Harry Potterdiscussion

What’s your favorite spell?

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message 1: by Pearl (new)

Pearl Salzman | 111 comments Personally one of my favorites is Alohomorra🪄
But there’s so many to choose from😅

message 2: by Klara (new)

Klara T | 80 comments My sis says: impero
I think Croseo

message 4: by CB (new)

CB | 135 comments Aguamenti

Iriinesia ♡ (iriinesia) | 22 comments I love a lot. But can I say now: arania exumai? I have arachnophobia jajajaja

message 6: by Ignis Fatuus (new)

Ignis Fatuus | 2 comments I love Lumos and Alohomora - really handy in all kinds of daily situations.:)

message 7: by clara (new)


message 8: by Esme (new)

Esme | 14 comments tarantallegra bc like why not make a normal battle a dance battle:)

message 9: by Luna (new)

Luna Lovebad | 54 comments Accio would be so helpful in the normal world

message 10: by [deleted user] (new)

Mine's Avada Kedavra💀

message 11: by Bryn (new)

Bryn Sanders | 6 comments Expelliarmus

message 12: by Amos (new)

Amos Tama | 2 comments I agree Accio for when I lose my keys

message 13: by