Romance Readers Reading Challengesdiscussion

2014 Challenge Archive > 2014 June Pick-It-For-Me! Challenge

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message 1: by MountainKat,Moderator (new)

MountainKat | 28105 comments 2014 June PIFM Challenge

What is the Pick-It-For-Me Challenge?

The Pick-It-For-Me Challenge (PIFM) is a reading challenge where each participant gives and receives book recommendations based on a given a set of rules. The assignment method and book selection rules change each month so it’s always new and always different.

After signups are closed, I'll put your names and any extra info I’ve requested into the super secret PIFM randomizer and select someone for you to choose for. This will get posted along with the rules for the month.

While you're doing your picks, someone else is doing picks for you. Once you receive them, you pick a book off the list and get reading. To complete the challenge, you only have to read 1 (one) book but many of us end up reading more because we just can't resist a list of books to read.

In order to participate you need to either HAVE YOUR PROFILE SET TO PUBLIC (preferable), or make the person who will be giving you recommendations your friend. On top of that, I strongly recommend keeping your bookshelves updated; otherwise you might end up with a recommendation that you have already read.

Everything gets done in this thread so be sure to come back often!!!


1. Check the publishing date of the book before recommending it.To check the publishing date, from your pickee's to-read or similar shelf choose shelf settings, select "date pub" from the drop down selections and save/close the menu.

2. Check pickee's personalized shelves, especially their exclusive shelves - it could be very helpful in recommending something they want to read.A personalized shelf is one that a member has labeled themselves, for example, 'to read next', 'can't wait to read', 'favorites'.

3. Look at your pickee's 'read' shelf and see what genres they have recently read the most. That might help in choosing something they are interested in reading right now.

4. Please make sure the books you choose for your pickee are not on their 'read' shelf.Just because it isn't rated doesn't mean it wasn't read. Sometimes the reader may choose not to rate a book.

5. Although Buddy Reads are no longer going to be offered as a category, if there is a recommendation that you give your pickee that you would like to read with them, please feel free to suggest a Buddy Read with them. You can PM each other and discuss it.

6. If your pickee reads lots of books in a genre you are not familiar with (erotic romance, GLBT, YA, etc.), feel free to contact either Fran, Dee, Jane, Kat, Karen, Ty or the month's organizer and they can try to point you in the right direction for recommendations.

7. If possible, try to include a shorter book, a longer book, a new addition to their 'to-read' shelf, and and older book from their 'to-read' shelf.This gives them a variety of options to choose from. You can sort the shelves by many features - ratings, date read, date added, date published, #of pages and many other items from the shelf settings as described in tip #1. And they can be sorted by ascending or descending order as well.

8. Please choose at least 4 new titles for your pickee.These should be brand new to them and not found on any of their shelves. Part of the fun of this challenge is discovering new books to read, adding new titles to the ever-expanding tbr shelf. The remaining 4 titles should come from your pickee's tbr or preferred shelves.

9. Please remember this is aromance readerschallenge, so unless you KNOW your pickee would prefer something else (something off their preferred shelf, for example) most, if not all, of your picks should be romance.There are many different sub genres and related types of books - Contemporary, Historical, Paranormal, Romantic Suspense, Erotica, M/M, Urban Fantasy even. Take a look at your pickee's read shelf and see if they read non-romance genres before making your suggestions.

Please sign up in this thread with the answer to the following question:

**Who is your favorite book couple?**

Joss & Braden- fromSamantha Young'sOn Dublin Street
Jamie and Claire- fromDiana Gabaldon'sOutlander
Wrath & Beth- fromJ.R. Ward'sDark LoverandThe King
Trevor, Edgard and Chassie- fromLorelei James'sRough, Raw, and Ready
Crick and Deacon- fromAmy Lane'sKeeping Promise Rock

***If you have a preferred shelf, please list it along with your pick!***

Sign ups will remain open untilMay 23rd (5 pm EST).

You’ll have untilMay 27th (10 pm EST)to make your recommendations.

Please do not start reading your book(s) until the first of the month. You then have the entire month to read your pick(s) and give some feedback.

If you’re new please read thePIFM Guidelines and FAQ.If you have any questions that are not addressed there, please feel free to ask!

***Please add a new comment rather than updating a previous post or your progress will likely be missed. It is alsoveryhelpful if you add more information like "I finished another pick" or "I finished my third book for this challenge" and mention if your pick was a buddy read. Thanks!***

*Please note that late sign ups will be included at the host's discretion and no one will be included after re-picks are assigned!*

message 3: by MountainKat,Moderator (last edited May 24, 2014 05:08AM) (new)

MountainKat | 28105 comments 2014 June PIFM - Picking Rules

Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue...

Brides carry one of each for good luck. These are often given to the bride by those close to her and are frequently sentimental. This month, lets spread the love by sharing some of our favorite books!

Something Old:Recommend one of your old favorites, one you have reread or loaned so many times it is nearly in tatters! Also pick one of oldest books from your pickee's TBR or preferred shelf.

Something New:Suggest a new-to-them author for your pickee, hopefully one you have read and enjoyed. Also pick a new release, ideally one released in 2014.

Something Borrowed:Borrow some of the recommendations given to you at some point! Pick two books recommended to you at some point, preferably one new-to-them and one from their TBR or preferred shelf. If you can't find one on their shelves, pick two new books for them. Just make sure you pick two from their shelves in another category.

Something Blue:The color blue, from a color psychology perspective, is reliable and responsible. It seeks peace, tranquility and relaxation. (Isn't that what we often look for in a good book?!) Recommend a book from an author who's work you consider always reliable - one that you can count on to always be good. Or you can pick a book with blue sky, water or the color blue on the cover or in the title.

Please remember to pick two books for each picking rule, with (at least) four new and four from your pickee's shelves!!

message 4: by MountainKat,Moderator (last edited Jul 14, 2014 10:14AM) (new)

MountainKat | 28105 comments 2014 June PIFM - Pairings

The person at the bottom of each group picks for the first person in that group, for example Ella picks for Ty.

Updated through message #326, 7.13.14

✓ = Picks Made
★ = Pick Read

Joss & Braden:
★ ✓Ty
★ ✓passionate kisses (aka beppy)-pifm-2014
★ ✓AnniLuvs
★ ✓Carla_Collette
★ ✓Alexis
★ ✓Kami

Jamie & Claire:
★ ✓Penney-pifm-challenge
★ ✓Nancy H
★ ✓Gigi
★ ✓Vi
★ ✓Pam
★ ✓Dee-to-read-2014

Wrath & Beth:
★ ✓Mary
★ ✓Elkeon deck shelf
Amy J.
★ ✓Daffodil
★ ✓Skandia
★ ✓Diane ~Firefly~
Ezinwanyi~still loves Spartacus
★ ✓Nichole-2014-challenge-pool
★ ✓Tia
★ ✓Kait
★ ✓KarenF
★ ✓Shelby-gang-bang-q2-2014-picked
★ ✓Arielle Rae
★ ✓Cmkage

Trevor, Edgard & Chassie and Deacon & Crick:
★ ✓Erin
★ ✓Elizabeth
★ ✓Grace-meet-and-greet
★ ✓~KarenH~-can't-wait-to-read
★ ✓Fran-a-pifm-shelf
★ ✓Susan A-src-sumr-2014
★ ✓Breann
★ ✓MountainKat-to-read-asapor mymeet-n-greet-round-4

★ ✓Kaleigh
★ ✓Laurla-01-tbr-owned
★ ✓Joyce
★ ✓Karen

✓ Breann picks for Dee
✓ Fran picks for Daffodil

message 5: by MountainKat,Moderator (last edited Jul 14, 2014 10:47AM) (new)

MountainKat | 28105 comments 2014 June PIFM

Abbreviated stats for June

We had 49 participants, with 36 reporting they completed the challenge by reading at least one of their picks. That gives us a completion percentage of 73% - pretty darn good for a busy month! Looks like there were lots of great books read too! I hope you all had fun!

message 6: by MountainKat,Moderator (new)

MountainKat | 28105 comments 2014 June PIFM

message 7: by MountainKat,Moderator (new)

MountainKat | 28105 comments 2014 June PIFM

message 8: by MountainKat,Moderator (new)

MountainKat | 28105 comments 2014 June PIFM

message 9: by MountainKat,Moderator (new)

MountainKat | 28105 comments I'm going to do some housekeeping, to keep things organized. My apologies to those who have already signed up in advance. I have saved all your info here, but I will delete your posts so things will be where people look for them. Do not worry, I will make sure you are signed up! If any of you want to add a preferred shelf, please just add another post.

Zara wrote: "Please sign me up.

The only pair I recognise is Jamie and Claire but I wouldn't call them my favourite. So put me with them. "


Gigi wrote: "I'm in. Jamie and Claire."


Skandia wrote: "I'm in, too! From those options - Wrath and Beth."


Daffodil wrote: "I've only read two, so I'll say Wrath and Beth."


Ezinwanyi~still loves Spartacus wrote: "In. Wrath and Beth (actually Vishous & Butch)
I can't believe I know all the couples! "


Again, my apologies!!

message 10: by Skena (new)

Skena Megahed | 347 comments I don't think I know any of these couples but I'll go with Joss & Braden.
Preferred Shelf:books-i-own-want-to-read

message 11: by Carla (new)

Carla (carlacollette) | 347 comments I'm in, and I guess that it's Joss and Braden.

message 12: by Dee (new)

Dee (austhokie) | 7316 comments Jamie/ Claire but if u need me elsewhere feel free

Preferred shelf to come

message 13: by Nichole (last edited May 21, 2014 06:51PM) (new)

Nichole | 1010 comments I'm in with Wrath & Beth.
Preferred Shelf:2014-challenge-pool

Ezinwanyi~still loves Spartacus wrote: "(actually Vishous & Butch)"

Proof that we are soul sisters!:D

message 14: by Elizabeth (new)

Elizabeth (elizabeth_greece) | 1918 comments I'm in! I'll say Crick and Deacon!

message 15: by Fran,Moderator (last edited May 21, 2014 11:40PM) (new)

Fran | 12048 comments I'm in with Trevor, Edgard and Chassie:)

Please choose a few from my PIFM shelf

message 16: by Suzanne (new)

Suzanne (esmerelda1) | 2240 comments I'm in and I'm Jamie and Claire from Diana Gabaldon's Outlander

message 17: by Ty (new)

Ty  | 1943 comments not a fan of any, so put me whereever you need me!

message 18: by Kami (new)

Kami (aidansmama) | 973 comments I'm in. I will go with On Dublin street's Joss and Braden. Missed doing these challenges. Been so busy, I keep forgetting.

message 19: by Elke (new)

Elke (ejurca) | 1810 comments I am in! Put me in with....Wrath & Beth - from J.R. Ward's Dark Lover and The King

Please also pick from my "on deck" shelf!

message 20: by Amy J. (new)

Amy J. | 349 comments Put me in with Wrath & Beth. Thanks

message 21: by Ella (new)

Ella | 126 comments I'm in. I'll go with Joss & Braden. Preferred shelf:PIMF

message 22: by Grace (new)

Grace | 1581 comments I'm in. Out of all of those I would probably go with Trevor, Edgard and Chassie.

Shelf:Meet & Greet

message 23: by KarenF (new)

KarenF (cleocleveland) | 1099 comments I'm in and I'll go with Wrath & Beth.


message 24: by Kaity (new)

Kaity | 492 comments This will be my first time giving this a go:)
My choice is Wrath and Beth!

message 25: by Diane ~Firefly~ (new)

Diane ~Firefly~ | 1489 comments I'm in. I've only read one of the choices, so I'll go with Wrath and Beth

message 26: by Penney (last edited May 22, 2014 11:38AM) (new)

Penney (pschoener) | 3553 comments Jaime & Claire, hands down!
Could you use mypifmshelf, thanks:)

message 27: by Breann (new)

Breann | 330 comments I missed last month *cries* so I'm glad I spotted sign ups this month!

Definitely Crick & Deacon for me.

message 28: by SandyC (last edited May 22, 2014 12:02PM) (new)

SandyC (sandyc88) | 1287 comments I'm in. I'm a Jamie and Claire fan.
New book in June!!!!:-)

Please use this shelf:Meet and Greet

message 29: by Cmkage (new)

Cmkage | 18 comments I'm in. First time participating though.

My favorite couple would be Wrath and Beth since they're the only ones I recognize.

message 30: by Shelby (new)

Shelby (stang_lee) | 1872 comments Oh god...Wrath and Ben or Crick and Deacon...I don't know!!!

Ok, because I've stuck with the series longer and it's one of the few I buy in hardback I'm going to go with Wrath and Beth.

I'd love any picks coming from myGang Bang Q2 Shelf

Thank you!

message 31: by Runell (new)

Runell I'm in! (I almost forgot again!)

My pick, hands down (though technically their story is the only one I've read) areJamie & Claire.

message 32: by mary (new)

mary (darcyfanatic) | 39 comments I am in. Wrath and Beth for me.

message 33: by Tia (new)

Tia Thornl (goodreadscomtiathornl) | 12 comments Count me in with wrath and Beth:-)

message 34: by Alexis (new)

Alexis (stayathomereader) | 17 comments I'm in for Joss and Braden.

message 35: by Erin (new)

Erin (erin-b) I'm in and I'll go with Crick and Deacon.

message 36: by Karla (new)

Karla I'd like to try this challenge. I haven't read any of those books, but the only one I would consider reading would beOutlander

message 37: by ~KarenH~,Moderator (new)

~KarenH~ | 10577 comments I've headed here 3 or 4 times at least, and keep getting sidetracked before I actually sign up! I'm in, and it's a hard choice and I'd be happy with any of them, but I think I'll go withTrevor, Edgard & Chassie.Please use mycant-wait-to-readshelf as my preferred shelf.

message 38: by Arielle Rae (last edited May 23, 2014 05:15PM) (new)

Arielle Rae Aguilar | 85 comments Looks fun
I'm in, but this is the first time I'm participating

I choose Wrath and Beth since I love the BDB and it's the only one I have read out of all of them. Planning to read On Dublin Street soon though!

message 39: by Debra (new)

Debra (countrymom6) | 166 comments Im going with outlander, even though its been a while since reading.

message 40: by AerinLuvs (new)

AerinLuvs (anniluvs) | 117 comments I haven't read any of the books with the couples/triple. I am going to watch this and see how it works then will figure out if I can do it the next month!

message 41: by Vi (new)

Vi | 2541 comments I'll go with Outlander as well. I've read only two and I like them better than the BDB.

message 42: by Nancy H (new)

Nancy H | 1055 comments I'm in and I am going with Jamie and Claire from The Outlander series.

message 43: by Susan A (last edited May 24, 2014 03:20AM) (new)

Susan A | 2014 comments I'll try this.

Fav couple: Deacon & Crick

Shelf -- please pick at least one from here (A few of them are NOT romances, please ignore)


UnusualChild{beppy} | 1230 comments hmmmm. you can put me where i'm needed. please usepifm 2014shelf.

message 45: by Angi (last edited May 23, 2014 10:44PM) (new)

Angi (AngiR) Count me in!!
Favorite couple: Trevor, Edgard and Chassie - from Lorelei James's Rough, Raw, and Ready
Please use my 'Kindle-books-tbr' shelf:

message 46: by MountainKat,Moderator (new)

MountainKat | 28105 comments AnniLuvs wrote: "I haven't read any of the books with the couples/triple. I am going to watch this and see how it works then will figure out if I can do it the next month!"

You don't have to have read the books it is just a sorting tool. Basically it is based on genre. If you want to participate, I can put you anywhere or you can tell me what your favorite sub genre of romance is and I'll put you there!

message 47: by MountainKat,Moderator (new)

MountainKat | 28105 comments Susan A wrote: "I'll try this.

Fav couple: Deacon & Crick

Shelf -- please pick at least one from here (A few of them are NOT romances, please ignore)

SRC-SUMR-2014 "

I'm about to post an update, can you make sure that is the shelf you wanted? Your didn't take me to the shelf you named so I used that one and just wanted to double check. Thanks!

message 48: by MountainKat,Moderator (new)

MountainKat | 28105 comments I am of course in too! I am going to go with Deacon and Crick since I am readingLiving Promisesright now! Please you myto-read-asapor mymeet-n-greet-round-4shelf.

message 49: by Valerie (new)

Valerie | 295 comments Wrath and Beth!

message 50: by Susan A (new)

Susan A | 2014 comments MountainKat wrote: "Susan A wrote:" I'll try this.

Fav couple: Deacon & Crick

Shelf -- please pick at least one from here (A few of them are NOT romances, please ignore)

SRC-SUMR-2014 "

I'm about to post an upda... "

I'm sorry. Yes that is the correct shelf name but the link is not right. I am not home now and I cant figure out how to fix it from my phone

I can fix it in a few hours. Definitely before 5

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