The Next Best Book Clubdiscussion

Celebrating Goodreads Authors > Share the Love for the GR Authors with me!

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message 1: by Lori,Super Mod (last edited Dec 24, 2013 05:49AM) (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10416 comments Mod
Hi All.

I just created this folder because the more I think about it, the more I feel the (non-spamming) Goodreads Authors deserve a nod of appreciation and recognition!

Please feel free to post a thread here and give a shout out to a novel that you have read and loved that was written by an Offical Goodreads Author. It will help spread the word, and leads to endless possibilities when it comes to our To Buy and To Read lists!!

So whadaya say?
Post away.

And you never know, if you drum up enough love for the novel, and we get some copies read, I may be able to flex my super strong moderator muscles and invite them for an online chat here in the group!!!!!

This is not the place for authors to self-promote. Please do not place self promotional threads in this folder or they will be deleted.

message 2: by Emma (new)

Emma  Blue (litlover) | 2389 comments Maureen Johnson.

Sarah Dessen.

Maureen Johnson.

In the YA department. Maureen is awesome. And I love Dessen's writing!

message 3: by Lori,Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10416 comments Mod
Emma, can you link the names to their pages for us? If you click on the add book/author on the right side of the post, we will be able to click on thier names and check out thier work!

message 4: by Emma (last edited Oct 27, 2008 02:28AM) (new)

message 5: by Lori,Super Mod (last edited Oct 27, 2008 02:37AM) (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10416 comments Mod
Thanks Emma!

Oppps I mean (G)Emma!

message 6: by Emma (new)

Emma  Blue (litlover) | 2389 comments :D, Either one is fine by me!

message 7: by Sherry (new)

Sherry Steven HallAlthough I didn't find out that he was a GRs author until well after I had read his book it was awesome. Well worth the read.

AlsoDavid Mainehas written some wonderful books. I loved Fallen so much that I immediately went on line and ordered 2 others. Definitely worth checking out as well!

Susanna - Censored by GoodReads (susannag) | 1736 comments David Lisshas written a couple of historical mysteries that I've really enjoyed: A Conspiracy of Paper and A Spectacle of Corruption, both set in the London of about 1720.

Sylvia Engdahlwrote a pair of books I adored as a child - Enchantress from the Stars and The Far Side of Evil.

message 9: by Chloe (new)

Chloe (countessofblooms) | 1128 comments A goodreads author whose book I really enjoyed wasJeremy C. Shipp'sVacation.It was equal parts confusing, exciting, macabre and madcap. I'd recommend it for people who enjoy the inherent "what the hell?" of a Philip K. Dick book or the out-of-left-field absurdity of Chuck Palahniuk.

The author is super active on Goodreads too, so it probably wouldn't be at all difficult to set up a Q&A if we had enough people read it.

message 10: by Lori,Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10416 comments Mod
Logan, that is the author that takes Aliteration to the nth degree.... Ive seen the way he posts comments on peoples profiles. Fantastic Fun For Furry Frolicking Friends and all that great jazz.... hee hee

message 11: by Dorie (last edited Oct 27, 2008 08:34AM) (new)

Dorie (dorieann) | 430 comments Thanks for creating this space, Lori. Great idea. I want to give my shout-out to a new author who just released her first book.

Hannah Tinti

“The Good Thief” is about Ren, a young boy raised in a Catholic orphanage whose parentage is a mystery. Ren yearns for a family but no one wants to adopt a one-handed boy. One day a man shows up claiming Ren as his brother, and soon he is involved in small-time cons, thievery and grave-robbing adventures. I enjoyed this one and look forward to more books by Tinti.

message 12: by Kellie (new)

Kellie (acountkel) | 992 comments Charles Martin is a GR author.

Charles Martin

I've readWrapped in Rain: A Novel of Coming Home
Really liked it!

message 13: by Liz M (new)

Liz M I've seen a couple of posts mentioning and/or praising the Mary Russell series by goodreads authorLaurie R. King.Personally, I never could get into that series. Rather peculiar since I ADORE her Kate Martinelli books and foundFollyto be a fabulous read that I couldn't put down.

message 14: by Mandy (last edited Oct 27, 2008 09:11AM) (new)

Mandy I was lucky enough to receive a free copy ofFree StylebyLinda Nieves-Powelland lucky for me it's signed as well!

I really enjoyed reading this book and you can check out the blurb on the book yourself but I will include this sentence which sums it up nicely:

More than just a fun read, Free Style explores serious issues that women grapple with all the time - keeping romantic relationships alive, dealing with unexpected illness, single motherhoob, and the need to come to terms with the past.

message 15: by JG (Introverted Reader) (last edited Oct 27, 2008 10:22PM) (new)

JG (Introverted Reader) Chris Bohjalian--I've only readSkeletons at the Feast,but it was a really good WWII novel.

Neil Gaiman--If you love fantasy, you can't go wrong with this guy.

message 16: by Diane "Candy" (new)

Diane "Candy" Thompson (CandyThompson) | 2 comments Rowena Cherry is one I would recommend. Sci-Fi romance that is totally different. I just finished her Knight's Fork, very funny, witty. All the titles of her books are based on chess terms.

My sister Dawn Thompson. She wrote a bit of everything, Historical Suspense, Historical Paranormal, Historical Romance. She was a very beautiful writer.

I also love Deborah Macgillivray. She does great historcal romance and funny storys with cats in them.

There are so many here. I loved Down Home Ever Lovin' Mule Blue from Jacquie Rogers. This was a great pick me up! Very funny book.

message 17: by Kristie (new)

Kristie (spedkristie) I'm reading For the May Queen by Kate Evans.....Kate actually sent me the book. Started it today almost halfway done. Awesome book great character development

message 18: by Jeremy (new)

Jeremy (jeremycshipp) | 1 comments Thanks for spreading the word, Logan! I'm going on an online book tour next month, which will coincide with the release of my new book, SHEEP AND WOLVES. If there's interest, I could speak with my publisher about including The Next Best Book Club on my tour. I'd be happy to do a Q&A, or whatever would work best.

message 19: by Lori,Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10416 comments Mod
Jeremy, that is very generous of you!

message 20: by Kathy (new)

Kathy  (readr4ever) | 510 comments A new author that I am reading because of a give-away win is G.M. Malliet and her book, Death of a Cozy Writer. I am 3/4 of the way through and loving it, a great English manor mystery in the tradition of Agatha Christie. I don't compare to Agatha Christie lightly, as Christie was my first mystery love and remains my favorite.

message 21: by Kristin (new)

Kristin | 38 comments Lori,
I just found this topic. I think it is great!!! Now I am going to have to find out if what I am reading is by a goodreads author:) Thanks!!!


message 22: by Lori,Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10416 comments Mod
Kristin, well, anything we can do to support our fellow friends and members.... I have been reading quite a few goodreads authors lately, and some of their novels are quite unknown... and well, they were really good, and I felt they needed a lot more exposure....

message 24: by Lori,Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10416 comments Mod
Nancy, yeah.. glad to see you are planning to show Lance Carbuncle a little love!

message 25: by Andersen (new)

Andersen Prunty (andersenprunty) | 3 comments Thanks for the mention, Nancy! I really enjoyed Carbuncle's book, definitely check that out.

JG (Introverted Reader) I just noticed thatPaulo Coelhois a GR author. I've only read The Alchemist, but I loved it!

message 27: by Jeane (new)

Jeane (icegini) | 4891 comments It's years that I want to read something by Paulo Coelho but whenever I want to pick up one of his books, I get the feeling it won't be my kind of book.

message 28: by Atishay (new)

Atishay | 1451 comments I completely agree with you Jeane. I was pretty impressed with The Alchemist but now when I pick up any of his latest books and read the back cover, they just don't fit in.. there's always another option waiting on the shelf that takes over.

message 29: by Atishay (new)

Atishay | 1451 comments JG, the Alchemist was great, really magical. And this was just after I had read "The Grimus" by Salman Rushdie. The Alchemist was far far better.

message 30: by Jeane (new)

Jeane (icegini) | 4891 comments So if I ever do pick up one of his books, I better start with The Alchemist?

message 31: by Atishay (new)

Atishay | 1451 comments Right according to me because I've read only The Alchemist. Its a magical journey that defines what destiny. Do read it if you're in a bit of philosophical mood.

message 32: by Angela (new)

Angela | 1934 comments I really like Marisa de los Santos. She wrote Love Walked In (which I enjoyed) and Belong To Me (excellent).

message 33: by Kristie (new)

Kristie (spedkristie) I liked Veronika Decides to Die

JG (Introverted Reader) I agree, Atishay. I loved The Alchemist, but I've been afraid to pick up anything else. They just don't sound like my kind of books, like Jeane said.

message 35: by Atishay (new)

Atishay | 1451 comments The Alchemist was in fact so good that I still read some parts of it over and over.

message 36: by Corinne (new)

Corinne Liu | 4 comments I liked Black Out byLisa Unger,and Jessica Z. byShawn Klomparens(and there's a Lisa Unger quote on the cover of Jessica Z.)

message 37: by Suri (new)

Suri | 14 comments Sarah Dessen- She is an amazing author and i was so pleased when I figured out she was a goodreads author. I'm new to this site and it keeps getting better and better.

message 39: by Kate (new)

Kate (kathrynlouwca) | 423 comments I didn't know that Sarah Dessen was a GR author. She is amazing! I just read Someone like You and it was great!

message 40: by Erin (new)

Erin Quinn (erin_quinn) | 59 comments Cynthia, Jennifer Crusie is wonderful. She layers theme in her stories in such a fabulous way. Bet Me and Faking It are two of my favorites.

message 41: by Atishay (new)

Atishay | 1451 comments I started to read 'Brida' by Paulo Coelho and I think its a b'ful book. I plan to pick it up again.

P.S: Paulo Coelho is on GR.

message 42: by Melissa (new)

Melissa (sweetmelissa818) I agree with Kathryn,Someone Like Youwas amazing and I LOVESarah Dessen.Also, I can't forget to mention one of my favorite people (very devoted to her fans) and the wonderful author who shares my name,Melissa C. Walker.Also,Linda Gerber,and of course my latest favorite,Rebecca Woolf.

message 43: by Tricia (new)

Tricia Mcwilliams | 28 comments I didn't know Sarah Dessen was a GR author. I've only read Just Listen but I really liked it.

message 44: by Rowena (new)

Rowena (rowenacherry) | 52 comments Diane "Candy" Thank you very much for mentioning me. That is very kind of you to notice. I have been a GoodReads author for at least two years.

Nice to meet you!

Rowena Cherry

Knight's Fork by Rowena Cherry

message 45: by Jane (last edited Nov 26, 2008 06:37PM) (new)

Jane (jane_jones) | 51 comments I'm new to Goodread and don't know who all is here - SOme that I am familar with

Michael J. Sullivan
Neil Gaiman
Paulo Coelho

message 46: by Donitello (new)

Donitello Lori, this was SUCH a good idea! I've been trying to spread the word about a GR author since I read his book -- never thought to suggest this to you. I guess that's why you're the moderator and I'm not, ha! (That and a willingness to keep up with your online correspondence? How do you do that?)

Anyway, his name isDonald Gallinger,and the book isThe Master Planets.It only came out in September, and I'm DYING to discuss it with other readers. It's a real page-turner, but also has so much meat. And the prose is beautiful.

message 47: by Robin (last edited Dec 22, 2008 04:54AM) (new)

Robin (robinsullivan) | 997 comments I would highly recommend:
Sons of Avalon: Merlin's Prophecyby Good Reads AuthorDee Marie
Wife of GR author:Michael J. Sullivan|The Crown Conspiracy(10/08) |Avempartha(04/09)

message 48: by IUHoosier (new)

IUHoosier | 32 comments GR authors I'd like to recommend:

Dana Stabenow- the author lives in Alaska and writes a mystery series starring Kate Shugak, a woman living alone in a subsistence lifesyle. Start with the first one,A Cold Day for Murder: A Kate Shugak Mysteryand fall in love with the scenery while getting hooked by the mystery.

Jennifer Crusie- writes romance novels that are laugh out loud funny. Start withMan HuntingorWelcome to Temptation.Those are my two favorites from her, but I've yet to read one of hers that I don't like.

message 49: by Robin (new)

Robin (robinsullivan) | 997 comments Just read through this list - Saw you added my hubby Jane - Thanks -- and how is the reading going - I noticed you have started it.

The Crown Conspiracy(Oct 2008) -Fantasy Book Critic Review|Avempartha(April 2009)

message 50: by Eric (last edited Dec 01, 2008 09:50PM) (new)

Eric | 382 comments Hey guys, make sure you don't skip overJ.A. Konrath.He writes the Jack Daniels mystery series and I love them. They are a serious detective/murder mystery with just a hint of humor, at times. So far, the series is only 5 books in and 4 of them are in paperback, so now is a good time to jump in.
Whiskey Sour Jack Daniels Mystery Book 1
Bloody Mary Jack Daniels Mystery Book 2
Rusty Nail Jack Daniels Mystery Book 3
Dirty Martini Jack Daniels Mystery Book 4
Fuzzy Navel Jack Daniels Mystery Book 5

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