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Books & Discussions > What are you reading in October 2014?

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message 1: by Chris,cookie guilt (new)

Chris  Haught (haughtc) | 2450 comments I'm moving nicely throughRevelation Space(the audio helps a lot), and while I still don't understand that much, I find myself liking it anyway.

Also working onThe Magician's Landwhich I'm liking quite a bit, to wrap up that trilogy.

And here and there I'm plugging away atThe Goldfinch.Yes, I've been reading this for awhile, but I really like it. I'm more savoring in small doses than anything.

I'll get to my birthday book soonly too, Becky!

ally  ¯\(ツ)/¯ (allykennedy) | 168 comments I'm startingThe Standtonight. I'm excited and intimidated.... It's HUGE!

message 3: by Becky (new)

Becky (beckyofthe19and9) Oooh but it's so good. Are you reading the uncut version? That's the only one I've read (sooooo many times) but I am going to read the edited version this time around just to see how it's different.

ally  ¯\(ツ)/¯ (allykennedy) | 168 comments Yes, it's the uncut version.
It would be interesting to compare the two!

message 5: by Lee (last edited Oct 01, 2014 06:35PM) (new)

Lee | 939 comments I'm still readingInterview with the Vampire.For the moment anyway. It's so boring. So, very, very boring. I'm pretty close to giving up actually.

message 6: by Chris,cookie guilt (new)

Chris  Haught (haughtc) | 2450 comments I haven't even seen the edited Stand in years. I read it twice before the uncut one came out, then let someone "borrow" my copy.

I startedThe Companythis morning.

message 7: by colleen the convivial curmudgeon,Not a book hipster! (new)

colleen the convivial curmudgeon (blackrose13) | 2976 comments I'm readingMurder as a Fine Art.Not very far in, but I'm liking it so far.

message 8: by Lee (new)

Lee | 939 comments Nicki wrote: "Nienna, if you hate Interview, you might actually like the sequels. They're completely and utterly different. For me it's more the other way around (I love Interview, kinda like Lestat/Queen, and w..."

I loved this book years and years ago.:(
I am trying to push thru and want to read the 2nd book at least. I'm hoping Lestat is better than Louis as a lead, but to be honest, Lestat is even more boring in this one than Louis is.

Last time I read it, I didn't take it as anything other than a "vampire" book, but now I can see that the whole thing is Rice's stance on religion and her anger at a God that allows evil in the world. Which definitely puts things in a different light.

But all the talking is putting me to sleep. I know - what part ofInterviewwith the Vampire did I not understand... Lol.

message 9: by MrsJoseph *grouchy*,Bad Girls Deadlift (new)

MrsJoseph *grouchy* (mrsjoseph) | 5312 comments ☆αlly☆ (litєrαry єscαpist) wrote: "I'm startingThe Standtonight. I'm excited and intimidated.... It's HUGE! "

Oooh! I need to get started! I love The Stand. And I have a new copy!!!

message 10: by MrsJoseph *grouchy*,Bad Girls Deadlift (new)

MrsJoseph *grouchy* (mrsjoseph) | 5312 comments I'm reading:

The Girl with All the Gifts
Once Burned
An assortment of paleo cookbooks

message 11: by Sinistmer (new)

Sinistmer | 212 comments MrsJoseph wrote: "I'm reading:

The Girl with All the Gifts
Once Burned
An assortment of paleo cookbooks "

I enjoyed Girl With All the Gifts! What do you think so far?

message 12: by Sinistmer (new)

Sinistmer | 212 comments I am currently
Chill.I really loved the first book (Dust) and have been enjoying this one so far. The setting is incredible.

I'm also reading some various non-fiction books, but am not getting very far. I keep meaning to read more nonfiction books, but get sucked right into fiction. In fairness, I do read a number of news and professional articles.

message 13: by MrsJoseph *grouchy*,Bad Girls Deadlift (new)

MrsJoseph *grouchy* (mrsjoseph) | 5312 comments Sinistmer wrote: "MrsJoseph wrote:" I'm reading:

The Girl with All the Gifts
Once Burned
An assortment of paleo cookbooks "

I enjoyed Girl With All the Gifts! What do you think so far? "

SO far it's good but there's an ominous feeling.

Karma♥Bites ^.~ (karma_bites) | 20 comments Yo, MrsJ... Remember what I posted earlier today in different group? Ya confuzzled me, LOL...

message 15: by Sinistmer (new)

Sinistmer | 212 comments MrsJoseph wrote: "Sinistmer wrote:" MrsJoseph wrote: "I'm reading:

The Girl with All the Gifts
Once Burned
An assortment of paleo cookbooks "

I enjoyed Girl With All the Gifts! What... "

What's giving you the ominous feeling?

message 16: by Paolo (new)

Paolo (ppiazzesi) | 166 comments I'm tearing throughLeviathan Wakes.Loving it! I hadn't been reading this fast in a while.

message 17: by Becky (new)

Becky (beckyofthe19and9) Paolo wrote: "I'm tearing throughLeviathan Wakes.Loving it! I hadn't been reading this fast in a while. "

I really enjoy that series... or what I've read of it. I'm about halfway through it and I should really pick it up again soon.:)

message 18: by Becky (new)

Becky (beckyofthe19and9) I'm about 75% through Tigana right now, and enjoying it... and while I listen, I've been working on a Dr. Who scarf that my boss requested as part of her hubby's Halloween costume. I've been wanting to knit one of these for a long time... though never on a schedule! LOL

message 19: by thebookranter (new)

thebookranter I'm reading the second book in the "Paladin Prophecy" trilogy. Other than that, The Maze Runner and The Red Pyramid. And Harry Potter on the side, of course. ♥

message 20: by Felina (new)

Felina I'm still working onOld Man's Warwhich I'm very much enjoying. I thought I'd get farther on my vacation but nope.:) Which is usually how it goes.

I'm hopeing to get to book:Asylum|13597728],The Vanishing,The TroopandThe Sixth Gun, Vol. 1: Cold Dead Fingersthis month. We'll see.

message 21: by MrsJoseph *grouchy*,Bad Girls Deadlift (new)

MrsJoseph *grouchy* (mrsjoseph) | 5312 comments Karma♥Bites ^.~ wrote: "Yo, MrsJ... Remember what I posted earlier today in different group? Ya confuzzled me, LOL..."


Maybe you should come sit with me on the porch...:)

message 22: by MrsJoseph *grouchy*,Bad Girls Deadlift (new)

MrsJoseph *grouchy* (mrsjoseph) | 5312 comments Sinistmer wrote: "MrsJoseph wrote:" Sinistmer wrote: "MrsJoseph wrote:" I'm reading:

The Girl with All the Gifts
Once Burned
An assortment of paleo cookbooks "

I enjoyed Girl With All... "

I'm at the point where(view spoiler)

message 23: by MrsJoseph *grouchy*,Bad Girls Deadlift (new)

MrsJoseph *grouchy* (mrsjoseph) | 5312 comments Becky wrote: "I'm about 75% through Tigana right now, and enjoying it... and while I listen, I've been working on a Dr. Who scarf that my boss requested as part of her hubby's Halloween costume. I've been wantin..."

Oh, no you didn't!

I'm going to go pout in the corner. I want one!

message 24: by Lee (new)

Lee | 939 comments Finished Interview. Okay. I may have skimmed. A little. Mostly near the end. I do not remember Lestat being as much of a wimp as Louis. Ugh.

To continue my Halloween themed month of reading, I'm startingThe Haunting of Hill House.It's another reread of a favorite, hopefully this one goes better.

message 25: by Elise (new)

Elise Kleuskens I just finishedThe Darkest Roadand have just begun inOorlog en terpentijn,a book from a Belgian writer. He writes about the life of his grandfather in the changing 20th century.
After that I will read Chris' birthday book,The Company.
Perhaps when I am done with those books I will get back to the Guy Gavriel Kay buddy read and startTigana.

message 26: by Becky (new)

Becky (beckyofthe19and9) MrsJoseph wrote: "Becky wrote:" I'm about 75% through Tigana right now, and enjoying it... and while I listen, I've been working on a Dr. Who scarf that my boss requested as part of her hubby's Halloween costume. I'... "


message 27: by colleen the convivial curmudgeon,Not a book hipster! (new)

colleen the convivial curmudgeon (blackrose13) | 2976 comments HAve you ever felt a certain kind of sadness reading a book, not because of anything within the book as much as you just have a feeling that, with a better writer, it could be much more than it is?

That's how I'm feeling withIn the Shadow of Blackbirds.It's not a bad book, and I'm enjoying it well enough - but I can't help but feel that it's lacking something, stylistically. If there was a bit more description, a bit more atmospheric tension and build-up...

Ah well.

message 28: by MrsJoseph *grouchy*,Bad Girls Deadlift (new)

MrsJoseph *grouchy* (mrsjoseph) | 5312 comments colleen the contrarian ± (... never stop fighting) ± wrote: "HAve you ever felt a certain kind of sadness reading a book, not because of anything within the book as much as you just have a feeling that, with a better writer, it could be much more than it is?..."


message 29: by Becky (new)

Becky (beckyofthe19and9) I know exactly what you mean, Colleen. I feel like that frequently, unfortunately.

message 30: by colleen the convivial curmudgeon,Not a book hipster! (new)

colleen the convivial curmudgeon (blackrose13) | 2976 comments Becky wrote: "I know exactly what you mean, Colleen. I feel like that frequently, unfortunately."

Yeah, I get it fairly often myself. Not sure why this one is sticking out more than the others. I think it's 'cause it's really borderline. Like it'sso close,but just not there...

message 31: by ally ¯\(ツ)/¯ (new)

ally  ¯\(ツ)/¯ (allykennedy) | 168 comments I feel that way most often in the YA category. A lot of great ideas out there but some lack in execution.
Most often I feel this way in YA trilogies. It's almost like the author gives up on telling their own tale sometimes.

message 32: by colleen the convivial curmudgeon,Not a book hipster! (new)

colleen the convivial curmudgeon (blackrose13) | 2976 comments Yeah, it's frustrating. It's like some YA authors feel like to write YA is has to be very pared down writing. It's always a pleasure to find an author that doesn't fall into that trap.

message 33: by Deedee (new)

Deedee | 2 comments Becky wrote: "I know exactly what you mean, Colleen. I feel like that frequently, unfortunately."

I felt that way also aboutIn the Shadow of Blackbirds.The last fourth of the book needed something more IMHO.

message 34: by Deedee (new)

Deedee | 2 comments Currently reading:The Lost Prince-- I lovedSelden Edwards's first bookThe Little Book,it was one of the few books I've read twice, so I was really looking forward toThe Lost Prince.*sigh* sequels rarely live up to the original book in the series.

Also am readingIncarnate(1983)Ramsey Campbell(which won British Fantasy Award for Best Novel (1985)). Creepy in a what-is-reality, what-is-dream kind of way.

And, with my son, I'm reading "The Strain" trilogy (The Strain,The Fall,andThe Night Eternal). On the second book of the trilogy right now. The authors,Guillermo del ToroandChuck Hogan,are the writers-directors-producers of the fx Original Series "The Strain" based on the trilogy. I've been surprised that the TV show differs from the book on some of the plot points -- I expect differences when the writers of the book is different from the writers of the TV show, but it is surprising when the writers are the exact same people!

message 35: by colleen the convivial curmudgeon,Not a book hipster! (new)

colleen the convivial curmudgeon (blackrose13) | 2976 comments Finished 'Shadow of Blackbirds' last night. I thought the ending was mostly ok, though(view spoiler).

StartedAsylumthis morning. Not very far in, but I agree with Felina that it's kind of standard stuff... but it's the kind of stuff I tend to like, so I'm hoping.

Also, the pictures are creepy.

Felina - I think you got the ebook version, right? If so, does it have the pictures?

message 36: by Felina (new)

Felina Nah, I went to barnes and got the paperback.

message 37: by colleen the convivial curmudgeon,Not a book hipster! (new)

colleen the convivial curmudgeon (blackrose13) | 2976 comments Paper FTW!

message 38: by Sinistmer (new)

Sinistmer | 212 comments I readAsylumawhile back. The story never quite came together for me, and I did not like any of the characters. A pity--the images were cool and kind of reminded me ofMiss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children.

Currently readingHorns.I am not usually a horror reader, but I am enjoying it so far.

message 39: by colleen the convivial curmudgeon,Not a book hipster! (new)

colleen the convivial curmudgeon (blackrose13) | 2976 comments Bcky - I'm not loving Asylum. I keep thinking it could make a cool movie, but it's really failing on the whole building atmospheric tension thing. It's just very "and then this happened, and then this, and he was freaked out" kinda stuff.

message 40: by Felina (new)

Felina Asylum sucked. Save your money.

message 41: by Michelle *is in a BG3 reading slump* (last edited Oct 10, 2014 06:23AM) (new)

message 42: by Lee (new)

Lee | 939 comments I readThe Phantom of the Opera,a old favorite. But I realized I liked the idea more than the actual book. It was okay. But one thing I really dislike about classics is that they almost always have a narrator outside of the plot. Why is that?

Another favorite of mine wasPhantom,sort of a fan fiction retelling, before I knew what fan fiction was. I bought it on my nook and will have to read it again.

message 43: by Chris,cookie guilt (new)

Chris  Haught (haughtc) | 2450 comments I finishedThe Martian,and loved it. I think it ruined me for other books, as the rest of the stuff I was working on now bores the shit out of me.

So I startedNightmare At 20,000 Feet: Horror Storiesthis morning.

message 44: by MrsJoseph *grouchy*,Bad Girls Deadlift (new)

MrsJoseph *grouchy* (mrsjoseph) | 5312 comments Chris wrote: "I finishedThe Martian,and loved it. I think it ruined me for other books, as the rest of the stuff I was working on now bores the shit out of me.

So I started [book:Nightmare At... "

I really need to try to read this...

message 45: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie (quiltsrme) | 119 comments I've been working on some of the Diskworld series (currentlyEricand then can focus on this month'sPandora's Star.I've had that in my audible library for a couple of years and hadn't got to it yet, so with it being on the list this month, I'm going to listen to it. But, it also being October, I have to listen to one of my 3Draculaaudiobooks as well.

message 46: by Charlene (new)

Charlene (booksfan2002) fear street party games and vampire academy:)

message 47: by Lee (new)

Lee | 939 comments I finishedJackaby.It's marketed as a cross between Doctor Who and Sherlock, which sounds awesome. But - it's like the author tried too hard. And it comes across as way too fan fiction-y. Not much originality.

Also read/rereadAlice's Adventures in Wonderland.I love this book every time I read it. Definitely a top 5 for me.

I haven't been in the mood for horror. I tried, but it's just not a good time for me. I wanted to reread The Stand by Stephen King. I really did, but I can't. Especially with the stuff happening in Dallas, Texas. Seems a little too close to home...

I finally broke down and bought the Harry Potter box set I've been eyeing for a few years. And I'm getting ready to readHarry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

message 48: by Ala (new)

Ala | 469 comments Recently readAs You Wish: Inconceivable Tales from the Making of The Princess Bride,which was wonderful and nostalgia inducing.

Also readThe Girl with All the Gifts.Had no idea what it was about going in but it ended up being pretty good.

message 49: by MrsJoseph *grouchy*,Bad Girls Deadlift (new)

MrsJoseph *grouchy* (mrsjoseph) | 5312 comments Ala wrote: "Recently readAs You Wish: Inconceivable Tales from the Making of The Princess Bride,which was wonderful and nostalgia inducing.

Also read [book:The Girl with All the Gifts|17235... "

Oh! The ebook for The Princess Bride is on sale and there were people talking about how they didn't like it and that Buttercup had no agency. I was all O_O

And I need to get back to The Girl with all the gifts.

message 50: by Elise (new)

Elise Kleuskens I startedTiganaby Guy Gavriel Kay last night. Together with a Dutch book about the agricultural revolution in the 19th century,De Graanrepubliek,and the Dutch translation ofThe Little Prince.

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