The Next Best Book Clubdiscussion

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Group Read Discussions > Member Nominated, Member Led - Awww Yeaaaah

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message 1: by Lori,Super Mod (last edited Aug 16, 2016 09:09AM) (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10416 comments Mod
Hi everyone!

This here's the spot where we host our month-long, theme-soaked group reads. They are the awesomest. Wanna know why?!

Because they are nominated by you all!

You nominate them, you vote on them, and then if the book you nominated gains the most votes, YOU my friend, YOU get to lead the discussion, any which way you like!

How cool is that?

We open nominations within the first week ofevery othermonth. The nominations thread will always appear at the top of the group, in the general folder, and will state what the themes are for the next two months.

Here's that general folder, for easy access:

There are a few basic rules that need to be adhered to in order for a nomination to count:

- First, you gotta list the title, author, and month or theme you are nominating it for.
- Then, you gotta be prepared and willing to host the book if everyone thinks "hell yeah, that's the book we want to read" and votes it in!
- Lastly, it can't be YOUR book (I'm looking at you, you rowdy, cheaty authors *side-eye*)

What better way to get those TBR books read, right?!

I look forward to seeing what you nominate!

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