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message 1: by Cynthia (last edited Dec 03, 2009 11:06PM) (new)

Cynthia (pandoraphoebesmom) | 1332 comments ABIGAIL'S TASK - ODD MAN OUT
Read One Book That Doesn't Fit Any Of The 5/10/15 Point Tasks For You.

If you need suggestions for books to read for this task post a request here.

message 2: by Rachel Lee (new)

Rachel Lee (rlcwt9) | 261 comments Abigail-

The book I would like to read but haven't been able to fit in yet was published in 2009 which means it qualifies for part A of Bonnie's task.

Is your task meant to exclude anything that fits another task? I can pick another, but wanted to verify that this doesn't work.



message 3: by Abigail (last edited Dec 02, 2009 12:47AM) (new)

1. The task has been updated from the original. Any book that does not work for any of the 5/10/15-point tasks is now okay!
2. Book may be a reread.
3. Book can be by an author that you read for the first time for the Winter Challenge -- as long as you read another book by them BEFORE you read the book for this task.
4. Don't go too crazy worrying about every possible hidden answer. For example, you don't need to look at every local person's GR list to prove it's okay for you to use... Consider a reasonable effort acceptable.

Rachel Lee wrote: "Abigail-

The book I would like to read but haven't been able to fit in yet was published in 2009 which means it qualifies for part A of Bonnie's task.

Is your task meant to exclude anything... "

Sorry, Rachel. It is definitely meant to exclude any book that fits any other task, including part of a task. The nice thing, though, is that you might be able to make it work for Jan's task! (We're countering each other in this challenge.):)

Good luck finding a good place for it!

message 4: by Kate (new)

Kate (kathrynlouwca) | 1002 comments YAY, I love this task! I hate it when there is that one book that you have to read, but you can't find anywhere to put it. You are like "what do I do? Do I read it and not have it count or do you push it off till later?"

message 5: by Rachel Lee (new)

Rachel Lee (rlcwt9) | 261 comments Abigail wrote: "Rachel Lee wrote:" Abigail-

The book I would like to read but haven't been able to fit in yet was published in 2009 which means it qualifies for part A of Bonnie's task.

Is your task meant to e... "

Ok, thanks- this task is proving to be a lot harder than I thought it was going to be:)

message 6: by Michelle (new)

Michelle | 106 comments So, because part of one of the tasks is to read a book by an author new to me, it has to be a book by someone I've read before?

message 7: by Tammy AZ (new)

Tammy AZ (tammyaz) | 1094 comments Michelle wrote: "So, because part of one of the tasks is to read a book by an author new to me, it has to be a book by someone I've read before?"

Sounds like it, which will help narrow down selection.

message 8: by Kate (new)

Kate (kathrynlouwca) | 1002 comments I just realized how much harder this task it going to be... you have to make sure it isn't in your zodiac year, or on one of the lists. No science fiction from the last ten years. No books with a famous royalty. No books that could be considered a cozy mystery. You have to make sure the book isn't a five star from one of the winners. Nothing involving Canada or Russia. Nothing written by a female author with a female main character. Any book published in the last ten years.

This is quiet possibly the hardest task... Wow, I never realized how hard this one would be.

message 9: by Rachel Lee (last edited Nov 24, 2009 11:00PM) (new)

Rachel Lee (rlcwt9) | 261 comments Kathryn wrote: "I just realized how much harder this task it going to be... you have to make sure it isn't in your zodiac year, or on one of the lists. No science fiction from the last ten years. No books with a f..."

I agree. This one definetely takes a lot of research, but it should be interesting to see if I can find one. Plus this is very dependent on the person as it need to be someone they have read before.

message 10: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer  (jml_417) Kathryn wrote: "I just realized how much harder this task it going to be... you have to make sure it isn't in your zodiac year, or on one of the lists. No science fiction from the last ten years. No books with a f..."

Don't forget...make sure it wasn't made into a movie between 2000 and 2009.

I was thinking of usingThe House of Mirthby Edith Wharton but it was made into a movie in 2000. Oh well!

By the way Abigail, great task!:)

message 11: by Rachel Lee (new)

Rachel Lee (rlcwt9) | 261 comments oooo, thought I had one. But it is a brand new author. Off to the drawing board again.

message 12: by Kate (new)

Kate (kathrynlouwca) | 1002 comments When you guys finally think of something, will you post it, just in case it applies to others, like me?!?

message 13: by Petra (new)

Petra Abigail, thank you! This will allow me to fitBuddenbrooksinto this Challenge! I wanted to read it for the Fall Challenge but didn't get to it.
If anyone sees a task this book fits into (other than this one), please let me know. I've been trying to fit it in.

message 14: by Nicki (last edited Nov 24, 2009 11:45PM) (new)

Nicki (luluminstrel) | 279 comments Oh my! I thought this was going to be easy but noooo! I actually have NO books on my real TBR shelf that don't fit another task. Lots to read but all new authors, books published in the 2000s, fantasy or cozy mysteries. Love the task though - thanks Abigail - and it looks as if it's a good excuse to go and buy a book!

message 15: by Sara (new)

Sara (hoot31) So, if I am reading this correct Abigail, does this mean that we can't read anything published from 2000-2009, we have to read an older book that doesn't fit into the challenge, or a book that comes out in Jan or Feb by an author we have read before? This is going to be difficult...

message 16: by Michelle (new)

Michelle | 106 comments I guess it's necessary to wait until the other tasks are established before choosing a book for this one.

message 17: by Sara (new)

Sara (hoot31) Good idea Michelle! I was thinking the same.

message 18: by Jennifer (last edited Nov 24, 2009 11:57PM) (new)

Jennifer  (jml_417) Right now, given the tasks that are already in place, I might use eitherVilletteorThe Professor,both by Charlotte Bronte.

I've read her before, no movies, written WAY before 2000, etc.

My suggestion for others is to look at classics - Dickens, Twain, etc. or re-reads.

I've also asked whether TV film adaptions count as a movie for Bonnie's task and waiting for an answer on that one. From some of the research I've done on Austen, Dickens and some other classics, this could open the door to alot more books if TV movies are dis-allowed.

Hope this helps.

message 19: by Bridgit (new)

Bridgit | 505 comments Abigail! You stole my idea for a challenge! I was going to use that if I won...:) needless to say, i love it.

Hopefully I will still have time to finish, but the holidays are making it hard. Darn family and friends that I am spending time with TALKING...

message 20: by Krista (last edited Nov 25, 2009 12:52AM) (new)

Krista (kacey14) Hi Abigail:

I'm planning on reading an author who is brand new to me during the challenge. (Ender's GamebyOrson Scott Card)

I'm assuming that I could *then* read the second book in the series (as long as it doesn't meet any other task's requirements) for your task since the author will not be a new author to me then.

I guess my basic question is, does the book we choose for your task have to fulfill all your requirements before we read *any* challenge books?

Great task! Thanks!!

message 21: by Kim (last edited Nov 25, 2009 12:56AM) (new)

Kim  | -9 comments I think the second book in the Ender's series would work for the science fiction task since Orson Scott Card has won a Hugo award making it not qualify for this task.

Is that right? This task is harder than I thought it was going to be!

message 22: by Kate (new)

Kate (kathrynlouwca) | 1002 comments Kim L wrote: "I think the second book in the Ender's series would work for the science fiction task since Orson Scott Card has won a Hugo award making it not qualify for this task.

Is that right? This task i... "

I was going to say that... so I think you are right, Kim...

message 23: by Melissa (new)

Melissa | 30 comments Hi, I'm new to the challenges and the group. Can I read Under the Dome for this task? I have been trying to find a place for this book in one of the tasks but have had no luck and I plan to read it any way. Thanks!

message 24: by Abigail (new)

Abigail | 315 comments Kathryn wrote: "YAY, I love this task! I hate it when there is that one book that you have to read, but you can't find anywhere to put it. You are like" what do I do? Do I read it and not have it count or do you p... "

Thanks, Kathryn -- and everyone else who said they like it.:) That's what I was hoping for. Although it's true -- it's harder than I thought at first, too!

I'll do my best to double-check people's ideas if they ask. Honestly, I think it's a best-effort sort of thing. Plus, I just finished all this reading -- so I need to brush up on all the winter tasks before I can be too definitive.

message 25: by Abigail (new)

Abigail | 315 comments Michelle wrote: "So, because part of one of the tasks is to read a book by an author new to me, it has to be a book by someone I've read before?"

Yep. But it can be an author who was new to you before the winter challenge, as long as you read something else for a different task first. Boy, that sounds convoluted to me. I hope it makes sense to you?

message 26: by kiki (new)

kiki (keekers) | 815 comments i'm so glad i read this thread, because it actually cleared up the sci-fi task for me. i was thinking the BOOK itself had to win a prize, not that the author had won the prize at some point. that certainly changes things for me!

message 27: by Michelle (new)

Michelle | 106 comments It does make sense.

message 28: by Abigail (new)

Abigail | 315 comments Sara☺ wrote: "So, if I am reading this correct Abigail, does this mean that we can't read anything published from 2000-2009, we have to read an older book that doesn't fit into the challenge, or a book that come..."

Yes on all counts...

message 29: by Abigail (last edited Nov 25, 2009 02:21AM) (new)

Abigail | 315 comments Jennifer L. wrote: "Right now, given the tasks that are already in place, I might use eitherVilletteorThe Professor,both by Charlotte Bronte.

I've read her before, no movies, written W... "

Classics are definitely a good starting point, but I think you can find a fair number of books that fit into it just so long as you stay out of the most recent decade. At least, I hope so!

Also, just be careful. I haven't read those two Bronte novels, so make sure they don't have a female protagonist (see 15.3).Oops. Since they're not part of a series, they should be all good. My mistake!

message 30: by Abigail (new)

Abigail | 315 comments Bridgit wrote: "Abigail! You stole my idea for a challenge! I was going to use that if I won...:) needless to say, i love it.

Hopefully I will still have time to finish, but the holidays are making it hard. D... "

Good luck, Bridgit! Sorry I stole your idea -- but now you have one more topic of conversation with your family while they so cruelly keep you from reading.:)

message 31: by Abigail (new)

Abigail | 315 comments Krista wrote: "Hi Abigail:

I'm planning on reading an author who is brand new to me during the challenge. (Ender's GamebyOrson Scott Card)

I'm assuming that I could *then* re... "

Kim L. and Kathryn are right about Card. You can't read his second book for this task because he's won an award.

That said, you absolutely CAN read a book by an author who was new to you at the start of the winter challenge -- as long as you read a different book by that author before you read the book for this task. In other words, it has to fulfill the requirements at the time you read it, not necessarily from the very start of the challenge.

message 32: by Bridgit (new)

Bridgit | 505 comments Abigail wrote: "Bridgit wrote:" Abigail! You stole my idea for a challenge! I was going to use that if I won...:) needless to say, i love it.

Hopefully I will still have time to finish, but the holidays are mak... "

I'm sure I'll make do.:)

message 33: by Krista (last edited Nov 25, 2009 02:08AM) (new)

Krista (kacey14) Abigail wrote: "Michelle wrote:" So, because part of one of the tasks is to read a book by an author new to me, it has to be a book by someone I've read before? "

Yep. But it can be an author who was new to you before the winter challenge, as long as you read something else for a different task first... "

Thanks Abigail, that's what I was hoping to get clarification on. Make sense to me.

message 34: by Jamie (new)

Jamie So, we really won't be able to start this task until the 50 point task is announced then, right?

message 35: by Kate (new)

Kate (kathrynlouwca) | 1002 comments Melissa wrote: "Hi, I'm new to the challenges and the group. Can I read Under the Dome for this task? I have been trying to find a place for this book in one of the tasks but have had no luck and I plan to read..."

I don't think you can for several reasons... (1) it was published in the last decade, (2) I could be wrong but it sounds kinds sci-fi. You can try to fit it into the 825 pages... (BJRose task).

message 36: by Krista (new)

Krista (kacey14) Kim L wrote: "I think the second book in the Ender's series would work for the science fiction task since Orson Scott Card has won a Hugo award making it not qualify for this task.

Is that right? This task i... "

Oh shoot, you're right. Thanks for that thought. Glad to see that Abigail did clear my main question about counting an author as 'having been read' if a book of theirs was read earlier in the Winter Challenge.

message 37: by Abigail (new)

Abigail | 315 comments Melissa wrote: "Hi, I'm new to the challenges and the group. Can I read Under the Dome for this task? I have been trying to find a place for this book in one of the tasks but have had no luck and I plan to read..."

I did a quick GR search and found Under the Dome by Stephen King:
[image error]

If that's the book you mean, unfortunately it won't work here. You can read any sci-fi book from 2000-2009 you want for the second part of Helen's task (currently 25.2), though, so you can stick it in there. Plus, I think King won the Hugo award before 2000, so it would work for the first part of her task too.

There might be other places, too -- besides BJ Rose's task, that is. There's a thread in this Help section called "Fitting a Book" where other ppl might have more ideas for you, too. And, hey, if it fits into more places, then you can even use it for Jan's task (currently 25.7). Good luck!

message 38: by Abigail (new)

Abigail | 315 comments Jamie wrote: "So, we really won't be able to start this task until the 50 point task is announced then, right?"

Oh, shoot. I'll talk to Cynthia about figuring out how to work around the 50.1 task. It will either be a blanket exception OR any book read before the halfway point doesn't have to consider the 50.1 task (and then you do have to worry after). Thanks for pointing that out, Jamie!

message 39: by Krista (last edited Nov 25, 2009 02:16AM) (new)

Krista (kacey14) Abigail wrote: "Jennifer L. wrote:" Right now, given the tasks that are already in place, I might use eitherVilletteorThe Professor,both by Charlotte Bronte.

Also, just be careful. I haven't read those two Bronte novels, so make sure they don't have a female protagonist (see 15.3).... "

Ah yes, but 15.3 states for task A: A. Read A Novel Written By A Female AuthorFrom A Series That Has A Female Main Character.

So I would think that if those Bronte books aren't part of a SERIES, then they should be okay.:-)

message 40: by Abigail (new)

Abigail | 315 comments Krista wrote: "Abigail wrote:" Jennifer L. wrote: "Right now, given the tasks that are already in place, I might use eitherVilletteorThe Professor,both by Charlotte Bronte.

Also,... "

Oops! Thanks, Krista. I'll edit my previous post. This is what I meant about needing time to review all the Winter Challenge tasks. Thanks for keeping me honest!:)

message 41: by Melissa (new)

Melissa | 30 comments Kathryn wrote: "Melissa wrote:" Hi, I'm new to the challenges and the group. Can I read Under the Dome for this task? I have been trying to find a place for this book in one of the tasks but have had no luck and... "

Thanks Kathryn. I really wouldn't put it in the sci-fi challenge because it's not what I would consider a sci-fi book. I guess I would need clarification on that. But I guess it does fit into Bonnie's task. Is that right? Thanks again Kathryn. I guess I overlooked that one.

message 42: by Krista (last edited Nov 25, 2009 02:25AM) (new)

Krista (kacey14) Okay, here's my next stab at this. I'm thinking about readingDeception on His Mindwhich I don't think will work for any of the current tasks ---drum roll please---- except possibly Bonnie's 'Movie' task.

I know that there was a PBS/BBC series done recently based on this book series. I guess we'll have to wait for Bonnie's ruling as to what constitutes a movie for her task (theatrical release only, or made for TV movies are okay also) before I can make a final determination for this book. Correct?

You wouldn't want to go out on a limb for your task Abigail and say that for your task, movie means a theatrically released (to a movie theater) movie. Please, please.:-)

message 43: by Beth F (new)

Beth F | 669 comments Ooooh, this task is going to be tricky but hunting for the book is going to befun!What a neat task, Abigail!

I know what I'll be doing during baby's naptime this afternoon (and re-checking when more people finish and add tasks as the week progresses!)

message 44: by Usako (new)

Usako (bbmeltdown) | 1256 comments You can do fantasy.

The sci-fi limitations are (1) not this past century and (2) has won the Hugo or Nebula award.

So you still have a whole field of authors to read.

I think the biggest eliminators will be
* Published in 2000-9 (which handles prize winners 2000-9)
* Made into a movie 2000-9
* Never read the author before
* 5-Star Reads from Challenge Winners

message 45: by Krista (new)

Krista (kacey14) Abigail wrote: "Krista wrote:" Abigail wrote: "Jennifer L. wrote:" Right now, given the tasks that are already in place, I might use eitherVilletteorThe Professor,both by Charlotte Br... "

I KNOW there are a ton of shadings to this next challenge, aren't therer?

message 46: by Usako (new)

Usako (bbmeltdown) | 1256 comments Originally I put downGwenhwyfar The White Spiritbut then realized it was published in the last decade. D'oh! ^.^

message 47: by Krista (last edited Nov 25, 2009 02:41AM) (new)

Krista (kacey14) Amanda wrote: "I think I'm going to readEast of Edenby John Steinbeck. It's not in this decade, not sci fi, no recent movies, I've read Steinbeck before, the author is's not about Thomas Je... "

One of the other places it might be disallowed is if it's a 5 star book on any of the finisher's lists --- or any of the other folk's lists we're supposed to check. (Local GR read members, GR members in the countries that correspond to the initials in your name.)

message 48: by Jamie (last edited Nov 25, 2009 02:37AM) (new)

Jamie Amanda - It would fit the alliteration task, though.

message 49: by Rachel Lee (new)

Rachel Lee (rlcwt9) | 261 comments Tanja wrote: "You can do fantasy.

The sci-fi limitations are (1) not this past century and (2) has won the Hugo or Nebula award.

So you still have a whole field of authors to read.

I think the biggest... "

You have to be careful with fantasy though because of task 15.2 B which is the fictional land task. A lot of fantasy is set in a fictional land.

message 50: by Abigail (new)

Abigail | 315 comments Krista wrote: "Okay, here's my next stab at this. I'm thinking about readingDeception on His Mindwhich I don't think will work for any of the current tasks ---drum roll please---- except possibly... "

I'm not sure if it works. Wouldn't this count as a mystery? (See 5.8 re: cozy mysteries.)

But as far as movies go, I think I have to defer to Bonnie. I personally don't mind one bit if it was a TV film but I don't think I can really make a ruling that contradicts Bonnie. Once you hear from her, though, can you post here and let everyone know?

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