The Next Best Book Clubdiscussion

Celebrating Goodreads Authors > Connect with Great GR Authors

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message 1: by Vincent (new)

Vincent Lowry (vlowry) | 134 comments Come find and connect with great GR authors on this Goodreads site:

message 2: by Lori,Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10416 comments Mod
That is a great group, Vincent. I like the idea of pairing readers with authors!

message 3: by Vincent (new)

Vincent Lowry (vlowry) | 134 comments Thanks, Lori! I wanted to create an open forum where readers could talk to GR authors of all genres.

A lot of authors have already signed up!


message 4: by Vincent (new)

Vincent Lowry (vlowry) | 134 comments Roughly 50 more authors have joined the site!

message 5: by Vincent (new)

Vincent Lowry (vlowry) | 134 comments I've recently created an author index on the site so readers can do a quick search.

message 6: by Vincent (new)

Vincent Lowry (vlowry) | 134 comments We're now at 300 members!

Come check out the GR authors!

message 7: by Lori,Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10416 comments Mod
Way to go Vincent!!

message 8: by Vincent (new)

Vincent Lowry (vlowry) | 134 comments Thanks, Lori!

I'm glad readers are discovering new authors!

message 9: by Lori,Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10416 comments Mod
And its great that the authors are interacting with their readers:)

message 10: by Vincent (new)

Vincent Lowry (vlowry) | 134 comments I agree!:)

message 11: by Vincent (new)

Vincent Lowry (vlowry) | 134 comments And we now have over 500 authors/readers!

message 12: by Lori,Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10416 comments Mod
Congrats Vincent!

message 13: by Vincent (new)

Vincent Lowry (vlowry) | 134 comments Thanks!:)

message 14: by Vincent (new)

Vincent Lowry (vlowry) | 134 comments The Goodreads Authors/Readers group is now at over 1,100 members! Wow!

message 15: by [deleted user] (last edited Mar 25, 2011 07:26AM) (new)

Hi Vincent. I found this new GR authorRobb Skidmore.Really like his novellaThe Surferand he seems like a writer to keep our eyes on.

message 16: by Johnny (last edited Aug 31, 2012 02:46AM) (new)

Johnny Ray (sirjohn) | 3 comments Like many writers I have the pressure to talk up my books, but I still remember the words of my grandfather who once said that the best sells people are the ones who listen more than they talk.
As such, I think this site is very useful in finding out more about what readers are truly interested in reading. While I am not sure I can change much in the way I write, I can still bend some and fine tune my work.
If there is any thing I can do to help support this group, please let know.

message 17: by Anton (new)

Anton (antontroia) | 7 comments I agree Johnny. It's nice to know what's hot on the market, even though I don't let it change what I write, I could always offer my version of the story.

message 18: by Rhett (new)

Rhett Bruno (rhettbruno) | 5 comments I think it's a great idea! As a GR author I am happy to join.

message 19: by Jan (new)

Jan Moran (janmoran) | 10 comments Vincent wrote: "And we now have over 500 authors/readers!"

Thank you, Vincent, just added my books, too:) Great to connect with readers!


message 20: by Aly (new)

Aly | 2 comments I have started my own review bloghttps://alyscrusinlifeandbooks.wordpr.... I have started a Goodreads group called "What is Life without Books". Would love more people to talk books with! I would love to connect with more authors!

message 21: by Murugasu (new)

Murugasu Shanmughalingam (shanmughalingam) | 1 comments “Hot new release:
Marriage and Mutton Curry”

message 22: by J.L. (new)

J.L. Whitton | 1 comments Anyone feel free to add me, I was recently accepted onto the Goodreads Author Program and would like to connect with other authors as I'm fairly new to this site and the industry. I recently released my first fiction book The Pendulum, an electrifying thriller so check it out.The Pendulum

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The Pendulum (other topics)
The Surfer (other topics)

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Robb Skidmore (other topics)