SA Book & Challenge Loversdiscussion

Retired Topics > 2010 A-Z Book Challenge

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message 1: by Lu (new)

Lu | 12672 comments Mod
Use the name of a book you have read about between January 01, 2010 - December 31, 2010. The title must correspond to a certain letter.

You can use books you read for other challenges. So total books to be read is 26.

message 3: by [deleted user] (last edited Dec 13, 2010 10:33PM) (new)

A - A Child called It
B - Beach Road
C - Critique of Criminal Reason
D - Die Uurwerk Kantel
E - Eclipse
F - Frostbite
G - Geography of Love
H - Her Name was Lola
I - Island of Lost girls
J -
K - Killer Beside me, The
L - Lovely Bones, The
M - Morganville Vampires #1
N - New Moon
O - Other Queen, The
P - Percy Jackson and the Lightning thief
Q -
R - Revelations (Blue Bloods #3)
S - Struggle, The (Vampire Diaries 2)
T - The Great Gatsby
V - Vampire Academy
W - Watermelon - Marian Keyes
Y - The Year of the Flood

message 4: by Lauren (last edited Dec 19, 2010 03:17PM) (new)

Lauren Smith A -Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There- Lewis Carroll
B -Bad MonkeysbyMatt Ruff
C -Cracks- Sheila Kohler
D -Doomed Love- Virgil
E -Ender's GamebyOrson Scott Card
F -First Love-Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
G -The Grandmothers- Doris Lessing
H -Hotheads- Steven Pinker
I -The Importance of Being Earnest- Oscar Wilde
J -The James Tiptree Award Anthology 3: Subversive Stories about Sex and Gender- edited by Karen Joy Fowler, Pat Murphy, and Jeffrey D. Smith
K - King Rat by China Mieville
L -Laughter in the Dark- Vladimir Nabokov
M - Maskerade - Terry Pratchett
N - The Northern Lights by Philip Pullman
O -Orlando- Virginia Woolf
P -Public Power in the Age of Empire- Arundhati Roy
Q -Quiet Days in ClichybyHenry Miller
R -The Rain Before It FallsbyJonathan Coe
S -Shutter IslandbyDennis Lehane
T -Two Stars- Paul Theroux
U -Use of WeaponsbyIain M. Banks
V -The VisitorbyMaeve Brennan
W -Written on the Body- Jeanette Winterson
Y - Ye Gods! by Tom Holt
Z -Zoo CitybyLauren Beukes

message 5: by [deleted user] (new)

Updated mine:)

message 6: by Lauren (new)

Lauren Smith I think I should just update mine too instead of adding all this, it's looking rather messy.

message 7: by [deleted user] (new)

hehe, I just like to see the way mine fills up, it makes me feel content in a way... I've just got this thing...

message 8: by Lauren (new)

Lauren Smith It is quite nice to fill it up actually:) Updated mine and deleted the other posts.

message 9: by [deleted user] (new)

Ah much better, you see, then you feel more, I dont know, filled up? hehe...

message 10: by Lauren (new)

Lauren Smith Since X is so hard, can you also read a book from a series starting with X? I was thinking of re-readingDawn,the first book inOctavia E. Butler's Xenogenesis series.

message 11: by Lu (new)

Lu | 12672 comments Mod
Yea go for it:)

message 12: by Sarah (last edited Sep 23, 2010 01:23AM) (new)

Sarah (wellreadnovel) A- ArchEnemy =Frank Beddor
B- Blood and Chocolate =Annette Curtis Klause
C- Captivate =Carrie Jones
D- Dark of the Moon =Rachel Hawthorne
E- Eclipse =Stephenie Meyer
F- Full Moon =Rachel Hawthorne
G- Gossamer =by Lois Lowry
H- Hunger Games, The =Suzanne Collins
K- Keturah And Lord Death =Martine Leavitt
L- Linger =Maggie Stiefvater
M- Moonlight =Rachel Hawthorne
N- Need =Carrie Jones
O- One Night That Changes Everything = Lauren Barnholdt
P- Pretties- Scott Westerfeld
R- Radinat Shadows =Melissa Marr
S- Seeing Redd =Frank Beddor
T- The Looking Glass Wars =Frank Beddor
U- Uglies =Scott Westerfeld
V- Vamped =Lucienne Diver
W- Wuthering High =Cara Lockwood

message 13: by [deleted user] (new)

Updated mine again to

message 15: by Lu (new)

Lu | 12672 comments Mod
Lol the year is coming to an end soon:(
Need to get mine done!

message 16: by Lauren (new)

Lauren Smith I'm still hoping to finish this. Couldn't we just leave X out of it though? It's very hard.

message 17: by Lu (new)

Lu | 12672 comments Mod
Yea sure:)

message 18: by Lauren (new)

Lauren Smith Awesome, thanks!

message 19: by Lauren (new)

Lauren Smith Thanks to my Secret Santa book I'm all done!

message 20: by Lu (new)

Lu | 12672 comments Mod

message 21: by [deleted user] (new)

Not going to make it I'm afraid, but this gives me more motivation to succeed in the new year:)

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