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BotM Nominations > Nominations for July Book of the Month

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message 1: by Kate (new)

Kate (kgskocelas) | 601 comments Mod
What trade should we read together for our July Comic Book of the Month? Nominate your pick here!

- Nominated titles must be TPB comics or original graphic novels.
- Only the first volume of a series may be nominated, unless the group has already read the previous volume(s) as a book of the month. To see what we've read, check outour group's bookshelf.
- If a title you nominate wins BotM, please refrain from nominating another title for at least two months to give others a chance.

Nomination & Voting Schedule:
To better accommodate our increasing number of members, the nomination and voting schedule is as follows every month:

16th: Nomination forum opens
23rd: Nomination forum closes; 5 nominations are selected at random; Voting opens
30th: Voting closes

More details on our updated nomination and voting procedures can be foundhere.

message 2: by Alex (new)

Alex Decker | 20 comments The Shadow Hero b: Gene Luen Young

message 3: by Hanson (new)

Hanson Superman: Red Son
I nominate Superman: Red Son. It's a mindbender of an Elseworlds tale with the Last Son of Krypton landing not in rural Kansas, but a humble farm in Soviet Russia. From writer Mark Millar, creator of Kingsman: the Secret Service and Kick-Ass, and art by Dave Johnson
and Kilian Plunkett, it's a thrilling 'What if' that still has relevance today.

message 4: by Murtuza (new)

Murtuza (librarynextdoor) | 1 comments Dark Knight Returns - Frank Miller

message 5: by Daniel (new)

Daniel | 265 comments I nominateStan Sakai'sUsagi Yojimbo: Yokai
"Yokai are the monsters, demons, and spirits of Japanese folklore, such as the shape-changing kitsune, the obakeneko demon cats, and the evil oni ogres. Usagi faces all these and more when a desperate woman begs for his help in finding her kidnapped daughter. Tracing the abducted girl deep into the forest, Usagi finds it haunted by creatures of Japanese legend and discovers that they are amassing for a great raid on the countryside! Fortunately, Usagi is joined by Sasuke the Demon Queller, who is also fighting to prevent the invasion, but things aren't always as they seem -- especially when dealing with the supernatural! The rabbit ronin turned twenty-five, and Dark Horse celebrated with the first-ever Usagi Yojimbo original graphic novel, fully hand-painted, written, and lettered by creator Stan Sakai! Completely self-contained story. Usagi Yojimbo is a 2009 Eisner Award nominee for Best Continuing Series."

message 6: by James (new)

James Hahn | 38 comments I nominateMemetic-James Tynion IV

I absolutely love this creator, and this book is very underrated imo. Also I told Mike to read this book ages ago!! The first line of wikipedia says it best:
"At 7:04 am on “Day One,” an image of a sloth with against a colorful spiral background appears on the Internet and instantly becomes a viral sensation (a meme). Viewers of the image, later called the “Good Times Sloth,” claim that seeing it makes them feel amazing and tingle with happiness, and they have difficulty looking away. "

message 7: by Phil (new)

Phil | 169 comments Clean Room, Volume 1: Immaculate Conception

Gail Simone. That's enough to interest me. The other nominations so far are great too.

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