SA Book & Challenge Loversdiscussion

Retired Topics > 2010 A-Z Author Challenge

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message 1: by Lu (new)

Lu | 12672 comments Mod
Use the first name or last name of a Author that wrote a book you have read about between January 01, 2010 - December 31, 2010.

You can use books you read for other challenges. A Author may only be used once, so total Authors to be read is 26.

message 3: by Shannon SA (new)

Shannon SA B - Barry, Sebastian - The Secret Scripture

message 4: by Emma (new)

Emma (emmauk007) | 1081 comments C - Carrie Jones - Need.It was terrible though!

message 6: by [deleted user] (last edited Sep 14, 2010 02:50PM) (new)

Here we go then

A -Alice Sebold(The Lovely Bones)
B -Emily Brontë(Wuthering Heights)
C -Rachel Caine(Morganville Vampires)
D -Melissa de la Cruz(Blue Bloods)
E -Jeffrey Eugenides(The Virgin Suicides)
F -F. Scott Fitzgerald(The Great Gatsby)
G -George Orwell(Animal Farm)
H -Marié Heese(Die Uurwerk Kantel)
J -Jay Anson(The Ammityville Horror)
K -Stephen King(Pet Semetary)
L -Harper Lee(To Kill a Mockingbird)
M -Margaret Atwood(The Handmaids Tale)
O -Lauren Oliver(Before I fall)
P -Philippa Gregory(The Other Queen)
R -Rick Riordan(Percy Jackson)
S -L.J. Smith(Vampire Diaries)
T -Tsitsi Dangarembga(Nervous Conditions)
V -Lu Vickers(Breathing Underwater)
W -J.R. Ward(Black Dagger Brotherhood)

message 7: by Anne (new)

Anne Lalor | 38 comments Second try, the first would not save.

Books read in the last nine months? You have to be kidding me! Half the time I can't remember what I read last week! Well, I will give it a try (on second thoughts maybe I should just check on Take2 and see what I bought in that time period):

A - Susan Wittig Albert (The Tale of Holly How)
B - Stephanie Barron (Jane and the Stillroom Maid)
C - Bernard Cornwell (Sharpe's Trafalgar)
D - Carole Nelson Douglas (Cat in a Topaz Tango)
E - Cathy Lyn Emerson (Face Down Beneath the Elinor Cross
F - Ariana Franklin (The Death Maze)
G - Lady Grace Cavendish (Deception)
H - Mary Hoffman (City of Secrets)
I - Kazuo Ishiguro (When we Were Orphans)
J - Maxim Jakubowski (Best British Mysteries 2005)
K - Lene Kaaberbol (Silverhorse)
L - Norah Lofts (The House at Old Vine)
M - George R R Martin (A Song of Ice & Fire (x4))
N - Naomi Novik (Victory of Eagles)
O - Carol O'Connell (Winter House)
P - Terry Pratchett (Making Money)
Q -
R - Rick Riordan (The Last Olympian)
S - Christopher Stasheff (The Feline Wizard) -
U - Alison Uttley (A Traveller in Time)
V - John Varley (Millenium)
W - Jack Whyte (The Knights of the Black & White)
X -
Y - Jane Yolen (A Sending of Dragons0
Z - Roger Zelazny (Damnation Alley)

message 8: by Lauren (new)

Lauren Smith Wow, you're almost done Anne!

If you use the "currently reading" function on Goodreads, it makes it very easy to find out when you read a book. The site will log your start and finish dates, and then you can go to your shelf and list books according to the order that you read them in.

message 9: by Anne (new)

Anne Lalor | 38 comments Lauren wrote: "Wow, you're almost done Anne!

If you use the "currently reading" function on Goodreads, it makes it very easy to find out when you read a book. The site will log your start and finish dates, and... "

I find the biggest help in tracking down authors/titles and the chronology of series.

message 10: by Lauren (new)

Lauren Smith Oh, lol, no I didn't mean series order, but rather keeping track of what books you read and when. When you start reading something you can switch the book to the "Currently-reading" tag and then it will appear on the side of your homepage. You can update with the page you're on if you like, and then click "I'm finished" or just use the "Read" tag when you're done.

message 11: by Lu (new)

Lu | 12672 comments Mod
Nice Anne almost done!

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