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Break Room > Suggestion Box

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message 1: by Martin Lamb,Head Moderator (new)

Martin Lamb | 212 comments Mod
If you have any suggestions for topics please post here.

message 2: by Martin Lamb,Head Moderator (new)

Martin Lamb | 212 comments Mod
we need to invite more people. Spread the word!

message 3: by Martin Lamb,Head Moderator (new)

Martin Lamb | 212 comments Mod
Please participate in the discussions.

message 4: by Paul (new)

Paul Pellicci Hi Martin, I am trying to learn this system. You know, ol dogs, etc.
I find that not too many people are interested in what we are interested in. History is so facinating. When I was your age, I read poetry, art, and sci-fi.

Now I am interested in a subject I could't pass in school!

message 5: by Martin Lamb,Head Moderator (new)

Martin Lamb | 212 comments Mod
Hello Paul, yes i know history is unentertaining to some. I don't really find anybody my age to disccss history with. That why I created the group, in the hope that history lovers join. I wanted to have a relaxed atmosphere but with some basic structure for the group. My ambition is to have a great library filled with military and history books. I am slowly working my way to that goal.

message 6: by Paul (new)

Paul Pellicci with as many books as you devour, where do you get them? Personally I prefer hard cover books so I can save them for my grand children if they catch the bug.

message 7: by Martin Lamb,Head Moderator (new)

Martin Lamb | 212 comments Mod
I spend too much time at Barnes and Noble. I almost live in the military section. Picking out a book is hard for me. I like one book then I see another interesting title and so on. I also shop on Amazon.com. I prefer hardcover also becase they last longer and look professional in a library.

message 8: by Paul (new)

Paul Pellicci me too, I love Barnes and Noble. I don't buy there any more. I go to amazon and purchase used hard cover when I can. I also use there feature of sampling the book. In fact I checked out the book you recommended about Hitler and his mistakes. I have to go back to it tonight and read as much as possible for free.

message 9: by Martin Lamb,Head Moderator (new)

Martin Lamb | 212 comments Mod
I love buying used books from amazon. I kill time by browsing through the book online. The book on Hitler I bought in Barnes and Noble but they only had paperback available. Have you readMein KampfbyAdolf Hitler?I wanted to read it to get an idea of Hitler's mind-set.

message 10: by Míceál,Assistant Moderator - World War II History (new)

Míceál  Ó Gealbháin (miceal) | 35 comments Mod
When I'm off island (I live on an island) I enjoy exploring used book stores. I like to order new books from our local bookstores on the island (keep it local) and I find a lot of out of print and used books from Abebooks.com

message 11: by Martin Lamb,Head Moderator (new)

Martin Lamb | 212 comments Mod
Is there book quality good?

message 12: by Míceál,Assistant Moderator - World War II History (new)

Míceál  Ó Gealbháin (miceal) | 35 comments Mod
I've never been disappointed.

message 13: by Martin Lamb,Head Moderator (new)

Martin Lamb | 212 comments Mod
I'll have to try them then. I like to try new sites.

message 14: by Silvana (new)

Silvana (silvaubrey) a topic/thread on the best military historians, perhaps?

message 15: by Martin Lamb,Head Moderator (new)

Martin Lamb | 212 comments Mod
Ok, I'll start a thread. Would you post your recommendations?

message 16: by Silvana (new)

Silvana (silvaubrey) Will do.

I'd also like a thread on the battles during The Pacific War campaign, both land and sea. There are some great ones like Midway, Peleliu, the Solomon Island, Leyte Gulf, Saipan, Iwo Jima, etc.

message 17: by Martin Lamb,Head Moderator (new)

Martin Lamb | 212 comments Mod
I'll it put under World War II.

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