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Team Challenges Archive > Team The Centenarians

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message 1: by NBRC Book Ninja (last edited Aug 11, 2014 06:23PM) (new)

NBRC Book Ninja | 1025 comments

The centenarians
Anagram for I can hear ten "tens"
As an angel, Castiel knows all, finds all, hears all


Name Books p.a. Timezone
Michelle (NY) 125 USA (East Coast)
Amanda 200 USA (West Coast)
Deedee 175 USA (East Coast)
Jennifer G 175 USA (MST)
~Melissa~ 200 USA (CDT)
Erica 150 USA (Alaska)
Jennifer 400 USA (Pacific)

Captain Michelle and co-captain Amanda

NBRC Book Ninja | 1025 comments reserved

NBRC Book Ninja | 1025 comments reserved

message 4: by Sonia (new)

Sonia (darktalynn) | 11552 comments Amanda wake up! Castiel is waiting!

message 5: by Karen ⊰✿,Fiction Aficionado (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 15891 comments Mod
I know, right?!

message 6: by ~Melissa~ (new)

~Melissa~ | 1397 comments Hi teamies - I'm surprised I'm the first to the party,lol. *waves* Hi Amanda. Lots of new *faces/names* here. Some info about me - I live in the northwest suburbs of Chicago - about 45 minutes away from Wisconsin. I am married with two teens (boy and girl), I'm an RN who works full time as a Medicare Reimbursement nurse for a long term care and short term rehab facility. I'm super excited for this to start.

message 7: by Sonia (new)

Sonia (darktalynn) | 11552 comments I'm ~Melissa~!

Yes, I'mstalkinghelping Karen monitorizing the threads

message 8: by ~Melissa~ (new)

~Melissa~ | 1397 comments Morning Sonia - had your cuppa yet? Still working on finishing my first cuppa:D

message 9: by Sonia (new)

Sonia (darktalynn) | 11552 comments Just had my after lunch expresso - 1:50 PM here.

message 10: by ~Melissa~ (new)

~Melissa~ | 1397 comments Just hit 8am here:) - finishing my large coffee with an espresso shot added

message 11: by Sonia (new)

Sonia (darktalynn) | 11552 comments Portuguese are expresso drinkers. I don't mind the large cups on lazy sunday mornings, but need my expresso fix.

message 12: by ~Melissa~ (new)

~Melissa~ | 1397 comments Not sure I could handle espresso all by its lonesome. I think it might be a tad too strong for me. I've found the shot of espresso added to my coffee makes it that I can stick to one cup a day

message 13: by Sonia (new)

Sonia (darktalynn) | 11552 comments :)

Well... we have starbucks here and the tall american cups are too thin to my taste.

(I stick to lattes there)

message 14: by ~Melissa~ (new)

~Melissa~ | 1397 comments Sonia wrote: ":)

Well... we have starbucks here and the tall american cups are too thin to my taste.

(I stick to lattes there) "

@ Starbucks - I love me some Peppermint Mocha and the Vanilla Lattes

message 15: by Rebecca NJ (new)

Rebecca NJ (njreader) | 2120 comments Oooh, Peppermint Monchas!! Waving hi to Melissa and Sonia of course:)

message 16: by Amanda (new)

Amanda (daughterofoak) | 3473 comments Hey team!! Hi Melissa!
Let's see...introductions...
I'm 27 and I live in California. I've been married for 8 years, our anniversary is on the 22nd!
I read from every genre, though fantasy and HF are my go-to genres. I love knitting, writing, and classic movies.

message 17: by Amanda (new)

Amanda (daughterofoak) | 3473 comments Sonia wrote: "Amanda wake up! Castiel is waiting!"

I'm so glad I got on Team Castiel!:D
We're sure to win now. Cas will grip us tight and raise us from perdition...

Ok, sorry...

message 18: by Ezi (new)

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) y'all got a lot of fast readers.

message 19: by ~Leslie~ (new)

~Leslie~ (akareadingmachine) | 2240 comments **Hi, Melissa!!** waving madly!!

message 20: by Michelle (new)

Michelle | 3283 comments Hey Everyone..Sorry to be late for the party. It was grocery shopping day. My name is Michelle and I live in Upstate NY. I'm married with 3 kids and I'm a seller of vegetable and fruits at the local Farmer's Market so my usual "work" days are Friday and Saturday. This is my first challenge where I am captain. I'm a bit nervous about messing up so I apologize now if I do anything dumb or wrong. I usually read multiple genres, but dystopian & zombies are my favourite. I look forward to playing with y'all.

message 21: by Amanda (new)

Amanda (daughterofoak) | 3473 comments Hi Michelle! Long time, no talk:). How is your garden going?

I think you'll be a great captain. I'm your co-captain and I'll help you out as much as I can.

Just a FYI, I'll be camping from July 19th to 28th with almost no internet access. I should still be able to mark books as read, though.

message 22: by ~Melissa~ (new)

~Melissa~ | 1397 comments Amanda wrote: "Hey team!! Hi Melissa!
Let's see...introductions...
I'm 27 and I live in California. I've been married for 8 years, our anniversary is on the 22nd!
I read from every genre, though fantasy and... "

Happy Anniversary - we'll be celebrating 21 yrs on the 31st:)

message 23: by ~Melissa~ (new)

~Melissa~ | 1397 comments ~Leslie~ wrote: "**Hi, Melissa!!** waving madly!!"

Hi Leslie!! Wish you were here!!

message 24: by ~Melissa~ (new)

~Melissa~ | 1397 comments Ezinwanyi~still loves Spartacus wrote: "y'all got a lot of fast readers."

Hey Ezi - wish you were here too!!

message 25: by ~Melissa~ (new)

~Melissa~ | 1397 comments Michelle wrote: "Hey Everyone..Sorry to be late for the party. It was grocery shopping day. My name is Michelle and I live in Upstate NY. I'm married with 3 kids and I'm a seller of vegetable and fruits at the l..."

Hi Michelle!! You're gonna be a great Captain!! Very cool that you do the Farmer's Market - sounds awesome. I try to go to a couple each summer.

message 26: by ~Melissa~ (new)

~Melissa~ | 1397 comments Oh genres - duh forgot about that - I like Romance, PNR, UF, MM most recently and suspense thriller types.

message 27: by ~Melissa~ (new)

~Melissa~ | 1397 comments Rebecca NJ wrote: "Oooh, Peppermint Monchas!! Waving hi to Melissa and Sonia of course:)"

*waves* Hi Rebecca NJ - those peppermint mochas rock - creamy yumminess,lol

message 28: by Nichole (new)

Nichole | 980 comments Mmmm, yummy goodness!

peppermint mocha photo: peppermint mocha 6a00c2251ebee2604a00e398c848f70003-.jpg

message 29: by Michelle (new)

Michelle | 3283 comments Amanda wrote: "Hi Michelle! Long time, no talk:). How is your garden going?

I think you'll be a great captain. I'm your co-captain and I'll help you out as much as I can.

Just a FYI, I'll be camping from... "

My garden is in definite need of weeding, but it's growing quite well.

I would love your help and thank you so much for offering.

message 30: by Michelle (new)

Michelle | 3283 comments ~Melissa~ wrote: "Michelle wrote:" Hey Everyone..Sorry to be late for the party. It was grocery shopping day. My name is Michelle and I live in Upstate NY. I'm married with 3 kids and I'm a seller of vegetable an... "


message 31: by NBRC Book Ninja (new)

NBRC Book Ninja | 1025 comments week one
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

message 32: by Ezi (new)

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) What you reading Melissa? I'm readingDouble Blindin my group. I'm sure you were dying to know that. LOL

message 33: by ~Melissa~ (new)

~Melissa~ | 1397 comments Ezinwanyi~still loves Spartacus wrote: "What you reading Melissa? I'm readingDouble Blindin my group. I'm sure you were dying to know that. LOL "

Not sure yet. Didn't like what was called for MM bingo - sucky shelf. Didn't help me at all.i have Double blind up this month. Not sure when: )
Enjoy Randy!

message 34: by ~Melissa~ (new)

~Melissa~ | 1397 comments Morning ~ We have our first genre. When can we start counting books towards this - today finish or tomorrow finish? Currently it's 11:30ish on Sat for me.

I'm currently readingMaking Promisesby Amy Lane - can work for A. Should finish today or tomorrow.

I have to readElements of Retrofitby N R Walker
I want to readDouble Blindby Heidi Cullinan
Not sure what else yet. I have another team challenge that will be posted later today.

message 35: by Michelle (new)

Michelle | 3283 comments I'm also keeping track on paper at home because I'm just that

message 36: by Michelle (new)

Michelle | 3283 comments ~Melissa~ wrote: "Morning ~ We have our first genre. When can we start counting books towards this - today finish or tomorrow finish? Currently it's 11:30ish on Sat for me.

I'm currently reading [book:Making Promis... "

I've got you down for A.

Thank you

message 37: by ~Melissa~ (new)

~Melissa~ | 1397 comments Michelle wrote: "~Melissa~ wrote:" Morning ~ We have our first genre. When can we start counting books towards this - today finish or tomorrow finish? Currently it's 11:30ish on Sat for me.

I'm currently reading [... "

Sounds good. Once I figure out what else I'm reading this week I'll post it here if it helps with our word for the week.

message 38: by Amanda (new)

Amanda (daughterofoak) | 3473 comments Ok...sorry I'm just now checking in. It's been a long day! Hope you all are having a great weekend!

Right now I'm reading:
The Splintered Kingdomby James Aitcheson
Memory Zeroby Keri Arthur
The Probability of Miraclesby Wendy Wunder

I also have a lot of other books available. I'll post once I have a list.

Michelle- Feel free to assign me a letter! I have four bookshelves overflowing with books, so I would be able to take care of any letter we get:).

message 39: by ~Melissa~ (last edited Jul 13, 2014 09:40AM) (new)

~Melissa~ | 1397 comments 2 more books I'll read this week
S or D =Captive Prince: Volume TwobyS.U. PacatMain Character: Damen
O =One Small Thing

BTW - I don't have any dystopian - sorry!

message 40: by Michelle (new)

Michelle | 3283 comments ~Melissa~ wrote: "Michelle wrote:" ~Melissa~ wrote: "Morning ~ We have our first genre. When can we start counting books towards this - today finish or tomorrow finish? Currently it's 11:30ish on Sat for me.

I'm cu... "

Awesome..It will.

message 41: by Michelle (new)

Michelle | 3283 comments Amanda wrote: "Ok...sorry I'm just now checking in. It's been a long day! Hope you all are having a great weekend!

Right now I'm reading:
The Splintered Kingdomby James Aitcheson
[book:Memory... "

Since your reading The splintered Kingdom I will use that for S.

I went and sorted out my books today just to see what I had and almost fell over. 35 books that I just bought this year and that's not counting the two tote bags that I bought at the library sales. I'm out of control and think I need an intervention.

message 42: by Deedee (new)

Deedee | 608 comments Hello everyone!

I'm currently readingThe Last Policeman(excellent novel!) I started it July 9 but have read most of it Friday & Saturday and will probably finish tomorrow or the next day. It's listed as:
Science Fiction > Dystopia

Will this count for this week? Or did I start reading it too soon?

I usually read 2-4 books at a time. Currently:
The Last Policeman by Ben H. Winters The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August by Claire North Devil-Devil by Graeme Kent

message 43: by Michelle (new)

Michelle | 3283 comments ~Melissa~ wrote: "2 more books I'll read this week
S or D =Captive Prince: Volume TwobyS.U. PacatMain Character: Damen
O =One Small Thing

BTW - I don't have an... "

Cool..Just let me know when you start them so I can save the letter for you.

message 44: by Amanda (new)

Amanda (daughterofoak) | 3473 comments LOL! Well, I hope they were good books!

I frequent FOL book sales. My husband has officially cut me off until after we move:).

Ok, I'll finish The Splintered Kingdom within the next few days. Do you want me to read a Y book after that?

message 45: by Michelle (new)

Michelle | 3283 comments We are missing 3 other members Dee Dee, Jennifer G., and Erica. They have not checked in yet that I have seen. If I don't hear from them by morning I will send them a message.

message 46: by Amanda (new)

Amanda (daughterofoak) | 3473 comments Deedee wrote: "Hello everyone!

I'm currently readingThe Last Policeman(excellent novel!) I started it July 9 but have read most of it Friday & Saturday and will probably finish tomorrow or the... "

Hi Deedee! The Last Policeman looks interesting. What do you think of it so far?

It's the finished date that counts in this challenge, so no worries:).

message 47: by Michelle (new)

Michelle | 3283 comments Deedee wrote: "Hello everyone!

I'm currently readingThe Last Policeman(excellent novel!) I started it July 9 but have read most of it Friday & Saturday and will probably finish tomorrow or the... "

There you are..I missed you by 4 minutes. Thanks for checking in. I would like to use Devil-Devil for D. The LAst Policeman we can use towards the genre. Just give me a yell when you are done with them. I'm think we are ok for starting to read.

message 48: by Michelle (new)

Michelle | 3283 comments Amanda wrote: "LOL! Well, I hope they were good books!

I frequent FOL book sales. My husband has officially cut me off until after we move:).

Ok, I'll finish The Splintered Kingdom within the next few days.... "

If no one else takes Y by the time you are done than by all means have at it. I was just worried about Y.

message 49: by Jenn (new)

Jenn (engelsigh) | 1302 comments Hi everyone. Looks like I'm super late to the party. I'm Jennifer, age 34. I live in Arizona. I just got married last month. I work as a clinic manager of an urgent care.

Question. Does the book have to be started tomorrow to count, or be finished tomorrow?

message 50: by Michelle (new)

Michelle | 3283 comments Jennifer wrote: "Hi everyone. Looks like I'm super late to the party. I'm Jennifer, age 34. I live in Arizona. I just got married last month. I work as a clinic manager of an urgent care.

Question. Does the... "

Hi Jennifer,

Welcome to the party! Grab a refreshment and a book and get comfy. The game just began and we have 1 week to finish up the 1st challenge. So if you are reading something right now it can be counted towards our goal as long as it finished by next Saturday. Our first word is Dystopian. If you look above at message 35 you can see what letters have already been taken. Just let me know which one you want and I will put you in for it. Also if you read any dystopian novels that will be counted for points. Are you reading anything now?

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