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message 1: by Zakiya (last edited Feb 12, 2012 11:05PM) (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) Welcome to Million Pages' first-ever readathon!!

Week-long Readathon:Feb 18th (12 am) thru Feb 24th (11:59 pm)
Day-long Readathon:Feb 18th (12 am - 11:59 pm)

~Technically, there arent' any rules whatsoever, except for you to have fun!

Breaking It Down(these are supposed to look like bullet points):
~You can read towards a goal of books, pages, hours, or any combination of the three. Aim for what will help you with challenges, or make a goal that IS a challenge!
~~You can keep track of what you read by writing the exact minutes down on paper, like I do, or you can just estimate from the time you start reading to the time you stop and write that down. Either way is up to you.
~This will be the topic where you can post your reading progress and discuss with others about what they're reading.
~At the end of the readathon (week-long), I will create a topic where all our participants can post their summaries of what they accomplished during the time period. (If you only participate in the day-long readathon, you can still post your summaries in that topic; I'll try to have it up early so that you can.)

Coming Soon:
~After our first two or three readathons, I will hopefully see enough participants to intrigue me to make mini-challenges to go along with the readathons. You all are welcome to suggest any ideas you have when the time comes (I'll post a topic).

If you have any questions, ask below!

message 2: by Zakiya (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) As of right now, my goal will be to finish 3 books and at least 1000 pages.

message 3: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer (ace_librarian) I am so down for a readathon! Though because of my work schedule that week, I'll be doing great if I can finish 2 books. But we will see! =D

message 4: by Zakiya (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) Well I'm glad you're going to be participating!! I think this will help all of us tremendously with our 12x12 challenge!:D

message 5: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer (ace_librarian) Agreed!

message 6: by Zakiya (last edited Jan 29, 2012 03:53PM) (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) ;) I wish it was closer, but I know that I wouldn't have the time if it was any closer. Bummer.

message 7: by Vera (new)

Vera (verareads) | 123 comments I want to participate too. Sounds like fun.I want to try for 2 books also and see how it goes.

message 8: by Zakiya (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) Welcome, Vera!:)

message 9: by Aneeqah (new)

Aneeqah | 227 comments I'm totally in for this! I'm excited already. =) I think my goal will be 5 books, even though that seems a little high, I think I can do it!

message 10: by Zakiya (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) Yeah, I think my goal will be raised by the time the readathon actually gets here. 5 books seems better to me:)

message 11: by Shauna (new)

Shauna Mckelly (mathyoda) | 175 comments I'm in! Not sure if I'll be able to read as much during a work week as I would if it were during summer vacation when I don't have as many students to work with, but we'll see! My goal is to finish a book from my TBR list.

message 12: by ★Meghan★ (last edited Jan 30, 2012 12:01PM) (new)

★Meghan★ (starinheaven) | 1455 comments I am in too!!! I finished 4 books this past week during another readathon so I think I will go for 5 this time and 750 pages at least.

message 13: by Zakiya (last edited Jan 30, 2012 11:00PM) (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) Woohoo! I finished 4 as well, Meg:)

Good luck, Shauna!

message 14: by Stacie (new)

Stacie (shorty_320) | 138 comments So excited that the week chosen for the readathon coincides with a week that I will have (aside for one day) off from work!! I'm sure I can get a ton read! (And for my fellow SRC members, try to get the challenge finished!)

message 15: by Zakiya (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) Woohoo! I'm glad that worked out for you, Stacie!

message 16: by Roseann (new)

Roseann | 51 comments I'm in, but I don't know how much I will get done as the class I am mentoring ends on the 22nd and I have a report due on the 21st. I'll try for 5 books.

message 17: by ★Meghan★ (new)

★Meghan★ (starinheaven) | 1455 comments All right! I am trying to plan for next week. I think I have at least 4-5 books to read/finish...Hopefully I will be able to do it. I am hoping to finish at least 2 this week.

message 18: by Zakiya (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) Woohoo! I'm so glad to see that we have several people participating!

The Day-long readathon date has been voted on, and it will beSaturday, February 18th.Get those books ready!

message 19: by Aneeqah (new)

Aneeqah | 227 comments Yay, we have less than a week left! I need to plan what I'm reading...

message 20: by Zakiya (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) Same here, Aneeqah! Being that I haven't read anything on my February reading list, I'll probably just pick four or five off of it.

message 21: by Shauna (last edited Feb 13, 2012 10:38AM) (new)

Shauna Mckelly (mathyoda) | 175 comments I just came up with an absurd challenge idea for myself. I will attempt to read the entire Harry Potter series in one week. Just the thought of it gives me butterflies, 'cause I will be working too! We'll see what happens.

Several of the Harry Potter books are on my list already as rereads, and I am currently reading the other book I was going to use for this readathon in the first place. I think I will need all of my Irish luck to pull this off!

message 22: by Zakiya (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) Good luck, Shauna! If you finish that challenge, you will forever be my reading inspiration.:)

message 23: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie (Reading is Better With Cupcakes) (imjustcupcake) | 233 comments I'm going to go with pages read. I've been in a HORRIBLE reading funk this month.. maybe this will help me get out of it. I will aim for 750 pages.

message 24: by Megan L (new)

Megan L Harnett | 195 comments This sounds like fun. I am in for 5 books and at least 750 pages. My hubby is out of town all week so I will be reading up a storm! I can't wait!

message 25: by Zakiya (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) Woohoo! Good luck to everyone! Saturday will be here before we know it:D

message 26: by Christine (new)

Christine (cdunbar) | 113 comments I'm in, although I don't know how much I'll be able to read between work and the boyfriend being off from work all week (he tends to demand my attention a lot when he's bored *sigh*). For right now, my goal is 2 books or at least 500 pages, whichever comes first.

Amy ~Lover of Books~ | 526 comments I haven't been reading much lately because of some stuff, but this will give me an excuse to push myself to going back into the swing of reading!

message 28: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie H (stephy711) | 47 comments That's going to be the first week at a new job. Not sure how well I'll manage a read-athon that week, but the goal is 3 books oor 800 pages

message 29: by Lori (new)

Lori Goldstein Will go the route as others and go for pages or number of books. I'd say 500 pages or 3 books at least.

However I do have a question I'm in the middle of 3 different books so will I count them if I finish any once the read a thon starts?

message 30: by Stacie (new)

Stacie (shorty_320) | 138 comments Well, I ended up having to work on saturday, so I'm not sure how much reading will get done that day, but I have a stack of nine books that I'm trying desperately to finish before the end of the month, of I'll be working my way through those!

message 31: by Zakiya (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) Lori wrote: "Will go the route as others and go for pages or number of books. I'd say 500 pages or 3 books at least.

However I do have a question I'm in the middle of 3 different books so will I count them if... "

Yes! I look for dates that you finished the books, not when you started them:). And if you don't put the dates, I won't go ballistic or anything; it's completely up to you to put the dates or not. But yes, you can count the books toward the read-a-thon if you finish them before it ends.

message 32: by [deleted user] (new) goal will be to finish all three on the books that are on my currently-reading shelf.

Not sure if I'll be able to do it, but I'm going to try.

message 33: by Erin (new)

Erin | 34 comments I think I will finish the two books that I recently started and a third that I will start sometime during the week.

message 34: by Shay (new)

Shay | 862 comments As of this time,I am 7 books behind on my GR Challenge for 2012. (400 books is my goal) My goal is to be caught up by the end of the read-a-thon.

message 35: by ★Meghan★ (new)

★Meghan★ (starinheaven) | 1455 comments I am glad to see so many participants! I will make sure a progress thread goes up sometime tonight.

message 36: by Angela (new)

Angela B | 407 comments hmmmmmmmm my goal will be one book between tomorrow and the 24th...and with a new baby I think thats a bit optimistic! Fun idea back when I was ohh 16 or so I would have rocked this!

message 37: by Melissa (last edited Feb 18, 2012 09:59AM) (new)

Melissa T (melissasmidnightmusings) Hmm I've been in a reading slump lately but maybe this will help jumpstart me. I'll go for 3 books or 600 pages.

Mine is going to be for the week.

message 38: by Lindy-Lane (last edited Feb 25, 2012 11:46PM) (new)

Lindy-Lane (moonbacklit) | 279 comments I'll aim for 1,200 pages (for the week-long).

1,143/1,200 pages read; Updated 2/25/12(Missed my goal by 57 pages)

Attended a Picture Book Read-a-Thon this weekend for my job. Read 465 picture book pages. Will continue to post updates as I read along.

Harvest HomebyThomas Tryon401 pages(2.19)

Unfavorable OddsbyKim Hamilton Anthony277 pages(2.21)

message 39: by Aneeqah (new)

Aneeqah | 227 comments I'm going to go for 5 books, and 1,200 pages. It's going to be tough, but I hope I can manage to do it!

message 40: by Zakiya (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) Remember that, if you want, you can keep up with your goal for the week, and maybe set a goal for the day-long as well!!:)

Meghan-- I think I posted in msg 1 that they could use this as the Progress thread.

message 41: by ★Meghan★ (new)

★Meghan★ (starinheaven) | 1455 comments Haha it has been awhile since I checked this. So I forgot to double check that!

message 42: by Aneeqah (new)

Aneeqah | 227 comments Zakiya- That's a really great idea! I think my goal for the day-long readathon will be 500 pages. =)

message 43: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer (ace_librarian) Okay, my new goal is this:

Finish the two books I started this week, plus get through at least one of the ebooks I need to read for review, and get a chunk of Great Expectations read.

so....we'll say at least 750 pages. Yup!

Unfortunately, I have to work an 8 hour shift tomorrow, so I won't really have a chance to read a lot, so I won't make a day-long goal. but I do get to meetVanessa Diffenbaughtomorrow! And get her to sign my copy of The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh !I am excited.

2 hours until lift off! LET'S READ!

message 44: by Vicki (new)

Vicki (The Wolf's Den) (thewolfsden) | 1 comments I'll be going for 4 books... Keeping fingers crossed;)

message 45: by Christine (new)

Christine (cdunbar) | 113 comments So far...

ReadBeauty in the Beastby Christine Danse

90 pages

message 46: by Angela (new)

Angela B | 407 comments I "cheated" and started a day early so will stop a day early but I got a chance to read a lot n couldn't pass up adding that into my readathon

message 47: by ★Meghan★ (last edited Feb 19, 2012 08:05PM) (new)

★Meghan★ (starinheaven) | 1455 comments I think I will do a progress like I did for another Read-a-thon.

Day One
The Mediator: Volume 1 - Shadowland & Ninth KeybyMeg Cabot(202-322)
Then Came YoubyJennifer Weiner(41 min)
1984byGeorge Orwell(11-?)
The SurgeonbyTess Gerritsen(18-?)
HalobyAlexandra Adornetto(180-?)

Books Finished:1Pages Read:120Minutes Listened:41

All Week:
Then Came You by Jennifer Weiner byJennifer Weiner(41 min)

Total Minutes:41

message 49: by Megan L (new)

Megan L Harnett | 195 comments Read-a-thon

Books finished:1
Number of pages read358

1.One Grave at a TimebyJeaniene Frost- 2/18/12 - 358 pages

message 50: by Meagan (new)

Meagan (meaganmarble) | 80 comments I'm going to jump in a little late, but I'd like to read 750 pages for this readathon!

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