The Next Best Book Clubdiscussion

RWTFYW (2018) Reading Challenge > How the RWTFYW Reading Challenge Works

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message 1: by Lori,Super Mod (last edited Jan 02, 2018 12:26AM) (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10416 comments Mod
Happy 2018 everyone!

Instead of creating another painstakingly gorgeous-in-theory-but-ultimately-unachievable reading list, this year I thought it would be all kinds of fun to just read whatever the fuck we want whenever the fuck we want to and enjoy every fucking minute of it.

But I couldn't exactly name the reading challenge Read Whatever The Fuck You Want Whenever The Fuck You Want To and Enjoy Every Fucking Minute Of It, so I decided to shorten it.

Thus, RWTFYW!!!

The rules are as ridiculously simple or as frustratingly difficult as you want them to be. You set your goals, or go goaless! You set your reading parameters, or say screw parameters!

It's whatever the fuck you want to make it!!!

If you want us to follow you along on your RWTFYW reading challenge, create your thread in this folder, and let us know what and how you'll be reading, and we promise to cheer you on every step of the way!!!

GO, readers GO!!!!

message 2: by Nawar (new)

Nawar (nawaralq) | 199 comments Yay for more challenges!!

message 3: by [deleted user] (new)

Your RWTFYW reading challenge fits in rather well with my personal goals, since I am (or was) in two library book discussion groups and belong to several groups on Goodreads.

Sometimes I feel like I am forced to read books that I really don't like. At least I wouldn't have chosen to read them on my own. It's nice to be introduced to works by authors you might never have heard of otherwise, but it's sort of hit-or-miss in terms of enjoyment. So I will try to read 50 books this year, read books set all in 50 U.S. states, read books from 80 different countries, and read the selections assigned by the library discussion groups. Wish me luck!

On second thought, screw any parameters!

message 4: by Lori,Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10416 comments Mod
Good luck Patricia:)

message 5: by Mickey (new)

Mickey (liongoddess) | 470 comments Ok, I'm in! No real parameters, just combining this with my Goodreads Challenge and hoping to enjoy whatever I read.

message 6: by Lori,Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10416 comments Mod
Hooray Mickey!

message 7: by Chris (new)

Chris Wallace (chrispwallace) | 112 comments Sounds like my kind of challenge!

message 8: by Alexa (new)

Alexa Randolph | 7 comments I’m in! This sounds fun. I love to read on my kindle. I have already read I love Jason thorn and I hate Adam Connor by Ella Maise. I’m on to my third book Weightless by Kandi Steiner. I’m looking forward to seeing what Everyone else is reading

message 9: by G (new)

G (somegsfella) | 4 comments I like the challenge. And I am really looking forward to read one of the books from my list of books that i can't get myself to begin. So pick one from the following books for me: Ulysses- Joyce, Infinite Jest-DFW, Catch 22-Heller.

message 10: by Lori,Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10416 comments Mod
Oh man, G, no wonder you can't get yourself to begin. Those are heavy duty books. I've tried and DNFd Catch 22 more than once. I just could not get into it at all. But for those that read the whole thing, they really seem to love it. Maybe that one?

message 11: by Grainne (new)

Grainne Gibson | 1 comments I would say Catch 22, it’s a great read (when you’ve finished it!) If you pick Ulysses read it in a Dublin accent. Good luck 😉

message 12: by Jason (new)

Jason Lilly (wolfdreamer) | 4 comments I like this kind of challenge because I read whatever the fuck I want most of the time anyway.:-)

message 13: by Jason (new)

Jason Lilly (wolfdreamer) | 4 comments G wrote: "I like the challenge. And I am really looking forward to read one of the books from my list of books that i can't get myself to begin. So pick one from the following books for me: Ulysses- Joyce, I..."

Definitely Catch-22. It's my favorite book of all time. Read it in public so you can enjoy the stares when you laugh, gasp, and maybe even cry out loud.

message 14: by Sk888888 (new)

Sk888888 Since I already finished the 2018 Challenge, I'll combine this one with the Summer challenge & see how it goes...

message 15: by Samantha (new)

Samantha Porcare (princesssams) | 4 comments