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Depeche Mode 2024 Challenge > Marie's Depeche Mode 2024 Reading Challenge

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message 1: by Marie (last edited Jun 26, 2024 03:43AM) (new)

Marie Mandiak (marie_mandiak) | 126 comments Speak & Spell (1981)

“New Life “– Read a book that was published in the 1900’s but feels like it was written now
“Puppets” – Read a book that features puppets, ventriloquist dummies, or marionettes
“Dreaming of Me” – Read a book that you were dying to get your hands on and take credit for it here
“Boys Say Go!” – Read a “manly” “dude” book
“Nodisco” – Read a book with a strange title
“What’s Your Name?” – Read a book with a person’s name in the title
“Photographic” – If you read a book that has burned its words onto your brain or contained very graphic scenes, take credit for it here
“Tora! Tora! Tora! – Read a translated book
“Big Muff” – If you read a book that’s a bit of a mess, or feels clumsy, take credit for it here
“Any Second Now (voices)” – If you read a book that kept you waiting for the twist, take credit for it here
“Just Can’t Get Enough” – Read a book in a genre you just can’t get enough of

A Broken Frame (1982)

“Leave in Silence” – DNF a book and take credit for it here
“My Secret Garden” – Read a book that’s considered a guilty pleasure
“Monument” – Read a historical fiction book
“Nothing to Fear” – Read a book that you're afraid will creep you out a bit
“See You” – Read a book written in second person
“Satellite” – Read a book that takes place in space
“The Meaning of Love” - Read a rom-com, or a book that revolves around love
“Further Excerpts From: My Secret Garden” – Read the sequel or prequel to a book you’ve already read
“A Photograph of You” – Read a book with a person on the cover
“Shouldn’t Have Done That” – Read a book you DNFd in the past and give it one more chance
“The Sun & the Rainfall” - Read a cli-fi book

Construction Time Again (1983)
“Love, in Itself” – Pick up a book by an auto-buy author, and without reading the jacket copy just jump right in and read it
“More Than a Party” – Get on the bus and read a big buzz book
“Pipeline” – Read an ARC (Advanced Readers Copy) and take credit for it here
“Everything Counts” – Read whatever you want and take credit for it here
“Two Minute Warning” – Read a book in which the apocalypse or world-ending event is currently happening
“Shame” – Read a book that you’d be ashamed to be seen reading
“The Landscape is Changing” – Stretch your comfort zone and read a book in a genre you haven’t read yet
“Told You So” – Read a book someone recommended to you because they knew you’d love it
“And Then…” – If you read a book that ends on a cliffhanger or seems to not resolve itself, take credit for it here

Some Great Reward (1984)

“Something to Do” – Ignore all of your chores/errands and read a book instead, then take credit for it here
“Lie to Me” – Finally read that book you’ve been telling people you’ll get to
“People are People” – Read a book by someone who is different than you (nationality, religion, ability, gender, etc)
“It Doesn’t Matter” – Read a book that features friendship or unrequited love
“Stories of Old” – Read a classic!
“Somebody” – Read a book with a one word title
“Master and Servant” – Read a book that involves weird relationship dynamics
“If You Want” – Run out and buy that book you’ve been thinking of getting, then read it and take credit for it here
“Blasphemous Rumours” – Read a really popular book and take credit for it here if you didn’t like it and don’t get what all the buzz was about

message 2: by Marie (last edited Jun 26, 2024 03:49AM) (new)

Marie Mandiak (marie_mandiak) | 126 comments Black Celebration (1986)

“Black Celebration” – Read a book in which the protagonist overcomes a great obstacle or evil
“Fly on the Windscreen” – Read a book that features bugs/insects on the cover or in its pages
“A Question of Lust” – Read a book by an author that you have a crush on
“Sometimes” – If you read a book that leaves you questioning everything, take credit for it here
“It Doesn’t Matter Two” – Read a book that makes you feel all the feels
“A Question of Time” – Read a book that has 400 pages or more
“Stripped” – Read a book with really short, sparce writing
“Here is the House” – Read a book that prominently features a house (bonus points if it’s haunted!)
“World Full of Nothing” – Read a post apocalyptic book
“Dressed in Black” – Read a book that features a funeral or the death of a main character
“New Dress” – read a brand new, just published book

Music for the Masses (1987)

“Never Let Me Down Again” – Read a book in a genre you don’t typically enjoy
“The Things You Said” – If you read a book that’s incredibly quote-worthy, take credit for it here
“Strangelove” – Read a book that’s considered weird fiction
“Sacred” – Read a book that features religion or a conspiracy theory
“Little 5” – Read a book with a number in the title
“Behind the Wheel” – Read a book while on a road trip or that features a road trip
“I Want You Now” – Give yourself permission to be a mood reader and read whatever you want, then take credit for it here
“To Have and to Hold” – Read a physical book
“Nothing” – Read a book that was gifted to you
“Pimpf” – Read a book with a nonsensical title

Violator (1990)

“World in My Eyes” – Read a book written in first person
“Sweetest Perfection” – Save this task for the best book you’ve read this year
“Personal Jesus” – If you read a book that touches you in ways you hadn’t expected, take credit for it here
“Halo” – Read a book that you thought was a perfect 5 star read
“Waiting for the Night” – Read a book that takes place at night
“Enjoy the Silence” – Take a break from everyone, go ahead, shut yourself away somewhere and read in silence for a while, then take credit for it here when you finish it
“Policy of Truth” – Read a true crime or non fiction book
“Blue Dress” – Read a book with a blue cover
“Clean” – Read a book that deals with drugs/drug abuse

Songs of Faith and Devotion (1993)

“I Feel You” – Read a book that has deckled edges or an embossed cover
“Walking in My Shoes” – Read a book written by an author from a culture different than your own
“Condemnation” – If you read a book that has ruined you and convinced you to never read another book by that author again, take credit for it here
“Mercy in You” – Read a book in which the main character requires forgiveness
“Judas” – Read a book set in really harsh conditions
“In Your Room” – Read a book that takes your breath away
“Get Right with Me” – Give an author another try, pick up a different book by them, go on… give it a shot
“Rush” – If you read a book and found yourself skimming to get to the good parts, take credit here
“One Caress” – Read a book that feels extremely vulnerable and tender
“Higher Love” – Read a book that contains gorgeous end papers

message 3: by Marie (last edited Jun 26, 2024 03:53AM) (new)

Marie Mandiak (marie_mandiak) | 126 comments Ultra (1997)

“Barrel of a Gun” –Read a book that contains violence
“The Love Thieves” – Read a book that stole your heart
“Home” – Read a book in which the protagonist returns to their hometown
“It’s No Good” – Read a book you should have DNFd but didn’t and now you regret it
“Uselink” – Read a book that contains very little dialogue
“Useless” – Read a book that was pure brain candy
“Sister of the Night” – Read a book that features vampires or werewolves
“Jazz Thieves” – Read a book that focuses on music or was written by a musician
“Freestate” – Read a book that doesn’t seem to fit into any specific genre
“The Bottom Line” – Read the book that is currently at the bottom of your TBR
“Insight” – Read a book that taught you something

Exciter (2001)

“Dream On” – Read a book in which the main character(s) get what’s coming to them
“Shine” – Read a book with a yellow cover or sparkly cover
“The Sweetest Condition” – Read a book that focuses on a mental condition or disability
“When the Body Speaks” – Read a book that features body horror
“The Dead of Night” – Read a book where all the action takes place at night
“Lovetheme” – Read a book that’s told in a non traditional way (found footage, post it notes, texts, emails, etc)
“Freelove” – Read a book that features a unique kind of love
“Comatose” – Read a book that knocked you dead

“I Feel Loved” – Gift a copy of your favorite book to someone and take credit for it here
“Breathe” – Read a post-pandemic novel
“Easy Tiger” – Read a book that prominently features an animal
“I Am You” – Read a book in which you totally relate to one of the characters
“Goodnight Lovers” – Stay up all night reading a book and take credit for it here

Playing the Angel (2005)

“A Pain That I’m Used To” – Read a book in the same position for so long that your arms/legs start to hurt
“John the Revelator” – Read a book in which you didn’t figure out the ending until the very end
“Suffer Well” – If you read a book and thought about DNFing it but didn’t and ended up liking it, take credit for it here
“The Sinner in Me” – Read a book that features gods or angels and devils
“Precious” – Read someone else’s favorite book and take credit for it here
“Macro” – Read an epic novel, one that spans multiple generations or takes place over many years
“I Want it All” – Read a book that you own in multiple formats or have multiple editions of
“Nothing’s Impossible” – Read a bizarro book
“Introspectre” – Read a book that contains illustrations or graphics throughout
“Damaged People” – Read a book that features characters who are seriously F’d up
“Lilian” – Read a book written by someone who identifies as female
“The Darkest Star” – Read a book that is super dark and heavy

Sounds of the Universe (2009)

“In Chains” – Read a story that features prison or a character who is in trouble with the law
“Hole to Feed” – Read a book that features food on the cover or is food focused
“Wrong” – Read a book where you guessed the ending wrong
“Fragile Tension” – Read a psychological thriller
“Little Soul” – Read a chapbook
“In Sympathy” – Host a read-a-long / buddy read and take credit for that book here
“Peace” – Read a book about war or fighting
“Come Back” – Reread a book
“Spacewalker” – Read a sci-fi book
“Perfect” – If you read a five star book, take credit for it here
“Miles Away/The Truth Is” – Read a book that’s set in a different country
“Jezebel” – Read a book that features a crafty, deceptive female protag
“Corrupt” – read a crime non/fiction book

message 4: by Marie (last edited Jun 26, 2024 10:36PM) (new)

Marie Mandiak (marie_mandiak) | 126 comments Delta Machine (2013)

“Welcome to My World” – Read a book that takes place on or around another planet
“Angel” – Read a book with religion in it
“Heaven” – Read a book in your favorite reading spot and take credit for it here
“Secret to End” – Read a book by an author who published under a pseudonym
“My Little Universe” – Read a book that’s under 100 pages
“Slow” – Read a book that took forever to get going
“Broken” – Read a used book (the more beat up the better)
“The Child Inside” – Read a YA book or a book that features a child protagonist
“Soft Touch/Raw Nerve” – Read a book that really pissed you off and take credit for it here
“Should Be Higher” – Read a book that you thought more people should be reading
“Alone” – Read a book that could be considered isolation fiction
“Soothe My Soul” – Read a book in your go-to genre
“Goodbye” – Read the last book published in an author’s bibliography

Spirit (2017)
“Going Backwards” – Read a book that was originally published in the eighties or earlier
“Where’s the Revolution” – Read a dystopian novel or a novel in which the people revolt
“The Worst Crime” – Watch the movie BEFORE you read the book it was based on and take credit for it here
“Scum” – Read a book that features the most cringe character(s)
“You Move” – Read a travel themed book
“Cover Me” – Save this space for the book with the best cover you’ve read this year
“Eternal” – Read a book that is set in an unknown time/period or that features time jumps/time travel
“Poison Heart” – Read a book that features an evil or morally grey protagonist
“So Much Love” – Read a book by your favorite author
“No More (This is the Last Time)” – Read another book by an author you read before and didn’t like
“Fail” – Read a book in which nothing seems to go right for the main character

Memento Mori (2023)
“My Cosmos is Mine” – Read a space opera
“Wagging Tongue” – Read a book that could have benefited from being shorter
“Ghosts Again” – Read a book that features ghosts
“Don’t Say You Love Me” – If you read a book and rate it less than 3 stars, take credit for it here
“My Favorite Singer” – Read a book that fits one of our previous years’ book challenges and take credit for it here
“Soul With Me” – Read a book about a haunting or possession
“Caroline’s Monkey” – Read a book that features a wild animal
“Before we Drown” – Read a book that takes place on or near the water
“People Are Good” – Read a book that has a high star rating on goodreads
“Always You” – Read two books back to back by the same author and take credit for it here
“Never Let Me Go” – Read a book that is absolutely unputdownable
“Speak to Me” – Read an audiobook

message 5: by Lori,Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10416 comments Mod
Yay! Thanks for joining the challenge!

message 6: by Marie (new)

Marie Mandiak (marie_mandiak) | 126 comments 1. Dark Earth by Rebecca Stott Dark EarthbyRebecca Stott:
“Monument” – Read a historical fiction book;
“Something to Do” – Ignore all of your chores/errands and read a book instead, then take credit for it here;
“Barrel of a Gun” –Read a book that contains violence;
“Miles Away/The Truth Is” – Read a book that’s set in a different country;

message 7: by Marie (new)

Marie Mandiak (marie_mandiak) | 126 comments 2. There There by Tommy Orange There TherebyTommy Orange:
“Shouldn’t Have Done That” – Read a book you DNFd in the past and give it one more chance;
“My Favorite Singer” – Read a book that fits one of our previous years’ book challenges and take credit for it here

message 8: by Marie (new)

Marie Mandiak (marie_mandiak) | 126 comments 3. Daughters of the Lake by Wendy Webb Daughters of the LakebyWendy Webb:
“Just Can’t Get Enough” – Read a book in a genre you just can’t get enough of;
“My Secret Garden” – Read a book that’s considered a guilty pleasure;
“Here is the House” – Read a book that prominently features a house (bonus points if it’s haunted!);
“Goodnight Lovers” – Stay up all night reading a book and take credit for it here;
“Before we Drown” – Read a book that takes place on or near the water;

message 9: by Marie (new)

Marie Mandiak (marie_mandiak) | 126 comments 4. The End of Temperance Dare by Wendy Webb The End of Temperance DarebyWendy Webb:
“What’s Your Name?” – Read a book with a person’s name in the title;
“A Photograph of You” – Read a book with a person on the cover;
“Black Celebration” – Read a book in which the protagonist overcomes a great obstacle or evil;
“Dressed in Black” – Read a book that features a funeral or the death of a main character;
“Soul With Me” – Read a book about a haunting or possession;
“Always You” – Read two books back to back by the same author and take credit for it here;

message 10: by Marie (last edited Feb 07, 2024 09:30AM) (new)

Marie Mandiak (marie_mandiak) | 126 comments 5. Silence for the Dead by Simone St. James Silence for the DeadbySimone St. James:
“Nothing to Fear” – Read a book that you're afraid will creep you out a bit;
“World in My Eyes” – Read a book written in first person;
“The Sweetest Condition” – Read a book that focuses on a mental condition or disability;
“Damaged People” – Read a book that features characters who are seriously F’d up;
“Jezebel” – Read a book that features a crafty, deceptive female protag;
“Soothe My Soul” – Read a book in your go-to genre;
“Ghosts Again” – Read a book that features ghosts;

message 11: by Marie (last edited Feb 10, 2024 06:57AM) (new)

Marie Mandiak (marie_mandiak) | 126 comments 6. The Mysterious Case of the Alperton Angels by Janice Hallett The Mysterious Case of the Alperton AngelsbyJanice Hallett:
“Angel” – Read a book with religion in it
“New Dress” – read a brand new, just published book;
“Sacred” – Read a book that features religion or a conspiracy theory;
“Blue Dress” – Read a book with a blue cover;
“Lovetheme” – Read a book that’s told in a non traditional way (found footage, post it notes, texts, emails, etc);
“The Sinner in Me” – Read a book that features gods or angels and devils;

message 12: by Marie (new)

Marie Mandiak (marie_mandiak) | 126 comments 7. Panic (Bloodlands collection) by Harold Schechter PanicbyHarold Schechter:
“Somebody” – Read a book with a one word title;
“Policy of Truth” – Read a true crime or non fiction book;
“My Little Universe” – Read a book that’s under 100 pages;

message 13: by Marie (last edited Mar 30, 2024 02:52AM) (new)

Marie Mandiak (marie_mandiak) | 126 comments 8. Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel Station ElevenbyEmily St. John Mandel:
“Two Minute Warning” – Read a book in which the apocalypse or world-ending event is currently happening;
“World Full of Nothing” – Read a post apocalyptic book;
“Never Let Me Down Again” – Read a book in a genre you don’t typically enjoy;
“Little 5” – Read a book with a number in the title;
“Behind the Wheel” – Read a book while on a road trip or that features a road trip;

message 14: by Marie (last edited Apr 02, 2024 01:14AM) (new)

Marie Mandiak (marie_mandiak) | 126 comments 9. Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra Don QuixotebyMiguel de Cervantes Saavedra,translated by Edith Grossman:
“Tora! Tora! Tora! – Read a translated book;
“It Doesn’t Matter” – Read a book that features friendship or unrequited love;
“Stories of Old” – Read a classic!;
“A Question of Time” – Read a book that has 400 pages or more;
“I Feel You” – Read a book that has deckled edges or an embossed cover;

message 15: by Marie (last edited Apr 05, 2024 02:55AM) (new)

Marie Mandiak (marie_mandiak) | 126 comments 10. Lovers at the Museum A Short Story by Isabel Allende Lovers at the Museum: A Short StorybyIsabel Allende:
“Any Second Now (voices)” – If you read a book that kept you waiting for the twist, take credit for it here;
“Love, in Itself” – Pick up a book by an auto-buy author, and without reading the jacket copy just jump right in and read it;
“Master and Servant” – Read a book that involves weird relationship dynamics;

message 16: by Marie (last edited Apr 09, 2024 01:12AM) (new)

Marie Mandiak (marie_mandiak) | 126 comments 11. The Only One Left by Riley Sager The Only One LeftbyRiley Sager:
“Mercy in You” – Read a book in which the main character requires forgiveness;
“In Chains” – Read a story that features prison or a character who is in trouble with the law;
“Poison Heart” – Read a book that features an evil or morally grey protagonist;

message 17: by Marie (last edited Jun 15, 2024 01:06AM) (new)

Marie Mandiak (marie_mandiak) | 126 comments 12. The Heiress by Rachel Hawkins The HeiressbyRachel Hawkins:
“Home” – Read a book in which the protagonist returns to their hometown;
“Dream On” – Read a book in which the main character(s) get what’s coming to them;
“Scum” – Read a book that features the most cringe character(s);

message 18: by Marie (new)

Marie Mandiak (marie_mandiak) | 126 comments 13. Ghost 19 by Simone St. James Ghost 19bySimone St. James:
“Alone” – Read a book that could be considered isolation fiction;
“Fail” – Read a book in which nothing seems to go right for the main character
“Speak to Me” – Read an audiobook;

message 19: by Marie (new)

Marie Mandiak (marie_mandiak) | 126 comments 14. The Villa by Rachel Hawkins The VillabyRachel Hawkins:
“Clean” – Read a book that deals with drugs/drug abuse;
“Jazz Thieves” – Read a book that focuses on music or was written by a musician;
“Freelove” – Read a book that features a unique kind of love;

message 20: by Marie (new)

Marie Mandiak (marie_mandiak) | 126 comments 15. Horror Movie by Paul Tremblay Horror MoviebyPaul Tremblay:
“Photographic” – If you read a book that has burned its words onto your brain or contained very graphic scenes, take credit for it here;
“If You Want” – Run out and buy that book you’ve been thinking of getting, then read it and take credit for it here;
“When the Body Speaks” – Read a book that features body horror;

message 21: by Marie (last edited Jul 03, 2024 03:34AM) (new)

Marie Mandiak (marie_mandiak) | 126 comments 16. Ghost Wall by Sarah Moss Ghost WallbySarah Moss:
“Judas” – Read a book set in really harsh conditions
“The Darkest Star” – Read a book that is super dark and heavy;
“Soft Touch/Raw Nerve” – Read a book that really pissed you off and take credit for it here;

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