
YOU CHOOSE - ended Dec. 31, 2010 > Emily's YOU CHOOSE Challenge

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message 1: by Emily (new)

Emily | 53 comments I'm excited and a little scared to try this challenge but with so many unread books I could use the motivation and support. I've decided to just start with trying for 5 books from each category because 50 books seem like a lot.

message 2: by Emily (last edited Nov 02, 2010 03:26AM) (new)

message 3: by Emily (last edited Nov 02, 2010 02:47AM) (new)

Emily | 53 comments Read 5 books you have borrowed (from friends, family, the library) so you can return them and make room.
1.Dead to the WorldbyCharlaine Harris
2.Firefly LanebyKristin Hannah
3.Any Place I Hang My Hat: A NovelbySusan Isaacs
4.The Last SongbyNicholas Sparks
5.The Eyre AffairbyJasper Fforde

message 5: by Emily (last edited Aug 13, 2010 02:30AM) (new)

Emily | 53 comments Read 5 books that you have been dreading to tackle either due to reviews you have heard, content or the sheer length of them.

1.The Crimson Petal and the WhitebyMichel Faber
2.Les MiserablesbyVictor Hugo
3.Sheer AbandonbyPenny Vincenzi
4.The Divine Comedy: ParadisebyDante Alighieri
5.Anna KareninabyTolstoi L. N.

message 6: by Emily (last edited Aug 24, 2010 01:27PM) (new)

message 7: by Emily (last edited Oct 06, 2010 06:28AM) (new)

message 10: by Emily (last edited Sep 15, 2010 03:20AM) (new)

message 11: by Emily (last edited Nov 02, 2010 03:18AM) (new)

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