Harry Potterdiscussion

What's your favourite horocrux

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message 1: by Tiana (new)

Tiana Schoney | 2 comments Harry

message 2: by Julia (new)

Julia | 173 comments Clarence wrote: "Mine has to be the golden snitch"

The Golden Snitch wasn't a Horcrux... it opened up to reveal the ring Horcrux/Resurrection Stone.

message 3: by Megan (new)

Megan Cheang | 63 comments I have to say Hufflepuff's cup...it seemed the least cursed considering it's only protection was a wave.

message 4: by Em of (new)

Em  of | 3 comments mine has got to be Nagini

message 5: by Noah (new)

Noah (teatalksreadsbooks) | 8 comments Great question. Though I hate snakes (they would be high up on my list of things likely to be my Boggart), Voldemort's realization that all his Horocruxs were gone after Nagini's death was epic. Also, kudos to Neville for killing it.:)

message 6: by Julia (new)

Julia | 173 comments Probably the diary, because it was the only one to get close enough to bringing Voldemort back. Although the diadem was beautiful and would be my favourite prop Horcrux to own, I enjoyed that the diary could actually be written in and provide two-way communication with Tom Riddle.

message 7: by Rishy (new)

Rishy Goutham | 1 comments My favourite would probably Harry himself...

message 8: by Megan (new)

Megan Cheang | 63 comments Rishy wrote: "My favourite would probably Harry himself..."
Oh yeah. Changing my answer. Harry first, cup second.

message 9: by Mary Helen (new)

Mary Helen (mhbeard) | 1 comments The resurrection stone wasn’t a horcrux....it was a Hallow:)

message 10: by Julia (new)

Julia | 173 comments Mary Helen wrote: "The resurrection stone wasn’t a horcrux....it was a Hallow:)"

Yes, but the Resurrection Stone was the gem in Gaunt’s ring that became a horcrux!

message 11: by Yasmin (new)

Yasmin Halliwell Fraser Bower | 50 comments Slytherin's Locket or Nagini. <3

message 12: by Joshua (new)

Joshua | 4 comments Diary or Locket

message 13: by B (new)

B (deathandchocolate) | 94 comments the diary was pretty cool

message 14: by princess maggie (new)

princess maggie  (apennymarauder) the diary

message 15: by Hermione (Gabby) (new)

Hermione (Gabby) | 3 comments not harry

message 16: by elenaj450 (new)

elenaj450 (thealmightytatertot) | 8 comments I liked the diary and locket. But I liked the idea of having Harry being a horcrux because it carried throughout the series. But I don't like him being it. If that makes sense...

message 17: by Merick (new)

Merick (merickm2022) | 3 comments Salazar Slytherin's locket:)

message 18: by C.A. (new)

C.A. | 52 comments The diary

message 20: by Saira (new)

Saira (hissams) | 6 comments the tiara

message 21: by Brenda (new)

Brenda (brendabren) The diary/journal

message 22: by Rachel (new)

Rachel (rachelsophiereads) I liked the Diary because it was revealed early on in the series, but as readers we didn't know what it was at the time. That said, the locket was also interesting as it made Ron's love for Hermione clear at last.

message 23: by Julia (new)

Julia | 173 comments Rachel wrote: "I liked the Diary because it was revealed early on in the series, but as readers we didn't know what it was at the time. That said, the locket was also interesting as it made Ron's love for Hermion..."


message 24: by Addy (new)

Addy  B I like Hufflepuff's cup because I really like the Gringotts scene.

message 25: by MarleyTheDragon (new)


message 26: by [deleted user] (new)

MyFavorit Must be the diary. Because the Part of Tom riddles Soul which was in it could Communicate. Monotheismus Horkrux could do that

message 27: by [deleted user] (new)

The Ravenclaw diadem

message 28: by mel (new)

mel | 2 comments Probably the diary. Only because I think that communicating with Tom Riddle while writing in the diary is a cool concept.(as long as it is not Ginny writing to me in the diary.)

message 29: by [deleted user] (new)

I think My favorite is Hufflepuffs Cup. Mostly just because of what they had to do to get it, breaking into Gringotts is one of my favorite chapters!

message 30: by lulu (new)

lulu (silksvz) The Locket

message 31: by Jay (new)

Jay | 4 comments I would have to say the diary. It changed a lot of lives.

message 32: by stel (new)

stel (xostella) My favourite is probably the locket

message 33: by [deleted user] (new)

okay, I know this is only supposed to be which is your favorite horcrux, but I just want to point out that she said 'Horocrux' instead of the correct spelling, which is 'horcrux,'
I know that it doesn't matter, and I'm sorry, but I am very bothered by things like that.

message 34: by Annalise (new)

Annalise | 6 comments The diadem becasuse i love ravenclaw, even tho i was soooo close to stabbing someone when it turned out to be right in front of his face. also it kind of lead to the whole battle of hogwarts which was awesome to read

message 35: by Lucy (new)

Lucy (lucybookworm) the diadem

message 36: by Megan (new)

Megan (neonfire777) My favorite was Slytherin's locket. I thought it's powers were kind of interesting.

message 37: by [deleted user] (new)

Salazar Slytherin's Locket or Nagini

message 38: by Casanova (new)

Casanova (chicksandlit) 1) Nagini
2) Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem
3) Harry Potter Himself
4) Tom Riddle's Diary
5) Helga Hufflepuff's Cup
6) Salazar Slytherin's Locket
7) Marvolo Gaunt's Ring
8) Quirinus Quirrell (Temporary Horcrux)

message 39: by elisia_spiering (new)

elisia_spiering I like Ravenclaw's diadem because it finally showed us why the Bloody Baron is covered in blood. I was wondering about that for the whole series, and I am so glad it was finally answered.

message 40: by Phoebe (new)

Phoebe (phoebelouise) | 5 comments Leah wrote: "My favourite is probably the locket"
me too girl ✨

message 41: by Phoebe (new)

Phoebe (phoebelouise) | 5 comments Samara --Lil' Perce is cute squad-- wrote: "okay, I know this is only supposed to be which is your favorite horcrux, but I just want to point out that she said 'Horocrux' instead of the correct spelling, which is 'horcrux,'
I know that it d... "

haha me too

message 42: by Phoebe (new)

Phoebe (phoebelouise) | 5 comments i love the locket - if every horcrux were hidden that well the whole story would have been different. least favorite - nagini - why on earth would you use something mortal to make you immortal? what happens when nagini dies?

message 43: by Sofia (new)

Sofia | 15 comments Salazar Slytherin’s locket, since I find the power it holds to be very amusing. Rowena Ravenclaw’s diadem was also a very interesting one (I just like the story of how it was found)

message 44: by Shriya (new)

Shriya Ravenclaw's diadem had an interesting back-story.
Slytherin's locket was intriguing too..

message 45: by [deleted user] (new)

My Favorite has to be the diary

message 46: by Afomya (new)

Afomya Alemayehu (afomyathefangirl) | 9 comments I've always wanted to be in Ravenclaw, its Ravenclaw's Diadem for me.

message 47: by Aakruti (new)

Aakruti (aaku) | 10 comments Marvolo Gaunt's ring was my favourite horcrux as it was an heirloom and it shows the legacy of the house of Gaunt and where Tom really comes from.

message 48: by [deleted user] (new)

Tiana wrote: "Harry"

lol yeah

message 49: by Vicky (new)

Vicky Arilla (victoriaarilla) | 1 comments mine is the diary because it made my love for the chamber of secrets grow a lot. I feel like that horocrux made that movie make a lot more sense.

message 50: by Ana (new)

Ana | 1 comments Nagini

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