,Yule, December, Holidays, Childhood, Treat, Tragedy, Remember, Cycle of Life

P -Pizza for Thanksgiving~ 12/25/15 ~★★
E -Unwrapping Hankby EliEaston~ 12/8/15 ~★★★★★
A -Sailor BoysbyAnthony McDonald~ 12/25/15 ~★★
R -Carry the OceanSeries: TheRoosevelt~ 12/20/15 ~★★★★★
L -Seth and DavidbyL.B. Gregg~ 12/12/15 ~★★★

H -Double BlindbyHeidi Cullinan~ 12/3/15 ~★★★★
A -Best ChancebyAria Grace~ 12/2/15 ~★★★★
R -A Family Secretby CassidyRyan~ 12/24/15 ~★★★
B -Beware of Geeks Bearing Gifts~ 12/10/15 ~★★★1/2
O -A Christmas PrincessbyOfelia Gränd~ 12/25/15 ~★★★★★
R -Toys for Good GirlsSeries:Reindeer Games~ 12/26/15 ~★★★

Pizza for Thanksgiving by Trina Solet Unwrapping Hank by Eli Easton Sailor Boys by Anthony McDonald Carry the Ocean (The Roosevelt, #1) by Heidi Cullinan Seth and David (Men of Smithfield, #3) by L.B. Gregg
Double Blind (Special Delivery, #2) by Heidi Cullinan Best Chance (More Than Friends, #6) by Aria Grace A Family Secret by Cassidy Ryan Beware of Geeks Bearing Gifts by Charlie Cochet A Christmas Princess by Ofelia Gränd Toys for Good Girls (Reindeer Games, #2) by Jet Mykles

National Cotton Candy Day is December 7th. Cotton candy is known by several names: Cotton Candy in the U.S., India, Canada, candy floss in the UK, Pakistan, Ireland, New Zealand, India, South Africa, Canada, tooth floss in South Africa, and Fairy Floss in Australia.:
Read a sweet book, a book about fairies, a book set in one of the above named countries, or one with the words Cotton, Candy, Fairy, floss, or Sweet in the title.Stormhaven~ 12/10/15 ~★★★★★

Machine-spun cotton candy was invented in 1897 by the dentist William Morrison and confectioner John C. Wharton and first introduced to a wide audience at the 1904 World's Fair:Read a book set at the turn of a century or set at a World’s Fair.

December 7th is known as Pearl Harbor Day in the US. It marks the day when Japan attacked the shipyard at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii and forced the United States into World War II.:Read a book set in Japan, Hawaii, or during World War II.Electric Blue & Catnip~ 12/15/15 ~

December 7th is also National Civil Aviation Day:Read a book where one of the MCs is a pilot or where one of the MCs takes a plane ride (can have just returned from a plane ride).What Happens At Christmas~ 12/16/15 ~★★★★★

Yule is celebrated on December 21st:Read a book set anytime in December, a book that is the 1st, 2nd, or 21st in a series, or has the words December or twenty-one (in words or numbers) in the title.Winter Wonderland~ 12/6/15 ~★★★★

As a festival of the Sun, the most important part of any Yule celebration is light -- candles, bonfires, and more:Read a book with the sun, a candle, or a fire on the cover.

Yule can symbolize the Death and Rebirth portion of the Cycle of Life: Birth, Death, and Rebirth:Read a book where someone dies, the word death is in the title, or where someone is pregnant or gives birth.Dashed~ 12/7/15 ~★★1/2

Stormhaven (Whyborne & Griffin, #3) by Jordan L. Hawk Winter Wonderland (Minnesota Christmas, #3) by Heidi Cullinan Dashed by Gwynn Marssen Electric Blue & Catnip by Suilan Lee What Happens At Christmas by Jay Northcote

message 5: by [deleted user] (new)

Foreman Trea’s Celebrating Cotton Candy, Pearl Harbor Day, and Yule
December 1st to December 31st, 2015

How To’s:
Read one book per task, do a spell out for any of the words listed below, or Mix and Match from both options
You can choose to find the word or words of each task in the title or text of the book or follow the specified criteria for the task
Re-reads are allowed and there are no page minimums unless noted!

Spell Out Option:
Cotton Candy, Pearl Harbor, Yule, December, Holidays, Childhood, Treat, Tragedy, Remember, Cycle of Life

National Cotton Candy Day is December 7th. Cotton candy is known by several names: Cotton Candy in the U.S., India, Canada, candy floss in the UK, Pakistan, Ireland, New Zealand, India, South Africa, Canada, tooth floss in South Africa, and Fairy Floss in Australia.: Read a sweet book, a book about fairies, a book set in one of the above named countries, or one with the words Cotton, Candy, Fairy, floss, or Sweet in the title.
Machine-spun cotton candy was invented in 1897 by the dentist William Morrison and confectioner John C. Wharton and first introduced to a wide audience at the 1904 World's Fair: Read a book set at the turn of a century or set at a World’s Fair.
December 7th is known as Pearl Harbor Day in the US. It marks the day when Japan attacked the shipyard at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii and forced the United States into World War II.: Read a book set in Japan, Hawaii, or during World War II.
December 7th is also National Civil Aviation Day: Read a book where one of the MCs is a pilot or where one of the MCs takes a plane ride (can have just returned from a plane ride).
Yule is celebrated on December 21st: Read a book set anytime in December, a book that is the 1st, 2nd, or 21st in a series, or has the words December or twenty-one (in words or numbers) in the title.
As a festival of the Sun, the most important part of any Yule celebration is light -- candles, bonfires, and more: Read a book with the sun, a candle, or a fire on the cover.
Yule can symbolize the Death and Rebirth portion of the Cycle of Life: Birth, Death, and Rebirth: Read a book where someone dies, the word death is in the title, or where someone is pregnant or gives birth.

message 6: by Danielle Gypsy Soul (last edited Jan 01, 2016 06:55AM) (new)

Danielle  Gypsy Soul (afdaniellet) | 1679 comments Foreman Trea’s Celebrating Cotton Candy, Pearl Harbor Day, and Yule
Duration: December 1st to December 31st, 2015
Read: 11/11

Spell Out Option:

PPersonal Demons12/30 ***
EMind MagicbyEileen Wilks
AAltered12/1 ****
RCan't Wait:ByJennifer Ryan12/10 ****
LHearths of FireByKennedy Layne12/29 ***

HShadow's EndbyThea Harrison12/16 ****1/2
AMy CommanderByAlanea Alder12/6 *** 1/2
RRivetedbyMeljean Brook12/20 *
BDead HeatbyKathleen Brooks12/21 ***
OOur First ChristmasbyLisa Jackson12/14 **
RCaged WolfbyS.M. Reine12/15 ***

Personal Demons (Megan Chase, #1) by Stacia Kane Mind Magic (World of the Lupi, #12) by Eileen Wilks Altered by Marnee Blake Can't Wait by Jennifer Ryan Hearths of Fire (Red Starr, #1) by Kennedy Layne Shadow's End (Elder Races, #9) by Thea Harrison My Commander (Bewitched and Bewildered, #1) by Alanea Alder Riveted (Iron Seas, #3) by Meljean Brook Dead Heat (Bluegrass Series, #3) by Kathleen Brooks Our First Christmas by Lisa Jackson Caged Wolf (The Tarot Witches, #1) by S.M. Reine

message 7: by Kris Mongo (last edited Dec 21, 2015 12:38PM) (new)

Kris Mongo (krismongo) ☃☃☃Foreman Trea’s Celebrating Cotton Candy, Pearl Harbor Day, and Yule☃☃☃

Duration: December 1st - 31st, 2015


P-The ProgrambySuzanne Young12/11 ****
A-More Happy Than NotbyAdam Silvera12/2 ****
R-No One You KnowbyMichelle Richmond12/4 ****

R-The Narrow Road to the Deep NorthbyRichard Flanagan12/6 ***

T-The TreatmentbySuzanne Young**** 12/19/15
R-Carry OnbyRainbow Rowell12/12 *****
A-All Through the Night: A Troubleshooter ChristmasbySuzanne Brockmann**** 12/20/15
D-We Never Asked for Wingsbu Vanessa Diffenbaugh **** 12/14/15

More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera No One You Know by Michelle Richmond The Program (The Program, #1) by Suzanne Young The Narrow Road to the Deep North by Richard Flanagan Carry On by Rainbow Rowell We Never Asked for Wings by Vanessa Diffenbaugh The Treatment (The Program, #2) by Suzanne Young All Through the Night A Troubleshooter Christmas (Troubleshooters, #12) by Suzanne Brockmann

message 8: by *Dawn (last edited Dec 31, 2015 02:54PM) (new)

*Dawn (x1f4dadawnx1f4da) | 204 comments TCF, FOREMAN TREA'S CELEBRATING
Duration: December 1st to December 31st, 2015
***COMPLETED 12-30-15***

Spell Out Option:
Cotton Candy, Pearl Harbor, Yule, December, Holidays, Childhood, Treat, Tragedy, Remember, Cycle of Life

T:The Trouble With HarryKatie MacAlister, 12-7-15 (4*),review
R:One WishRobyn Carr, 12-3-15 (3-1/2*)review
A:Unexpected TreasureMelodyAnne, The Lost Andersons Book 1, Billionaire Bachelors #8, 12-29-15 (3*),review
G:Glory in Death#2 In Death series, J.D. Robb (4*) 12-17-15review
E:Evolution, Me & Other Freaks of Nature,Robin Brande, 12-2-15 (3-1/2*)review
D:Dream a Little DreamSusan Elizabeth Phillips, 12-5-15 (5*)review
Y:Yellowstone Heart SongPeggy L. Henderson, Yellowstone Romance Bk 1, 12-30-15 (5*),review

The Trouble With Harry (Noble #3) by Katie MacAlister One Wish (Thunder Point, #7) by Robyn Carr Unexpected Treasure (The Lost Andersons, #1) by Melody Anne Glory in Death (In Death, #2) by J.D. Robb Evolution, Me & Other Freaks of Nature by Robin Brande Dream a Little Dream (Chicago Stars, #4) by Susan Elizabeth Phillips Yellowstone Heart Song (Yellowstone Romance, #1) by Peggy L. Henderson

message 9: by Book Concierge (last edited Jan 01, 2016 01:59AM) (new)

Book Concierge (tessabookconcierge) | 2432 comments Foreman Trea - Cotton Candy, Pearl Harbor and Yule
Begins: 01Dec15 / Ends: 31Dec15

6/7 completed

National Cotton Candy DayRead a book about fairies, a book set in USA -The Snow Child✔ – 12 Dec 15

Machine-spun cotton candy was invented in 1897 by the dentist William Morrison and confectioner John C. Wharton and first introduced to a wide audience at the 1904 World's Fair: Read a book set at the turn of a century or set at a World’s Fair.

Pearl Harbor DayRead a book set during World War II -The Christmas Letters✔ – 21 Dec 15

December 7th is also National Civil Aviation Day:Read a book where MC takes a plane ride -Where'd You Go, Bernadette✔ – 18 Dec 15

Yule is celebrated on December 21st:2nd in a series -Dragonfly in Amber✔ – 12Dec15

Festival of the Sun- Candle on cover - Mr. Ives Christmas by Oscar Hijuelos ✔ – 06Dec15

Yule can symbolize the Death and RebirthRead a book where someone dies -Carrie✔ – 06 Dec 15

message 10: by ~Melissa~ (new)

~Melissa~ | 5252 comments TCF Foreman Trea's Celebrating Cotton Candy, Pearl Harbor Day, and Yule
12/1/15 ~ 13/31/15
*Spell out option
0/6 read


message 11: by LaurLa (new)

LaurLa | 3400 comments Foreman Trea - December
Celebrating Cotton Candy, Pearl Harbor Day, and Yule

Completed:0 of 18

◘ P:Planning for Love15724799] - Christi Barth
◘ E:Enigma- Dee Davis
◘ A:Ask For It- Selena Blake
◘ R:Raphael/Parish- Alexandra Ivy
◘ L:Locke- Harper Sloan

◘ H:Hotter Than Ever- Elle Kennedy
◘ A:All for You- Kete Perry
◘ R:Reaper's Stand- Joanna Wylde
◘ B:Bet Me- Jennifer Crusie
◘ O:Once Upon A Wish- Pam Andrews Hanson
◘ R:Rising Assets- Rebecca Zanetti
Planning for Love (Aisle Bound, #1) by Christi Barth Enigma (Last Chance Series, Book 2) by Dee Davis Ask For It by Selena Blake Raphael/Parish (Bayou Heat, #1-2) by Alexandra Ivy Locke (Corps Security, #5) by Harper Sloan
Hotter Than Ever (Out of Uniform, #9) by Elle Kennedy All for You (Laurel Heights, #8.5) by Kate Perry Reaper's Stand (Reapers MC, #4) by Joanna Wylde Bet Me by Jennifer Crusie Once Upon A Wish by Pam Andrews Hanson Rising Assets (Maverick Montana, #3) by Rebecca Zanetti

◘ National Cotton Candy Day:Here with You- Kate Perry
◘ Machine-spun cotton candy was invented in 1897:Chocolate for Two- Maria Murnane
◘ National Civil Aviation Day:Honey on Your Mind- Maria Murnane
◘ Pearl Harbor Day:Pirate's Bride- Lynette Vinet
◘ Yule is celebrated on December 21st:Where Danger Hides- Terry Odell
◘ Festival of the Sun:Feeling Hot- Elle Kennedy
◘ Yule can symbolize the Death and Rebirth:Glory in Death- J.D. Robb
Here with You (Laurel Heights, #8) by Kate Perry Chocolate for Two by Maria Murnane Honey on Your Mind by Maria Murnane Pirate's Bride (Liberty's Ladies, #1) by Lynette Vinet Where Danger Hides (Blackthorne, Inc., #2) by Terry Odell Feeling Hot (Out of Uniform, #7) by Elle Kennedy Glory in Death (In Death, #2) by J.D. Robb

message 12: by Jonquil (last edited Dec 28, 2015 12:20PM) (new)

Jonquil | 699 comments Something/something

has fairiesA Vision in Velvet12/27
set in USDragon Justice12/26
fire on cover 12/25
Up Against the Wall (The Precinct Vice Squad #1) (The Precinct #5) by Julie Miller

planesThe Guilty12/27
someone diesThe Audubon Park Murder12/24
set in December:Winchester Christmas Wedding12/23
set in December:Christmas Delivery (A Holiday Mystery at Jenkins Cove)12/2

message 13: by Minerva (last edited Dec 10, 2015 02:36PM) (new)

Minerva (minervaclaire) I'm In

◘ National Cotton Candy Day:Falling12/9★★★★
◘ Machine-spun cotton candy was invented in 1897:
◘ National Civil Aviation Day:Behind the Curtain12/7★★★★
◘ Pearl Harbor Day:
◘ Yule is celebrated on December 21st:Winter Wonderland12/8 ★★★★
◘ Festival of the Sun:
◘ Yule can symbolize the Death and Rebirth:The Back Passage12/8★★★★

Falling (Fall or Break, #1) by Barbara Elsborg Behind the Curtain by Amy Lane Winter Wonderland (Minnesota Christmas, #3) by Heidi Cullinan The Back Passage (Mitch Mitchell Mystery, #1) by James Lear

message 14: by Suzanne (last edited Dec 22, 2015 12:13AM) (new)

Suzanne (esmerelda1) | 1591 comments The Challenge Factory
⚜Foreman Trea’s Celebrating Cotton Candy, Pearl Harbor Day,
and Yule
12/1/2015 - 12/31/2015

Progress:5 out of 7


National Cotton Candy Day is December 7th. Cotton candy is known by several names: Cotton Candy in the U.S., India, Canada, candy floss in the UK, Pakistan, Ireland, New Zealand, India, South Africa, Canada, tooth floss in South Africa, and Fairy Floss in Australia.
Read a sweet book, a book about fairies, a book set in one of the above named countries, or one with the words Cotton, Candy, Fairy, floss, or Sweet in the title:
Say Yes to the MarquessbyTessa Dare- ***** - 12/10/2015 - Sweet Book

Say Yes to the Marquess (Castles Ever After, #2) by Tessa Dare

Machine-spun cotton candy was invented in 1897 by the dentist William Morrison and confectioner John C. Wharton and first introduced to a wide audience at the 1904 World's Fair.
Read a book set at the turn of a century or set at a World’s Fair:

December 7th is known as Pearl Harbor Day in the US. It marks the day when Japan attacked the shipyard at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii and forced the United States into World War II.
Read a book set in Japan, Hawaii, or during World War II:

December 7th is also National Civil Aviation Day.
Read a book where one of the MCs is a pilot or where one of the MCs takes a plane ride (can have just returned from a plane ride):
The Book of LifebyDeborah Harkness- **** - 12/1/2015 - 561 Pages - Plane Ride

The Book of Life (All Souls Trilogy, #3) by Deborah Harkness

Yule is celebrated on December 21st:
Read a book set anytime in December, a book that is the 1st, 2nd, or 21st in a series, or has the words December or twenty-one (in words or numbers) in the title:
Beautiful BastardbyChristina Lauren- **** - 12/15/2015

Beautiful Bastard (Beautiful Bastard, #1) by Christina Lauren

As a festival of the Sun, the most important part of any Yule celebration is light -- candles, bonfires, and more:
Read a book with the sun, a candle, or a fire on the cover:
Neil Patrick Harris: Choose Your Own AutobiographybyNeil Patrick Harris- ***** - 12/21/2015 - 291 Pages - Fire on the cover

Neil Patrick Harris Choose Your Own Autobiography by Neil Patrick Harris

Yule can symbolize the Death and Rebirth portion of the Cycle of Life: Birth, Death, and Rebirth.
Read a book where someone dies, the word death is in the title, or where someone is pregnant or gives birth:
ChampionbyMarie Lu- *** - 12/14/2015 - Someone Dies

Champion (Legend, #3) by Marie Lu

message 15: by Shelley (new)

Shelley | 31 comments Tasks:
National Cotton Candy Day is December 7th. Cotton candy is known by several names: Cotton Candy in the U.S., India, Canada, candy floss in the UK, Pakistan, Ireland, New Zealand, India, South Africa, Canada, tooth floss in South Africa, and Fairy Floss in Australia.: Read a sweet book, a book about fairies, a book set in one of the above named countries, or one with the words Cotton, Candy, Fairy, floss, or Sweet in the title.
Machine-spun cotton candy was invented in 1897 by the dentist William Morrison and confectioner John C. Wharton and first introduced to a wide audience at the 1904 World's Fair: Read a book set at the turn of a century or set at a World’s Fair.
December 7th is known as Pearl Harbor Day in the US. It marks the day when Japan attacked the shipyard at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii and forced the United States into World War II.: Read a book set in Japan, Hawaii, or during World War II.
December 7th is also National Civil Aviation Day: Read a book where one of the MCs is a pilot or where one of the MCs takes a plane ride (can have just returned from a plane ride).
Yule is celebrated on December 21st: Read a book set anytime in December, a book that is the 1st, 2nd, or 21st in a series, or has the words December or twenty-one (in words or numbers) in the title. -A Dirty JobbyChristopher Moore12/10
As a festival of the Sun, the most important part of any Yule celebration is light -- candles, bonfires, and more: Read a book with the sun, a candle, or a fire on the cover.
Yule can symbolize the Death and Rebirth portion of the Cycle of Life: Birth, Death, and Rebirth: Read a book where someone dies, the word death is in the title, or where someone is pregnant or gives birth.I'll Give You the SunbyJandy Nelson12/3

message 16: by *Dawn (new)

*Dawn (x1f4dadawnx1f4da) | 204 comments Referencing original post #8. Completed 12-30-15. Thank you!

Duration: December 1st to December 31st, 2015
***COMPLETED 12-30-15***

Spell Out Option:
Cotton Candy, Pearl Harbor, Yule, December, Holidays, Childhood, Treat, Tragedy, Remember, Cycle of Life

T:The Trouble With HarryKatie MacAlister, 12-7-15 (4*),review
R:One WishRobyn Carr, 12-3-15 (3-1/2*)review
A:Unexpected TreasureMelodyAnne, The Lost Andersons Book 1, Billionaire Bachelors #8, 12-29-15 (3*),review
G:Glory in Death#2 In Death series, J.D. Robb (4*) 12-17-15review
E:Evolution, Me & Other Freaks of Nature,Robin Brande, 12-2-15 (3-1/2*)review
D:Dream a Little DreamSusan Elizabeth Phillips, 12-5-15 (5*)review
Y:Yellowstone Heart SongPeggy L. Henderson, Yellowstone Romance Bk 1, 12-30-15 (5*),review

The Trouble With Harry (Noble #3) by Katie MacAlister One Wish (Thunder Point, #7) by Robyn Carr Unexpected Treasure (The Lost Andersons, #1) by Melody Anne Glory in Death (In Death, #2) by J.D. Robb Evolution, Me & Other Freaks of Nature by Robin Brande Dream a Little Dream (Chicago Stars, #4) by Susan Elizabeth Phillips Yellowstone Heart Song (Yellowstone Romance, #1) by Peggy L. Henderson

message 17: by LaurLa (new)

LaurLa | 3400 comments Great challenge, Trea!! Thanks for hosting!

Foreman Trea - December
Celebrating Cotton Candy, Pearl Harbor Day, and Yule

Completed:18 of 18

✔P:Planning for Love15724799] - Christi Barth - 12.10 ★★★
✔E:Enigma- Dee Davis - 12.03 ★★★★
✔A:Ask For It- Selena Blake - 12.15 ★★★
✔R:Raphael/Parish- Alexandra Ivy - 12.24 ★★★★
✔L:Locke- Harper Sloan - 12.28 ★★★★

✔H:Hotter Than Ever- Elle Kennedy - 12.27 ★★★★
✔A:All for You- Kete Perry - 12.21 ★★★
✔R:Reaper's Stand- Joanna Wylde - 12.05 ★★★★
✔B:Between a Rake and a Hard Place- Mia Marlowe - 12.23 ★★★★
✔O:Once Upon A Wish- Pam Andrews Hanson - 12.22 ★★★
✔R:Rising Assets- Rebecca Zanetti - 12.26 ★★★
Planning for Love (Aisle Bound, #1) by Christi Barth Enigma (Last Chance Series, Book 2) by Dee Davis Ask For It by Selena Blake Raphael/Parish (Bayou Heat, #1-2) by Alexandra Ivy Locke (Corps Security, #5) by Harper Sloan
Hotter Than Ever (Out of Uniform, #9) by Elle Kennedy All for You (Laurel Heights, #8.5) by Kate Perry Reaper's Stand (Reapers MC, #4) by Joanna Wylde Between a Rake and a Hard Place (The Royal Rakes, #3) by Mia Marlowe Once Upon A Wish by Pam Andrews Hanson Rising Assets (Maverick Montana, #3) by Rebecca Zanetti

✔National Cotton Candy Day:Here with You- Kate Perry - 12.21 ★★★
✔Machine-spun cotton candy was invented in 1897:Chocolate for Two- Maria Murnane - "candy" in the text - 12.11 ★★★
✔National Civil Aviation Day:Honey on Your Mind- Maria Murnane - 12.02 ★★★
✔Pearl Harbor Day:Meet the Parents (That's AmoreAnthology) - Janelle Denison - 12.24 ★★★
✔Yule is celebrated on December 21st:Where Danger Hides- Terry Odell - 12.13 ★★★★
✔Festival of the Sun:Feeling Hot- Elle Kennedy - 12.17 ★★★
✔Yule can symbolize the Death and Rebirth:Glory in Death- J.D. Robb - 12.20 ★★★★★
Here with You (Laurel Heights, #8) by Kate Perry Chocolate for Two by Maria Murnane Honey on Your Mind by Maria Murnane That's Amore by Janelle Denison Where Danger Hides (Blackthorne, Inc., #2) by Terry Odell Feeling Hot (Out of Uniform, #7) by Elle Kennedy Glory in Death (In Death, #2) by J.D. Robb

Danielle  Gypsy Soul (afdaniellet) | 1679 comments FINISHED!

Foreman Trea’s Celebrating Cotton Candy, Pearl Harbor Day, and Yule
Duration: December 1st to December 31st, 2015
Read: 11/11

Spell Out Option:

PPersonal Demons12/30 ***
EMind MagicbyEileen Wilks
AAltered12/1 ****
RCan't Wait:ByJennifer Ryan12/10 ****
LHearths of FireByKennedy Layne12/29 ***

HShadow's EndbyThea Harrison12/16 ****1/2
AMy CommanderByAlanea Alder12/6 *** 1/2
RRivetedbyMeljean Brook12/20 *
BDead HeatbyKathleen Brooks12/21 ***
OOur First ChristmasbyLisa Jackson12/14 **
RCaged WolfbyS.M. Reine12/15 ***

Personal Demons (Megan Chase, #1) by Stacia Kane Mind Magic (World of the Lupi, #12) by Eileen Wilks Altered by Marnee Blake Can't Wait by Jennifer Ryan Hearths of Fire (Red Starr, #1) by Kennedy Layne Shadow's End (Elder Races, #9) by Thea Harrison My Commander (Bewitched and Bewildered, #1) by Alanea Alder Riveted (Iron Seas, #3) by Meljean Brook Dead Heat (Bluegrass Series, #3) by Kathleen Brooks Our First Christmas by Lisa Jackson Caged Wolf (The Tarot Witches, #1) by S.M. Reine

message 19: by ☘KathyD☘ (new)

☘KathyD☘ | 1082 comments Foreman Assignments — Foreman Trea
Celebrating Cotton Candy, Pearl Harbor Day, and Yule
December 1 – 31, 2015
Completed — 27!

National Cotton Candy Day is December 7th— Sweet book
Kit & Ivy: A Red Team Wedding Novella— ★★★★ 12/18

December 7th is also National Civil Aviation Day— MC is a pilot/MCs takes a plane ride
Animal Magnetism— ★★★★ 12/6

Yule is celebrated on December 21st— Set in December
Snowbound with the CEO— ★★★★ 12/4

Yule can symbolize the Death and Rebirth portion of the Cycle of Life: Birth, Death, and Rebirth— Character is pregnant/gives birth
Zip, Zero, Zilch— ★★★★ 12/3

Kit & Ivy A Red Team Wedding Novella (Red Team, #3.5) by Elaine Levine Animal Magnetism (Animal Magnetism, #1) by Jill Shalvis Snowbound with the CEO by Shannon Stacey Zip, Zero, Zilch (The Reed Brothers, #6) by Tammy Falkner

Spell Out Option
Darkest Before Dawn — ★★★★★ 12/22
Ecstasy Unveiled — ★★★★ 12/9
Cowgirl Up and Ride — ★★★★ 12/24
Exclusive Access — ★★★★ 12/13
Midnight Angel — ★★★★★ 12/7
Blood Kiss — ★★★★★ 12/29
Exclusive Engagement — ★★★★ 12/13
Reaper’s Fall — ★★★★ 12/10
Darkest Before Dawn (KGI, #10) by Maya Banks Ecstasy Unveiled (Demonica #4) by Larissa Ione Cowgirl Up and Ride (Rough Riders, #3) by Lorelei James Exclusive Access (Rock Arrangement, #3; The Lonely Kings, #1.3) by Ava Lore Midnight Angel (Midnight, #3) by Lisa Marie Rice Blood Kiss (Black Dagger Legacy, #1) by J.R. Ward Exclusive Engagement (Rock Arrangement, #4; The Lonely Kings, #1.4) by Ava Lore Reaper's Fall (Reapers MC, #5) by Joanna Wylde

Pagan Stone — ★★★★★ 12/4
Eve Langlais —Kodiak’s Claim— ★★★★ 12/29
All She Wants for Christmas — ★★★★★ 12/19
Ravaged — ★★★★ 12/5
Laura Kaye —Hard as Steel— ★★★★ 12/25

Harrison, Thea —Serpent’s Kiss— ★★★★ 12/23
ALot Like Love — ★★★★ 12/12
Rayne, Sara —Hellbent— ★★★★ 12/28
Burton, Jaci —Thrown by a Curve— ★★★★ 12/2
Obsession — ★★★★★ 12/17
Rapture in Death — ★★★★★ 12/31
The Pagan Stone (Sign of Seven, #3) by Nora Roberts Kodiak's Claim (Kodiak Point, #1) by Eve Langlais All She Wants for Christmas (Kent Brothers, #1) by Jaci Burton Ravaged (Eternal Guardians, #7.5) by Elisabeth Naughton Hard as Steel (Hard Ink, #4.5) by Laura Kaye

Serpent's Kiss (Elder Races, #3) by Thea Harrison A Lot like Love (FBI/US Attorney, #2) by Julie James Hellbent (Four Horsemen MC # 5) by Sara Rayne Thrown by a Curve (Play by Play, #5) by Jaci Burton Obsession (The Plus One Chronicles, #3) by Jennifer Lyon Rapture in Death (In Death, #4) by J.D. Robb

You’re Dangerous — ★★★★★ 12/20
Uncaged — ★★★★★ 12/25
Look but Don’t Touch — ★★★★ 12/12
Envy — ★★★★★ 12/14
You're Dangerous (How to Tame a Heartbreaker, #1) by Casey McMillin Uncaged (Corps Security, #3.5) by Harper Sloan Look But Don't Touch (Touch, #1) by Cara Dee Envy (Fallen Angels, #3) by J.R. Ward

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