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Personal Reading Goals > adventuresonapage's 2021 reading goals

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message 1: by Nicky (new)

Nicky (nickyxxx) Okay, so I know that 2021 is almost over - but that makes for a great sprint until December 31st!

I've started tons of series and I want tofinisha bunch of them too. Some I liked; some I didn't, but I'm too far through to give them up.

So for the remainder of 2021, my goal is to finish
- the Riyria Chronicles series, with onlyThe Disappearance of Winter's Daughterto go
- the Shadow & Bone trilogy, with onlyRuin and Risingto go; I actually really hated book #2 but I gotta soldier through
- and the First Law series; withallbooks remaining; but I own the #1 and #3, and I want to push myself to actually read them. I don't know how far I'll come, but 2021 is still 2 months... so fingers crossed.

Wish me luck!

message 2: by Lori,Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10416 comments Mod
nothing wrong with a good end of the year reading challenge!!!

message 3: by Nicky (new)

Nicky (nickyxxx) Two days ago I finishedThe Disappearance of Winter's Daughter,so I can cross off the Riyria Chronicles series!

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