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Ani DiFranco Reading Challenge > Time To Add a Guy to The Challenge

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message 1: by Kent (new)

Kent Winward (kentwinward) | 5 comments So, there doesn't appear to be any he/him's in the list, so I thought sure, why not. So here is the first album:

Ani DiFranco (1990)

“Both Hands” – Read a book that prominently features a body part, or has a body part in the title
Pandora's Eyes

“Talk to Me Now” – Listen to an audiobook
Waiting for the Barbarians(and many more, I'm a bit of an audiobook junkie)

“The Slant” – Read a book that presents its subject in a unique way
The Hot Hand: The Mystery and Science of StreaksThe Hot Hand

“Work Your Way Out” – Read a book about working out, or that features a gym/weight loss/exercise
Microserfssince any book about the early 90s has a workout junkie in it andThis Van Could Be Your Lifesince Shubaly is all about the running.

“Dog Coffee” – Read a book with an animal in the title, or that prominently features an animal

“Lost Woman Song” – Read a book written by someone who identifies as female
No Apologies-- I know she identifies as a woman since she is my wife.

“Pale Purple” – Read a book with a color in the title
Black Charity

“Rush Hour” – Read a book during your commute (or on your lunch break)
It's Not About You: A Brief Guide to a Meaningful Life

“Fire Door” – Read a Fantasy book
AFTERLIFT #1 (of 5)because I think Uber drivers for the dead qualifies as fantasy.

“The Story” – Read a book solely because of its description
Everybody Wants to Go to Heaven but Nobody Wants to Die: Bioethics and the Transformation of Health Care in Americaand I did that because a description saying medical ethics was enough to get me to read this even before the coronavirus.

“Every Angle” – Read a book in multiple formats (electronic, print, audio) – BONUS POINTS if you read it in all three!!!
No Secrets- audio, print, electronic and of course, I actually did some performance art with the print version andHenry Rollinsand it involves muppets sort of, so that should be a bonus point somewhere too.

“Out of Habit” – Read a book in which the protagonist is struggling with a habit/addiction
This Van Could Be Your Lifebecause Shubaly is also about overcoming addiction.

“Letting the Telephone Ring” – Avoid the hype! Read a lesser known/small press published title
No Regrets: Poemsand on a side note, since I was following Lori's twitter I boughtTender Cutsto read because I understand intimately how important it is to read small press titles.

So one album down. 19 to go, right?

message 2: by Kent (new)

Kent Winward (kentwinward) | 5 comments Which Side Are You On (2012)2 down, 18 to Go

“Life Boat” – Read a book that takes place on a boat or island
Isle of 100,000 Graves

“Unworry” – Read a book from a genre you’ve avoided until now
The Hookup

“Which Side Are You On” – Read a book that keeps you thoroughly confused the entire way through

“Splinter” – Read a book that is told in multiple or fragmented perspectives
Fly Already: Stories-- what better than a book of fragmented perspective short stories to give multiple looks at the strange world.

“Promiscuity” - Read more than one book at a time and take credit for them here
I am by my very nature a promiscuous reader -- the last book I had multiple partners with wasThe Tilt Torn Away from the Seasons: PoemsIt seems that poetry books are easier to read around on and I read around on this book of poems a lot.

“Albacore” – Read a book in which the protagonist has a tattoo(s)
No SecretsNo Secrets -- knowing that the author is the protagonist of most poetry books, I’ll say this qualifies, since the author is well-tatted, but just in case a sacral tattoo does make an appearance in the Kokomo lounge.

“J” – Read a book written by an author whose name starts with J or a character who is only known by a first initial
Given how many books I read by authors whose names start with J, i.e.Jason,John Updike,Judith Viorst,and four or five others, not to mention three by my wife whose name starts with J (J.A. Carter-Winwardthe only book that should count here isInvisible Influence: The Hidden Forces that Shape BehaviorbyJonah Berger.

“If YR Not” – Read a book about a total fuck up
Low Moon-- a caveman living in suburbia who can’t kill his romantic rival because he is sort of a zombie, but not quite. I think that is fucked up, if not a total fuck up. Not to mention it was written by a J. (Jason)

“Hearse” – Read a book that features a funeral home, death, or the afterlife
AFTERLIFT #1 (of 5)about Uber driving afterlifes.

“Mariachi” – Read a book that delves into, or features, a culture different from your own
The Age of Empathy: Nature's Lessons for a Kinder Societysince what culture is more different than ours than the great apes?

“Amendment” – Reread a book from your past and rewrite your review with a fresh set of eyes
Ends and Means in Conflict

“Zoo” – Read a book that had a word with the letter Z in the title
Why We're Polarized,bonus point if the answer to the question posed by the title is that "politics is a zoo"?

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