The Next Best Book Clubdiscussion

Diane's AtWi 80 books Challenge > Important News For the 2011/2012 Challenge!

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message 1: by Diane (last edited Sep 26, 2011 08:25AM) (new)

Diane  | 464 comments Our challenge is now expanding into its own Goodreads group! Be sure to come and check out all the new features and additional challenges. Please continue to chart your progress for the current challenge (2010/2011) here on TNBBC.

You can access the new group here:

Hope to see you there!

message 2: by Diane (new)

Diane  | 464 comments Bumping up

message 3: by Diane (new)

Diane  | 464 comments up

message 4: by Diane (new)

Diane  | 464 comments .

message 5: by Lori,Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10416 comments Mod
Congrats on expanding! I cannot wait to see how the group does for the 2011-2012 challenge...

Best of luck and thanks so much for all of your hard work with the challenge here! I know many a member joined specifically to be a part of it!

message 6: by Diane (last edited Oct 01, 2011 06:53AM) (new)

Diane  | 464 comments Lori wrote: "Congrats on expanding! I cannot wait to see how the group does for the 2011-2012 challenge...

Best of luck and thanks so much for all of your hard work with the challenge here! I know many a membe... "

Thank you!

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