The Next Best Book Clubdiscussion

BookSwap/Adoption Program > A few for trade

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message 1: by Erika (last edited Aug 26, 2010 09:26PM) (new)

Erika (erikareading) I have a few books I want to get out of my house and would like to trade:

OutlanderbyDiana Gabaldon
One for the MoneybyJanet Evanovich
Dear JohnbyNicholas Sparks

All are mass market paperbacks. All are in okay used condition. The edges are slightly worn and the spines bent from reading.

I can ship to Canada and US (I live in Canada).

Let me know on this thread if you'd like to trade and what you have available. I would like to trade for similar condition books (I would feel bad taking a hardcover since they cost more money).

message 2: by Brenda (new)

Brenda Klaassen (librarymom23) What if I told you that I purchased the hardcover for $1 to $4 at a garage sale or off the "recycled" table at the local bookstore? I am really interested in reading "Outlander" and have not been able to find any readable recycled copies. I have the following hardcovers available for trade and it will not bother me at all to ship to Cananda (I do that all the time through )
I will totally understand if you really do not want a hardcover. Here's the list:
The Angels of Morgan Hillby Donna VanLiere
The Good Motherby Sue Miller
Fluke: Or, I Know Why the Winged Whale Singsby Christopher Moore
Things I Want My Daughters to Knowby Elizabeth Noble

message 3: by Elizabeth (new)

Elizabeth (bkreadr) | 1 comments Hi,

I am looking for Amityville Horror 3 by John G. Jones. I will gladly pay for shipping.

message 4: by Sue (new)

Sue Brenda wrote: "What if I told you that I purchased the hardcover for $1 to $4 at a garage sale or off the" recycled "table at the local bookstore? I am really interested in reading" Outlander "and have not been..."

Brenda wrote: "What if I told you that I purchased the hardcover for $1 to $4 at a garage sale or off the" recycled "table at the local bookstore? I am really interested in reading" Outlander "and have not been..."

Brenda - If you have not been able to find a copy of Outlander I have a perfectly good paper back version that I would be happy to send you.

message 5: by Sue (new)

Sue This is a great idea - I have so many books that I would love to give away. Way too many to list but would be happy to fill any "orders".

message 6: by Lori (new)

Lori Goldstein Sue wrote: "This is a great idea - I have so many books that I would love to give away. Way too many to list but would be happy to fill any" orders "."

I'm in the same boat as Sue with nearly 1,000 paperbacks and hard covers purchased mostly at library used book sale. Let me fill your orders too.

message 7: by Esther (new)

Esther (eshchory) | 574 comments I am on book mooch so all the books I want to give away are on myBookmoochable shelf.
I can't promise it is always up to date but I am just about willing to sent to anyone anywhere.

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