Romance Readers Reading Challengesdiscussion

2010 Challenge Archive > February - Pick It For Me! Challenge

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message 1: by Rossy (last edited Jan 21, 2010 05:23AM) (new)

Rossy (naughtybookjunkie) | 2192 comments Yay, am so excited to be hosting this challenge for the first time!! So following on Kasia's impressive shoes...LOL

What's a Pick-It-For-Me Challenge?
It's a group recommend a book thing - works just like a Secret Santa or Xmas Exchange, except that the gift is replaced by a book recommendation. Just like in Secret Santa, the givee-giver pairings are randomly assigned.So whomever you get, you recommend a book for them. Preferably it should be something new and unfamiliar to your givee, NOT a book from their to-read list - the point is to introduce new books and new authors.In return, you'll have a book recommended to you (sometimes you might get a few options to choose from). After you're done reading your Pick-It-For-Me book, a short post with some feedback - a mini-review of sorts would be appreciated.

For this challenge, you needeitherHAVE YOUR PROFILE SET TO PUBLIC(preferable) or make the person who'd be doing the recommending to you your friend. On top of that, I strongly advise keeping your bookshelves updated, otherwise you might end up with a recommendation for something that you have already read.

Signing up period will remain open until the29th.You'll have time until ~the2ndto make your recommendations. Everything will be done in this thread so check it often. Also, please be sure you really want to participate. Once I pair up people, it makes it difficult to re-pair when someone decides not to participate.

message 3: by Annvelwis (new)

Annvelwis | 671 comments I'm in:)

Jim son of Jim (formerly PhotoJim) (jim_formerly_photojim) | 5294 comments Put me on the list.

message 5: by Laura Lulu (new)

Laura Lulu (lauralulu) I'm going to try this one out. Sign me up.:)

message 6: by Debbie (new)

Debbie  (db_debber) | 2757 comments Oh, this was fun - sign me up please.

message 7: by Yz the Whyz,Moderator (last edited Jan 20, 2010 11:11PM) (new)

Yz the Whyz (whyz) | 9327 comments I'm in.

Thanks for hosting this month's challenge.: )

message 8: by Jennefer (new)

Jennefer (jenneferpracticex3) | 247 comments I want to play!

message 9: by Amber (new)

Amber (sexi) | 1 comments add me on the list

message 10: by Rossy (new)

Rossy (naughtybookjunkie) | 2192 comments Done, you're all now in!

Yz-My pleasure!

message 11: by Kasia (new)

Kasia I'm in too.

message 12: by Rossy (new)

Rossy (naughtybookjunkie) | 2192 comments Kasia wrote: "I'm in too."


message 13: by Wendy (new)

Wendy (wendyfraser65) | 772 comments please put me on the list =)

message 14: by Mary E. (new)

Mary E. (jujjy) | 125 comments I'm in.:)

message 15: by Ari (new)

Ari (moochew12) | 159 comments I'll do it again!

message 16: by Arcadia (new)

Arcadia Barrile (braintasiabooks) I'm in! January's recommendation was so good that it would be impossible for me to pass up another shot at this challenge:)

message 17: by Melody (new)

Melody (melos) I'm gonna play this month.:O)

message 18: by Michelle (new)

Michelle Gilmore Hi Rossy. Count me in too please, thanks!

message 19: by Bryn ((B2/B.P)) (new)

Bryn ((B2/B.P))   Ryeosomniac~~ (Heesica) Count me in!

message 20: by Dalene (new)

Dalene | 82 comments I've never done this before. I'll give it a shot! Count me in.

message 21: by Rossy (new)

Rossy (naughtybookjunkie) | 2192 comments You're now all in!

Ahrcadia- Hi, sister of mine. So glad you can join us again!

Michelle & Ari-Hey girlies! *waves*

message 22: by Sherrill (new)

Sherrill I think February would be a good month for a Pick-It-For-Me Challenge.

Count me in.

message 23: by ~Sara~ (new)

~Sara~ | 667 comments I would like to try this please.
I'm always up for reading something new and unknown!

message 24: by Michelle B (new)

Michelle B (karenshell) | 19 comments I've never done this challenge before but would love to give it a shot! Count me in.

message 25: by Rossy (new)

Rossy (naughtybookjunkie) | 2192 comments Sherrill, Sara & Michelle- Welcome, so glad you are joining!

message 26: by Emily (new)

Emily ...I'm gonna regret this. I know I am.I'm gonna be busy next month and February's short anyway, but sign me up.:^D

message 27: by Rossy (last edited Jan 21, 2010 03:26PM) (new)

Rossy (naughtybookjunkie) | 2192 comments ROFL~I know how you feel. If it wasn't because the commitment is one book in a month, i would pass on it myself. There's also the fun on trying something new; picked by someone else that makes it so appealing.

message 28: by Valerie (new)

Valerie | 295 comments Count me in.

Jim son of Jim (formerly PhotoJim) (jim_formerly_photojim) | 5294 comments Rossy wrote: "ROFL~I know how you feel. If it wasn't because the commitment is one book in a month, i would pass on it myself. There's also the fun on trying something new; picked by someone else that makes it s..."

If only that were true. I made the mistake of picking book one of a series from the many choices given me by Annie in January. Now I have three more books to read. Grrr!

message 30: by Debbie (new)

Debbie  (db_debber) | 2757 comments lol, I did the same thing Jim. Just throw them on top of the ever increasing TBR. It is not a list it is a mountain. But if we didn't love it, we wouldn't do it. lol

Jim son of Jim (formerly PhotoJim) (jim_formerly_photojim) | 5294 comments True. So true.

message 32: by Amanda A (new)

Amanda A | 769 comments I'm in!

message 33: by Annie (new)

Annie (themadnessofhamsters) Photojim wrote: "Rossy wrote:" ROFL~I know how you feel. If it wasn't because the commitment is one book in a month, i would pass on it myself. There's also the fun on trying something new; picked by someone else t... "

sorry Photojim...

Oh, I'm in, too.

message 34: by Rossy (new)

Rossy (naughtybookjunkie) | 2192 comments Photojim wrote: "Rossy wrote:" ROFL~I know how you feel. If it wasn't because the commitment is one book in a month, i would pass on it myself. There's also the fun on trying something new; picked by someone else t... "

Yeah, i've gotten hooked there as well. Can't say i regret it.LOL

message 35: by Rossy (new)

Rossy (naughtybookjunkie) | 2192 comments Valerie, Amanda & Annie (a mad hamster)-Done!

Jim son of Jim (formerly PhotoJim) (jim_formerly_photojim) | 5294 comments Oh don't sweat it Annie. It's been insane work wise, some unexpected bills have cropped up, general surliness has invaded our lives, and I've been on an anti-series kick lately. It is just easier to get the monthly challenge done without series reads.

BTW, I picked up book two in the series from the library today. I certainly enjoyed it enough to rush right out and pick up the next one so it can't have been THAT painful.;-)

message 37: by Regina (new)

Regina Polli | 177 comments I`d like to try. It´ll be my first time.

I´m in.

message 38: by Mary E. (new)

Mary E. (jujjy) | 125 comments I feel you, Jim and Debbie. Amanda's January pick for me spawned a series shopping spree... bought books 2 & 3, and preordered book 4. Another reason I am thankful that my TBR "mountain" is on my Kindle. No danger of being crushed that way.;)

message 39: by Rossy (new)

Rossy (naughtybookjunkie) | 2192 comments Regina wrote: "I`d like to try. It´ll be my first time.

I´m in.

This challenge is perfect for beginners, i'm glad you can join us.

While we are only committed to one book, you can present a few options for the person you are chosen to pick for. That makes it a lot easier to find something they will like.

message 40: by booklovinrn (new)

booklovinrn | 346 comments Count me in.

message 41: by Julie (new)

Julie (juliedoe) Oh what the heck. Count me in!

I guess this means I'll need to work on updating my bookshelves a lot between now and the 29th.

message 42: by Gaijinmama (new)

Gaijinmama | 85 comments Count me in too, please!

message 43: by Rossy (new)

Rossy (naughtybookjunkie) | 2192 comments It's done ladies!

FYI. I made some changes to the challenge invitation, indicating to those that responded "Yes" to come to this thread. You can all disregard that as you are all signed in.

message 44: by Heather C (new)

Heather C (heathercook) Sign me up please

message 45: by Carrie (last edited Jan 23, 2010 05:15AM) (new)

Carrie  (icanhasbooks) | 939 comments Sure why not I'll try this challenge.

message 46: by [deleted user] (new)

I'm in.

message 47: by Tammy (new)

Tammy | 43 comments im in

message 48: by Rossy (new)

Rossy (naughtybookjunkie) | 2192 comments Done!

message 49: by Barbara ★ (new)

Barbara ★ | 3844 comments I'll give it a try.

message 50: by Jenn (new)

Jenn (angeleyednj) | 9 comments I would like to be in as well. Sounds very interesting.

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